Do you ever wonder about what The Most High has in store for your life?
I’ve been thinking about Yah’s plans for me A LOT lately. If you’re already following me on Facebook (Just started a new page) You might have seen the personal story that I shared about how I decided to leave my depressing day job and – with my husband’s support and approval – do music and creative projects full time here at Set Apart Heart. (More music & motivation for YOU – Yay!)
It’s a huge leap of faith, but I know that if I don’t do this now, BEFORE we start a family, I may never have the opportunity to give my all to this purpose again. Is there anything in your life that you wish you could give more of your time to? Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Do you feel like you could be doing more work for the kingdom? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Last weekend I went out for a long walk and I started thinking about where we are as a people, and how much healing still needs to take place from all the trauma of the last 400 years. I really wanna do something about it – even if it’s just through a few songs. I randomly took some pictures and video while I was thinking out loud. There’s also some music in the video for you. It’s “Let This Mind” from my album “Peace of Mind” I hope you enjoy the video, and that it inspires you to keep moving forward on your journey with Yah.
‘For I know the plans I am planning for you,’ declares יהוה, ‘plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and an expected end.
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 29:11
So next Friday will be my last day at my full time day job. I know that not everyone has the luxury of taking such a huge leap of faith – but tell me in the comments what you would like to be doing more of – regardless.
It’s ok if you’re not a signer or a speaker. Maybe you’d like to spend more time in prayer and really tune in to what Yah is guiding you to. Maybe it’s more time reaching out or listening to others who look like they need a listening ear? Maybe it’s something as simple as smiling at your neighbours? Or making an effort to reconnect with a long lost friend or someone in your family? If each one of us makes an effort to do something as a witness, a real live personal human being witness, we’ll be one step closer to the kingdom.
‘“You are My witnesses,” declares יהוה, “And My servant whom I have chosen, so that you know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no Ěl formed, nor after Me there is none.’ Yeshayah (Isaiah) 43:10
Let’s continue this convo in the comments below.
It’s always great to hear from you – even if it’s just to say shalom 🙂
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Thank you for sharing your encouragement. Been going through a lot I really needed to hear this. Hope you are well and safe with Yah. Im not going to give up my walk with Yah and His son Yahusha shalom.
Shalom Veronica! I’m so glad you feel encouraged… stay the course sis.
Thank you again for the encouraging words. I have not been working since February of this year. I have exhausted my savings but Yah is keeping all my bills paid as agreed. I am not stressed as a matter of fact I have have a sense of Shalom because I know Yah is in control.
Thank you again and I am so happy that you are able to continue with your music. I look forward to more beautiful songs. Have a blessed Shabbat you and your new hubby.
Gwendolyn …Thank you for sharing.. that is an amazing testimony. Yahuah is REAL and always on time. Aren’t you glad He’s got your back? I pray that exactly what you need and want career wise comes your way soon. And thank you for the encouraging words! Shabbat shalom and Yah bless you as well. Especially during this time.
Shabbat Shalom, todah rabbah, All Praises to the Most High Yahuah. Every time I think Hes forgotten about me He reminds me He will never leave me or forsake me. Times get so rough, this morning I was singing let this mind be in you, and to see this tonight, has been a blessing for my soul Todah rabbah Yah for His Ruach ha Kodesh keeping us on one accord. Todah rabbah for our ha Mashiach Yahushua. Shalom
Wow… all praise to Yahuah Most High. Yahuah echad – Yahuah is one. And His Ruach is always working in us. He will never forget you Sarah! “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” Isaiah 49:15 I’m really glad that this came right on time for you sis. Yahuah never fails. Let’s keep on looking up!!
Hadarah thank you so much. I really needed to hear your words of encouragement. May Yah baruk and order your steps as you trust Him
I’m really glad to hear these turned out to be words you needed… stay encouraged and keep looking up! May Yah Baruch you as well 🙂
Shalom Sis
This is a on time message! Need to spend more time with Yah to hear more clearly! Shema – help me -Yah -Hear and Do!
Thank you Hadarah for posting this message 💓
I feel you Monica… I pray Yahuah’s will is made clear for your life. Yes, Shema Israel. Sending love!
Shalom Hadarah,
It’s always good to read your emails and blog posts. How interesting that I have music your music on my phone. I keep it on shuffle. On my way to work this morning I was thinking 🤔 about this very thing: “What is Yah’s plan for me?” I turned on my radio & hit media to play the songs. The first song that played was “Let this Mind.” It stayed with me all day. I’m trusting Yah to bring his plan to fruition in my life.
May Yahuah continue to bless you & your husband in your union. Waiting with anticipation to hear Yah inspired music from you.
Wow Yvette… that’s Yahuah. May He continue to lead and guide us all! Yah bless you and yours as well … and I’m glad you’re looking forward to the new music. I’m looking forward to being back at it again too 🙂 Shabbat shalom!
Hadarah, stay in the spirit of the word, because it’s strength for you and for us all. I pray we will have the right words to say toward each other whenever it’s needed. Shalom
Yes I agree Kemosabe. The Word is Yah in the flesh and the written word is filled with the strength of His spirit too. We have to drink this in daily and let it overflow. I pray Yah will continue to lead and guide us all. Thanks for the encouraging words!
I am praying for you as you exercise your amunah! I too am praying that Yahuah will release me from my job so that I can focus on the music ministry he has given me and the work that He has for me to do! Let’s pray for one another as we seek Yah’s plan for our lives.
Praise Yahuah – yes let’s press into Yahuah! May His precious will be done!! There much work to do.
it’s the one on one connection i truetype believe that!!!
i recently took a HUGE leap of faith moved out of my neighborhood and i’m following Yah’s voice and i know he will provide us a new place but everything around me is doubt & my husband is not having faith anymore i feel scared but i need your prayers…have a blessed day
Thanks for sharing Jesse. Let Yah’s word be your eyes when you can’t see. Hebrews 11:1 says Belief is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of what is not seen…. and remember His word is a lamp to your feet and a light unto you path (Psalms 119:105) so you only need to muster up enough faith to believe He will show you the next step. I pray that you and your husband will keep looking up to Yahuah. His ways are higher than our ways. He has a plan. Press on in and stay connected to Him.
Shalum Hadarah,
Thank you for the continuous encouragement through your words and music. I am beginning to think you are living in the closet at my home (smile). But this is just a testimony to how great the Yah of Yashraal is, how if we allow Him to use us He will. Todah sister for you allowing Him to use you to bring forth the right words at the right time. Especially when I think I am alone and no one else could possibly understand what I am going through. When examining and analyzing myself and my life before Him, I had that same question about my purpose and Yah’s plan for my life exactly 40 days ago. Now it’s time for me to act out my faith in Him Emunah(faith) which will lead me to leave my job permanently, and even move to another state and using the skills He has given me to help others. Just seeing that others also are exercising faith is encouraging. It reminds me that Yah is moving me towards my purpose and towards Him, to trust Him in every aspect of my life, for me to repent and turn from my doubt and unbelief. Reading through the comments I am reminded that faith without works is dead.
Without faith, it is impossible to please Him: for he who comes to Elohim has to believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him.” Ibrim (Hebrews)11:6. Todah & Shalum.
He most definitely is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him – AbiYah I don’t know your situation but I know Yahuah’s in control, and He is the one who you must follow. So do what Yah tells you to do and press in closely to let Him lead and guide. May Yah’s blessing go before you, make your path straight, and may He give you peace as you trust in Him 🙂
Yah uses whomever He chooses to reach His people to bring encouragement, healing, deliverance, and whatever else is needed to bring them to the fullness of what He created them to be. He is faithful to complete that which He has started. All praises to the Most High. HalleluYah!
HalaluYah 🙂 May Yah continue to use us all!
You are such an inspiration, thank you! Your message came at the right time. I know and feel in my heart there is a purpose for me. I have been wondering what Yah has and wants me to do. Pray for me that I hear his voice. Shalom my sister.
Praise Yahuah… May He lead and guide as you continue to seek His face. I pray His will for your life be clearly shown 💕
Shalum Sis! Thank you for your very encouraging heartfelt words. I’ve been seeking Yahuah more and he’s been revealing so much truth in this season. He’s been using me to encourage others who have reached out to me to share his truth and I’ve been so encouraged and uplifted by them. HalaluYah!!!!🙌💕
That’s wonderful news Kim 🙂 praise Yahuah! Glad to hear you’re doing so well sis 💕💕
Shalum achuth and the family. I am inspired by the call of this post, me too I have been meditating on these matters. The scripture teaches that there is time for everything, I believe the ruach has poured this upon us all because it is time we focused on that aspect of our faith and head towards the course of our calling.
Back in 2011, when I first joined the truth life, when the truth seemed to be at odds with my job at the bank, I decided to quite immediately. When I look back, I thank Yahuah, because it played a foundation for strength in all the situations I face up with in this walk. I admire you sis for what you have done for your faith, not only yours, but ours as well. I am looking forward to much more that the father is going to use you to help his servants attain the state of purity he wants for us to be good for him. This came in the right time in deed. I have recently been told by a voice that spoke softly in my ear the other night, that I must pray for understanding. I will, from now on, focus my prayer more, not only on my sins and iniquity, but also on my purpose and plan, and what the father wants me to do for him in his kingdom. May he help us all myshpachah.
Praise Yahuah – thanks for sharing Dytsah… I’m really glad to hear this made an impact and that you’re planning to focus in on your purpose for the Kingdom as well. Praise Yahuah… may His Kingdom swiftly come.
I am especially touched by the part of your speech where you mention that it is the impact that we make on others on our one on one connexions that counts. I never thought of it this way, I have indeed adopted it to my daily meditations. It is a very important point, and strength comes from getting it right. Thank you
For real – that’s the heart of it all right there. We don’t need a huge platform in order to make an impact. Let’s each one reach one. And should Yah happen to give us larger influence, then prayerfully he keeps us humble and ready for the responsibility. But truly, the most desirable thing is to know that the ones closest to us somehow were able to see even a little bit of the truth and the Light. May Yahuah’s will be done in and through us all.
Thank you Hadarah for your inspiration and music! Continue to do what you do! May Yah continue to bless you and yours! Shalom!
Praise Yahuah – James I’m glad you feel inspired. Keep on looking up!
Shalom Sis, such a warm spirit you have. I encourage you as you embark onto a journey of full-time ministry of Kingdom work. I know that your decision was guided by the Ruach Ha Kodesh. So Yahweh has already gone before you and made the croocked places straight, for YOU. HalleluYah! You’re indeed walking in your purpose, ON purpose.. I took a leap of faith several years ago to a career shift. Although it wasn’t Kingdom work, at the time, Yahweh still graciously showed me favor and allowed the light of Yahshua to shine through me onto others. It was there that he called me BACK to him. He gave me the desires of my heart for that particular season because he had to mold me, shape me, transform me, prepare me, humble me for the NEXT! Lately, I’ve been encouraged to write songs of praise while in the valley. To Yah be the glory! Much love. Yah bless.
Dominique, thank you so much for sharing… your testimony is encouraging! Let’s all continue to seek Yah in all we say and do. Let’s allow Him to lead us all the way home.
I started searching for Truth in 2013 and prayed for Yah to give me wisdom and knowledge and to show me what He wants me to see. Wow, He did and still does. Have faith and ask, for you shall receive. Two months ago He led me to you and your website and I must say that it is wonderful to see Yah in your sweet sweet smile, your words of encouragement, and your set-apart beautiful music. Praise YAH!!!
My husband and I volunteer at a food pantry. We deliver food bags once a month to shut-ins, who are for the most part, elderly. What a blessing these people are to us! After retiring from teaching elementary children (all grades K-6 with the exception of 3rd), I wanted to tutor children, but now I clearly see that Yah had different plans for me. Please pray that I will continue to glorify Him and share His TRUTH as I get stronger in my walk. I recently shared His name, Yah, with one of the elderly ladies. I’m not sure how she felt about it, but I felt great afterwards. Praise Yah! We as His servants prayerfully plant the seed He wants us to plant, but we must remember that sanctification comes from Yah for those who want to find out how to water that seed.
Thanks for sharing Linda, teaching and tutoring children is a beautiful thing 🙂 my husband is a school teacher too. Remember Yah can lead you in many ways, and some of us are able to do more than one type of ministry at once depending on what it is. Seek Yahuah closely and let him lead and guide. 💕💕💕
Shalom Sister,
Praise Yahuah for the encouraging words. As usual he is always on time.Thank you for being obedient to him.Continue to bring joy to him and his people.
Praise Yahuah, Emma I’m glad you feel encouraged. Keep on looking up!! And yes I will definitely continue to share. Yah’s will be done – There will be more music soon.
All I can do is keep praying for Yah to help me be who and what HE sent me to this world to be.
By the way I’m using my alternate email address rather than
Stay blessed young woman for your talent is a gift to many.
Shalom Ms Sharon, yes keep on praying and keep trusting in Yahuah. He has plans for us and He will lead and guide all the way. Sending lots of love your way.
I feel blessed with the words Yah is putting in your for the sake of His lost children,what you doing and every words of encouragement you writing are truly a gift from the Most High…shalom Hadarah
Praise Yahuah… i’m so glad you’re feeling encouraged! Yah bless you 🙂
Yahweh is with you Hadarah. What I have always desired to do is be a pastoral counselor and help people to learn and understand the scriptures to help them learn how to walk with God through the Bible and solve their issues circumstances and situations in life. If in work, I would also desire being a workplace chaplain.