It amazes me just how much division there is over The Truth. There are reportedly over 41,000 Christian denominations in existence today. Does anyone else think that’s crazy? 41 THOUSAND. WHY??? What baffles me the most is that everyone is reading the same book. Yes there are many different versions of “The Bible” on the market today but for the most part – everyone is reading the same book and yet there are SO many different groups and religions -all of them claiming to have the truth. And it’s not just Christians who have this problem. There are Orthodox Jews, Reformed Jews, Jews for Jesus…. What’s up with that? Every religion is divided.
This is one of the main reasons why I reject religion and embrace teachings that actually follow The Scriptures. In my personal study I’ve come to recognize there is no need for all these religions. Religion is man made. It’s a facade; Rituals and doctrines that make us feel better about ourselves. If we would simply take the time to study and understand that there is unity in the scriptures – from Genesis to Revelation – Our lives would be more meaningful and the world would be a better place.
For all those who love their religion, I ask you to take some time to ask yourself questions about the basics. We claim to have a relationship with our Creator, and we say He is our friend, but why don’t we call Him by His name? A person’s name is the first thing we learn about them when we want to connect in real life. Is there anyone in your life that you have a meaningful relationship with, and you still don’t know their name?
I shared the thoughts below with a few friends on Facebook the other day. There’s an interesting parallel between the two following verses and WHO spoke them, and when….
Notice the connection? The first verse is from what many call The New Testament. We see love, we see commandments, and we see the person speaking saying that they are “MY commandments”. The second verse is from what many call The Old Testament. We see love, we see commandments, and again we see the person speaking saying that they are “MY commandments”. WHO is that person? Do we really know Him?
“There is one Lawgiver and Judge, who is able to save and to destroy…” James 4:12
Think about that for a minute.
There is one Lawgiver and that same Lawgiver is able to save you. Who is your Saviour? Do you really know who He is?
There is unity in the scriptures. We HAVE to study the beginning of the book before we can even BEGIN to understand the ending. Over time we’ll explore more of these ideas together but for now, let’s get to the music. I wrote the song in the video below at the end of April 2014. The Lyrics are based on the verses that surround Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Yashra’al: Yahuah our Alahiym, Yahuah is one!” You can read the whole passage below, but I do encourage you to spend time in the scriptures on your own.
Click & Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9
I pray you enjoy listening to the music in the video below. I hope it inspires to you study more scriptures and leads you to draw closer to Yahuah. Your religion can’t save you. Your family can’t save you. Your preachers and your teachers can’t save you either. Come and meet the Lawgiver of Love.
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
I absolutely LOVE this song! TodahYAH for it and for you. : )
Praise Yahuah… Im so glad you’re enjoying the music Emet 🙂 Halaluyah….
I was just on Facebook and heard you for the first time. You are a shining example of your artistry mixing perfectly with your faith in Yahuah. You have more than a song…you have a message! One that will endure through the end of time. I can hear our King Yahusha say, “Hadarah, my child, sing that one again”. Blessings beloved.
Halaluyah… thanks for writing Jeff! Such encouraging words you’ve shared 🙂 I appreciate you… and there will be more music coming very soon… I’m glad you’re enjoying what you’ve heard so far!
Hello my sister I went on my first spiritual journey into nature today your video on Christianity saved me from getting more seeds from the enemy planted in me thought i was doing things right I prayed every night and wrote positive music I saw spiritual things and yet I was tricked the enemy saw my love for music and used it to distract me from serving YAHUAH gradually picking me apart and a servent of YAHUAH Showed me I was no longer following the way I should be in your video about why you left Christianity I cried when you said how can you be in a relationship if you don’t know his name it made me think who am I searving when you said YAHUAH, and YAHUSHA, Name the first time it was the happiest moment of my life on my venture out into nature YAHUAH told me where to go and who and what to avoid I listened to your music the whole way out there I was broken and crying before I even got to my destination , I am now learning Paleo Hebrew and I’m Going to give everything to him and cut out everybody and everything that’s not of him I will not invite demons into my house since I live in an apartment and my roommate invites spiritual things into here all of the time no one is to come into my room what so ever it is a place of worship I am thankful for you my sister I stopped writing music for now because if it has any of me in it my flesh it has been desecrated I will only sing and write to worship and praise him. Shalom I hope I spelt it write.
Hi Martin, i’m glad to hear that you’re on this journey too! Continue on 🙂 Let’s keep looking up to Yahuah!! Shabbat Shalum when it comes in 🙂
Hello my name is Melissa and I’m new to all of this & am truly looking for the truth & praise be to Yahuha that my eyes are now open & desperate to have a personal relationship with Yahusha my allayim. I’m not sure that I spelled the names correctly but please get in touch with me & help me in my spiritual journey?? Melissa Garrett & thank you
Hi Melissa, welcome to Set Apart Heart 🙂 I’m glad that you’re looking for the truth! We are all learning and growing together… Feel free to check out the resources here on the blog We will stay in touch, I see your emails from yesterday 🙂