Shalom Mishpacha, it’s Hadarah. I hope you’re doing well!
When things in life come up that you find you just can’t control, we all know you only have a couple of options. You can get stressed and try to solve things on your own, or you can relax, find quiet moments of shalom, and trust that Yahuah will have His way. I’m assuming that since you’re reading this blog, it’s quite likely you prefer the later.
Me too 🙂
Stress is never fun. We can always find peace of mind by trusting in the word of Yah and walking in faith. Finding ourselves in a mental space that allows our faith to grow makes all the difference in the world. Daily, I’m taking steps in my own personal life to continue growing in all the areas that need more attention. The garden is one of my most beloved places to find quiet and peace of mind.
It brings me SO much joy to share some of the quiet peaceful moments that I find in the garden with you. I hope these moments will help you find more peace of mind and balance too. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
I pray the music in the background of this video and the images on the screen will help you to feel more calm and connected to Yahuah, no matter what you’re going through right now. The song is called Have Your Way from the album Yahuah Acoustics Vol 2. You can find it, and other music that I’ve previously recorded right here.
Enjoy the video below!
“For יהוה shall comfort Tsiyon, He shall comfort all her waste places. For He makes her wilderness like Ěḏen, and her desert like the garden of יהוה. Joy and gladness are found in it, thanksgiving and the voice of song.’
Isaiah 51:3
Yah bless and keep you through all the ups and downs in your life. Yah is good and His mercy endures forever! If you read the personal story on my last post, quick update, things are going well and I’m seeing progress in all areas. May the goodness of Yahuah follow us all as we continue to walk in truth. We can talk more down in the comments! Let’s continue to encourage one another to reach our personal and spiritual goals, as we grow day by day in Yahuah.
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Nice song thank you
Praise Yah… I pray you’re well Yosepha! Stay blessed 🙂
HalleluYah! Todah rabah! May Abba Yahuah continue to guide our steps, in Yahusha’s name
AzaniYah, I pray Yah continues to guide you as well 😌 have a wonderful day!
Such a peaceful and pretty song.
May your heart continue to be pure in the sight of our father may he continue to bring the souls of all the brothers together. Be always comforted our beloved sister. YAHUAH and his son bless you.
Thanks for the encouraging words Eric 😌 Yah bless you too.
Thank You ❤️! May you all be blessed Of YAH in the highest and filled with unconditional love and joy.
Yah bless you too Marlo 😌 let’s keep on looking up!!
You started me on this path of awakening! Thank you
Such a peaceful, beautiful, blessed song of praise of Yahweh. Thank you for sharing beloved sister in Yahweh. May Yah bless you and you’re dear family…
Yah bless you too Pieter 😌 I’m glad you enjoyed the music! Praise Yah.
Thank you for sharing your heart with Israel. May Yahuah continue to be your strength in time of trouble.
Thank you Annie 😌 May Yahuah continue to strengthen us all 🤗
So beautiful, your voice refreshing singing to The Most High. Thanks for sharing
Praise Yah! May He continue to refresh us all. Have a great day Angela 🙂
Praise Yahuah for His mercies and compassionate nature that never fails. In the name of Yahusha be encouraged sister.
Thanks for the encouragement 🙂 May Yah continue to bless us all!
I love that song! I Thank YAH for encouraging you to encourage us through music & sharing your personal experiences! Thank you!💜
So glad you enjoyed the music Tandra 😌 Yah bless you!
Oh, I love the garden! Nice job. Thank you for sharing.
Yah is good 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the video Liorayah. Stay blessed!
Selah. Shalom
Shalom 😌
Peace and faith rest upon your home, sister.
Thank you for this reminder to let Yah have the Way.
Thank you. Need pray for my wife I of 42 years.
HallueYAH!!! Praise YAHUAH!!! S💪❤️👍
May Yah be with you and your wife Bryan 😌 through it all! Keep on trusting in Him!
No problem Migs – stay encouraged 😌 May peace and faith surround you and yours as well!
Yes Migs, and may peace be with you as well 🙂 Yah bless you as you continue to follow Him!
Thank you for sharing. May Yahuah bless and keep you 🙌🏾
Praise Yah! Blessings on you as well, John 😌
YaH Bless Sister <3
Yah bless you too, Martin! I hope all is well 😌
Shalom sister,
I’ve heard this song many times, but the video lines up with exactly with what Yah has little ole me accomplishing for His glory! He has blessed me with a few websites, but you can access them all from the one below. Thank you so much for you anointed music and Yahuah bless!
Praise the Most High God, this message was right on time. I thank the Father for speaking to me right where I am. Bless you. Shalom
That’s wonderful KaMille 🙂 Praise Yah!
Hiya Hadarah,
Thanks for the pics of your fall leaves falling, you are so right about stressing over things I cannot change. And I keep praying to Abba Father YAH through His only Bén Adàm Y’SHUA ha’Mashuiah and the indwelling Ruach ha’Qodesh. But, still my situation remains the same no change. I am 70yrs plus and I am feeling like how Sarah felt, I am back home in Jamaica and would like to to travelling around the island and even try go on a Caribbean cruise but, this is just a dream of mine.
Thanks for the encouraging thoughts and song, stay baŕuk and keep writing and singing lots of love Rose
shalom n boker tob beloved..halleluYah!,todah for sharing,encouragement through your music,personal journey.halleluYah! your garden is beautiful and flourishing lovely.i can see how peace meets you there.may Abba Yah’s love,joy and peace continue to flourish in you and your husband in Yahoshua’s Name..halleluYah! so be it!..shalom 🥰
Shalom Netty 🙂 I’m glad the video was meaningful for you. Praise Yah! sending lots of love and blessings to you and your household!
Hi Sister Rose, I’m sorry to hear you’re unable to do the things you want to do right now. I pray Yah will lead and guide you in all areas, and that you will find fulfilment, wellness, peace of mind, and comfort in Him. Yah bless you!
Praise Yah! Continue to do what Yah is calling you to do April 😌 and I’m glad to hear you’re still enjoying the music. Yah bless you too!
Shalum Achuty Hadarah❤️ Tudah for sharing your music. “Have Your Way” is a beautiful song. When we’re in the midst of a life storm, YAHUAH will have His way in our life. It’s a time when barukha comes about. But we have to be quiet in YAH’UAH’s RUACH to receive the barukha. Tudah, again, for sending Shalum to YAH’S children.
I agree with you Dianne 😌 Be still and know that He is Yah 🤗
As always beautiful. Thank you for giving us your beautiful voice and sharing praise. May Yahuah continue showing His Mercy and Grace.
I’m really glad you’re still enjoying the music QueenAna 😌 blessings all around!
Shalom Achuty and tudah for sharing your beautiful voice and music. All Praises To The Most High Yah!
Shalom Dalila 😌 it’s no problem at all. Yah be praised 🤗
To Chellie
Loved the article. I was blessed. We were blessed. Auntie B is here with me and I shared it with her. Lots of love.
Hi Auntie Lilly ❤️ Please send my love to Auntie B too!! So glad that she is in Toronto with yooooou 🤗 praise Yah!! Enjoy the moments you have together 😌
Thank you so much for the beautiful words of encouragement as well as the song. I am really grateful.
Praise Yah 😌 Keep on looking up Ackson!
Praise YAHUAH!
May his Holy Spirit fill you with inspiration from the kingdom.
Thank you for the prayers Eric! May the Ruach Ha Chodesh come and fill us all 😌
May your heart continue to be pure in the sight of our father may he continue to bring the souls of all the brothers together. Be always comforted our beloved sister. YAHUAH and his son bless you.
Hello Hadarah,
May Yahuah continue to bless you. Thank you for your encouragement! I pray your continued blessings from Our Father, in the name of Yahusha HaMashiach I pray.
Blessings on you as well Margaret 😌 Let’s all keep pressing on as we endure till the end!
Halleluyah my sister. You always greet us with strength and pure advices from Yahs word. Keep going! This is so good for the nation. love, light and more favor from Yahuah, our one and true living God.
Thank you for the encouragement Chaazaq! Yah bless you in all your ways as you acknowledge Him 🙂 Have a wonderful day in Yahuah!
Thank you for your music, dear sister of Yah. May Yah bless you and your family..
No problem Kelley! I’m glad you enjoyed the music. May Yahuah’s name be ever lifted high!
Shalom Sis! I love the beautiful song, beautiful garden and the beautiful rainbow, so peaceful and uplifting! Thank you for sharing! ❤😊🤗
Shalom Kim! Really glad the music and the message was meaningful for you. Praise Yah for His shalom 🙂 Have a beautiful day sis 🙂 Sending love!
Luke 18
1 And He spoke a parable to them, that they should always pray and not lose heart,(Yahoshua encouraged us with these words) may Abba Yah give you all that you are in need of and desire beloved..Yah knows..dont lose heart.. Do not worry at all, but in every matter, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to Elohim.
And the peace of Elohim, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Messiah Yahushua (philippians:5-7)
Thank you so much for the encouragement Netty! Yah’s word is true 🙂 I believe that.
That song was so relaxing and a perfect to start the day. I will make sure I add this to my playlist. You have a beautiful garden. Blessings to you and hubby
Praise Yah 😌 so glad the music is meaningful for you, and that you enjoyed the garden Gwennie. Yah bless you! Hope you had a great day.
Thank you little sister, very beautiful and so much shalom it brings. Thanks for thinking of me. All praises to the Most High. Shirley L.
Yah is good 😌 I’m glad you felt the shalom, Shirley. Stay blessed!
Beautifull garded and song . If I may ask I would like to know what plant or herb is the one with the small white flowers and also the one next to it with the blue ones.
Thank you for your reply and for all your encouraging words!
Shalom Amadej, sorry I’m just seeing your comment. Glad you enjoyed the garden and the song! The small white flowers are called Sweet Alyssum and the blueish or purple ones are Lavender 😌 Both were planted in the spring, they survived the summer but didn’t grow much as it was so hot, and they have really taken off now that it’s Fall. Praise Yah! The bees love them.
Hello. I just watched a video of yours. An 8 year old video. I think you I agree with you. The video is called Why I am no longer a Christian. I truly wish I knew you. I’d love to talk to you. My name is David my email is davidwelgan4@gmail.com. Anyway thank you very much for making that video. Take care
Hi David! Praise Yah 😌 I’m so glad you saw the video and that it resonated with you. My Husband and I are always happy to help. If you wanna stay connected, just use your email to subscribe to the blog right here https://www.setapartheart.com/updates/ You’ll automatically get an email from me when you subscribe. If you have Bible questions I can connect you with my Husband, and if you just wanna hang around for music and motivation on your journey with Yah, that’s cool too 😎 I hope you’re having a wonderful day!! Yah bless you 🤗