When you’re in the presence of Yahuah… do you ever run out of words to say?
That’s what I’ve been experiencing lately… I just haven’t had many words to say… I used to feel like maybe that was a bad thing… that I couldn’t find words to say when in prayer… after all, prayer is communication, kind of like a conversation right? But then I remembered the scripture that says…
“Do not be hasty with your mouth, and let not your heart hurry to bring forth a word before Alahiym (Elohim) … For Alahiym is in the heavens, and you are on earth, therefore let your words be few.” Ecclesiastes 5:2
I have SO much to be grateful for… and sometimes my heart wells up with tears of joy before Him… It is SO humbling to be walking in truth and living in His presence… If you’re struggling right now, please know that Yahuah really does hear your prayers. He understands exactly the feelings that are on your heart. Even if you don’t have the words to say… all you have to do is just find yourself in His presence… that special place where it’s just you and Him… just being there even if you just remain silent before Him… still, it’s beautiful…just being in that place… so beautiful…
The song in the video below is called “Words to Say” I wrote it many years ago when I was a Christian Recording Artist. The song came back to me in my worship time this morning… so I changed some of the lyrics to make Yahuah’s name shine through. I pray this song will meet you where you are and lift you up….
Enjoy the video below.
Keep pressing through and stay encouraged my friend! Yahuah has you on His mind. Though this blog post was short, I pray that it was sweet enough to guide you to the place you and I both need to be… in the beautiful presence of Yahuah. If this blog post was meaningful for you, please share your thoughts in the comments below.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You, O Yahuah, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalms 19:14) Halaluyah.
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Shabbat Shalom achut! Todah rabah! Awesome message as always. I palal the Most High will continue to use and baruk you in His way!
May YAH baruk your rest!
Mona Lisa
Halaluyah.. May Yahuah continue to baruk you as well Mona Lisa! I’m so glad you enjoyed the message and the music…
Shabbath Shalom Sister Hadarah Batyah, That song is so Beautiful. You sing my heart; How I Feel toward our MIGHTY ONE; ABBA YAH!” HE IS SO WORTHY TO BE PRAISED.’How are things? >Yes, I want to share your beautiful song with our FB Friends. Beautiful Music for our souls. I’m happy for you. Our gifts from HIM or Set-in-Stone.”ABBA YAHUAH Knows Who Are His. I’m So Glad About That..smiling @ You.”You Are Not Alone in your work for ALL of US!!! >THIS IS YOUR PART. Thanks again for including me Sister. Shalom This Shabbat. I’m Checking out YT. Sending your Message (song) to my wall. (Love!
Shabbat Shalom DYAHU 🙂 I’m so glad the song reached your heart <3 I'm doing really well, praise Yah! Thanks for asking... And thank you for being supportive by sharing the blog post and video. Halaluyah...I truly appreciate that 🙂 Let's make Yahuah Great!! (Psalms 34:3)
HalaluYah Achoti,you have such a beautiful voice and your music is so uplifting,keep doing what you’re doing.
Halaluyah… I’m so glad that you’ve been lifted up! Praise Yah… and thanks for the encouragement too…
Shabat Shalum Achuth Hadarah,
Amazing – because I woke up this morning and I had the same experience – I could not find the words to say.
I was concerned about this. Why couldn’t I say something? What was wrong? I thought that maybe I was drifting away from Yahuah.
What encouraged me was remembering what happened before I went to sleep. I was in Yahuah’s presence with worship and HIS Ruach was with me. It was precious and comforting.
When I saw your post, I went to Ecclesiastes & read it over.
Halal u Yahuah for helping me to get to know HIM better.
Thank you for posting and being obedient to the leading of Yahuah’s Ruach. We never know who HIS Words will help. HE knows! Shalum to you.
You are right! He knows it all… Halal u Yahuah!! I’m glad you could identify… thanks for sharing your thoughts and your experience S’rah 🙂
Shabat Shalum My Precious Akhut. Wow! Tudah Yahuah precious for that song it really hit home with me bringing tears of joy to my heart, considering what I’ve been going through with this spirit of depression. May Yahuah continue to Baruk you in every aspect! I love you and Baruk on Yahuah’s day of rest.
Love you too sis! Please be encouraged and know that Yahuah is with you right where you are. ALWAYS with you. ALWAYS. He said “I will never leave you nor forsake you” and He meant it. You’re his child. And he hears your tear of joy and sadness. Halal u Yahuah Kezi’Yah!! Sending love <3
You said it best with eccl.5:2. If you want to have more to say to our Abba speak to him instead of praying. We pray so much we forget how to speak to him. Praying and speaking are two different things. The Abba likes conversation. When we pray we are asking for something no matter what it is or what we think. When we speak to him we are have a conversation. Yahuah wants us to speak to him as if we were speaking to our earthly father or mothere or anyone else. When you do this you do not run out of words. Shabath shalum and have a Baruch yum yafa achut.
Thank you for those insights Miyka’al…. I appreciate your perspective!! Hope you had a wonderful Shabbat!!! 😀
Shabbat Shalom Hadarah! Todah rabah for this awesome song… it spoke to my heart, love it!!! I feel the same way sometimes and Ecclesiastes 5:2 explains it perfectly. May Yahuah continue to baruk you in every area of your life! HalaluYahuah!
Thank you for your kind words Kim! And i’m really glad the music spoke to your heart… Praise Yahuah… And may Yahuah baruk you too! in every way!!
How beautiful! Your art comes from such a pure place. Your voice is healing. Please continue to share your message.
Hi Halona! Wonderful to hear from you!! And i pray you’re doing well… so glad that the music is something that you can enjoy…. I definitely will continue to share…. Yah’s will be done!!
wow… this is so great. it really touched me!!!!! Just what i’m feeling.
Keep up the great work so proud of your accomplishments.
Praise Yahuah…. I’m so glad the music reached you right where it counts! Thanks for the encouragement as always AliYah! Keep looking up <3 talk soon 🙂
Praise Yahuah… Thanks for sharing your encouraging words Keisha! Sending Love in Ha Mashiyach right back to you!! 🙂