Yahuah gave me a surprise this week. I want to share a piece of that experience with you. I went to the lake for a walk this shabbat expecting to see it still frozen.Β I just assumed that since it’s February and I’m in Canada, that there wouldn’t be much activity on the water yet. Lo and behold, when i got to the lake, there were ducks, and geese, and even swans bubbling around-Β and it was soooo beautifuuuuul. Just goes to show that life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect it.

Every time I go to the lake or for a nature walk on shabbat it makes me think of my wonderful Creator. It makes me think of how HE is in control – and how I’m not. I just can’t help but think of His almighty power when i’m surrounded byΒ the work of His hands.

Along with the music in today’s video, “He will make a way” Β from the new album Peace of Mind,Β you’ll see footage from springtime, summer, winter, and fall. I keep everything on my phone so I can make special things like this for you. I pray it inspires you, and reminds you that no matter what season of life you are in, Yahuah, by His almighty powerful hand, surely can, and will, make a way.

Happy watching. Enjoy the video. I’ll meet up with you down below in the comments.

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:19

Is there anything weighing on your heart right now where you need Yahuah to make a way for you? Or do you have a testimony you could share of a time when Yah worked a miracle for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below…. Remember, we’re all in this together.

I know I need Him everyday in more areas than one. Sometimes there are circumstances I really struggle to understand. But every time I find myself in times like these, I remember Yahuah’s promises. His Word brings me peace of mind. He says – Don’t look back. I’m about to do something new. Look upΒ – your redemption draweth nigh… (Luke 21:28)

Share this post with a friend if you enjoyed it – plus you never know who might need some extraΒ sunshine in their life. I’ll see you in the comments my friend. LeaveΒ a prayer request or a praise in the comments below –Β let’s connect.

-Hadarah BatYah

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