I decided to take a huge step. I deleted my Facebook account. I had gone back and forth about whether or not to do this in my mind for quite some time. If you missed my final Facebook status update where I shared my motivation for leaving Facebook, I’ll share that with you here in this blog post, and explain more of what it means for you.
The simple truth is this: I was addicted to Facebook. It was time for me to change that. So I went “cold turkey” and deleted my account. Addiction on any level is a very dangerous thing. Especially when you find yourself rationalizing about the reasons why it’s not. So I took the plunge and deactivated my Facebook account. I even took the time to delete all my old pics and private messages so that there would be nothing left for me to go back to, should I be tempted to change my mind.
Was I too drastic in deactivating my Facebook account? Some may say so. But the reality is this. For me, it was worth it. In the past few days of my life without Facebook, there has been a lot more quiet space in my mind. I feel a lot more peace…. Shalum… I’ve really enjoyed that. At first I thought the quietness would be too much for me to handle, but it didn’t take long for me to adjust. And i’m looking forward to experiencing life without feeling the personal obligation to post every moment of it.
I first discovered that I had a real problem when a friend of mine asked me to remove some pictures I had posted of their family from a shabbat experience that I had shared with them. They were beautiful pictures and I really struggled with the fact that they wanted me to take them down. When I removed the album I felt like I was losing something. It felt like someone else was taking away a part of my experience. When you get to the point where you feel like you haven’t truly experienced a part of your life if you don’t post or share it on Facebook, then I think it’s time to re-evaluate the motivation behind being on Facebook at all.
Instead of being glued to my newsfeed now I’m actually making plans for how to be more effective at accomplishing my life’s purpose. I know that Yah has me here on this earth to provide music & motivation for the body of Yashra’al (Israel). I just released Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1, which if you haven’t heard, is a 20 min EP of Set Apart Acoustic music with guitar and vocals. And even though Facebook played a huge role in me sharing this music ministry, leaving Facebook is by no means an indication of me leaving the ministry altogether.
So what does this mean for you? Me leaving Facebook means that YOU get more. More music, more motivation, more creativity, more encouragement. I look forward to staying connected with you not only here at setapartheart.com but also on Youtube more frequently. Instead of checking Facebook I’ll be reading and studying more, so that I’ll have much more value to give back.
In the past I’ve recorded new vids about once a month or so, I’m aiming now for twice a month or every other week. I’m working to create a content calendar and will do my best to stick to it. Yahuah’s will be done, I won’t just be sharing music, but also thoughts and ideas for conversation around spiritual growth and development. I’ll share topics that will motivate you to search the scriptures and continue your journey.
I pray that my leaving Facebook will lead to even deeper connections with you. And for those of you who are also addicted to Facebook, or anything else for that matter, I pray this will inspire you to make a change – whatever that change looks like for you.
We all have a purpose in this life. What’s yours? Are you moving forward in that area? Leave a comment on the blog and tell me more about your purpose. If you don’t know what that purpose is yet, feel free to share that too. I’m sure you’re not alone.
If you ever need to reach me, you can use the contact page here at Set Apart Heart. And you know that I always read and reply as often as possible to the comments and messages you send me from the blog. So I said goodbye to Facebook, but I say hello to you. We’re still in this thing together, Mishpacah.
Subscribe to this blog in the box below and even when I don’t post new content here, you’ll receive encouraging notes from me via email to keep you motivated on your spiritual journey. You’ll also get a free song.
If you’re already a subscriber, don’t hesitate to share this with someone you know who may need to hear this message. Let’s make Yahuah great. Psalms 34:3
Talk again soon,
-Hadarah BatYah
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
I certainly understand your reasoning. I too recently deleted my Facebook account. I felt and still feel.called to reach out to and encourage and fellowship with the daughters of YHUH and felt I was doing that via Facebook. Yet I noticed that all that was really going on was socializing. I share Scripture and the messages I receive via http://www.wearehadasah.com. It is a website solely for inspiring spiritual growth for my Turah obedient achyuthy as well as those seeking Turah truth.
Several of the sisters and I became “close” and I felt as if 8 needed to be on Facebook to nurture those relationships. That’s not true. YHUH willing they will remain.
Praying your music continues to inspire people to seek YHUH and that your desire to serve Him always continues to be your greatest desire .
Alykham Shalum achuthy
Tamar thank you for sharing! And i agree with you 🙂 The majority of what happens on FB is socializing – and there’s nothing wrong with socializing, but you’re right- there are other ways we can do that and stay connected. I just visited your blog! Love the mission you have for inspiring spiritual growth. Do you have a way for ppl to subscribe once they’re on your site? I like what you’re about!
Shalum achuth. Currently, I do not have a subscription link on the site. I am currently working on that as a way to stay in touch with achyuthy. I will update you.
Tudah for your words of kindness and encouragement. Stay encouraged and willing.
Alykham Shalum achuthy!
OK awesome – yes keep me posted! I use a service called “Get Response” and i love it… super easy to use … if you ever need any ideas on how to make blogging more simple for you, check out my friend Leslie Samuel from “Become A Blogger” If you subscribe to his list he’ll send you a free video course on how to get everything rolling smoothly. Really great info. That’s how i learned to set up and run my blog the way that it is. Anyhow if you wanna check it out here’s the link to his site. http://www.becomeablogger.com Hope this helps you Tamar!
I left Facebook and I must say it is liberating, I’m glad I did it.
As far as my purpose, it is to share the words of Yahuah in creative ear and eye opening ways, to bring the message of the good news to those who desire the truth and seek the path of righteousness “THE WAY”
Praise Yahuah Shaulyahu… I’m happy to hear that you’re feeling liberated!! I know the feeling!! 🙂 Halaluyah….
Shalom my purpose in life is to be free free from all sin free from all that’s not Yahuah I want more strength to fight all temptation to endure all hardships and persecution that comes with this walk I want my wife and children to guard Yahuah’s Commands whole heartedly…..
Beautiful!!! That’s a man of Yahuah with a mission. Thanks for sharing Albert! May Yah baruch you and your family 🙂
Achuthy Hadarah, I too deleted my facebook account a few months ago. I love the shalum I feel. Those times I wasted on facebook now allow me to spend more time in prayer and meditation and to feel the presence of the ruach. Once I get up in the morning the first thing I used to do is get on facebook to read all the post. Now I use that time when I rise to go outside and be one with nature and pray and meditate. I find that my day is more fulfilling and rewarding and I am better able to deal with any circumstance that may arise.
Thank you for your music you share and for your motivating spirit. I pray the creator continue to use you.
Ahabah and Barakah
Alykham Shalum
Praise Yah! That’s good news Marie 🙂 Keep looking up.
Kan, Facebook does waste a lot of time unless you can be moderate with it. Prayer and meditation is so much better with Yahuah.
Rabaqah, it’s true! I should prob do an updated post though – cause after spending more than a month without Facebook I went back on to connect with someone in particular for a specific reason. When i did that immediately my stress levels went up as my inbox got flooded with email notifications from FB. Then i realized that my problem with Facebook was just that – the notifications. Now that i had gotten the addiction out of my system and i had lost the habit of checking it several times a day, I decided to try leaving my profile on there so that I could share and connect from time to time, but without the email notices. AMAZING! What a DIFFERENCE! Haha. So i’m back on FB but it’s not the same addiction anymore AT ALL praise Yah. Without my inbox getting flooded by FB i only remember to check it when i have free time! So it seems like for now this is working for me. If that changes, I will make a decision to detach myself form it again. But For the past month I’ve been on there without it getting in the way. Praise Yahuah for new habits in my life. It’s good to learn balance and control.
I am still on Facebook, because I have met a couple of ladies on this walk that inspires me. I am hoping at some point we can create an active group where we are able to actively interact with each other. I totally understand your reasoning for leaving Facebook, but I do very little on Facebook as it is, so it really does not affect me as It does most. I am new to this walk and I still don’t know what my calling is . I know the Most High will reveal it to me as I seek Him more.
Shalom sister.
Niki! So excellent that you’re connecting with other ladies on this walk – i’m so happy to hear that 🙂 And i saw your message – super excited! There are more people for you to meet. I’m going to reply ASAP. Welcome welcome welcome to the Set Apart Heart Community. And May you continue to look up!! Yahuah will guide you ALL the way 🙂 Talk more soon Sis!! *Big Hugs*
My purpose in Yahuah is to teach his word but not only that but he has been using me to counsel people that are hurting deeply and that are wounded.Yahuah has been sending people my way that I do not know but yet they open up to me. I do ask him why me when I know there are people more qualify then me. I continue to do what Yahuah will havee to do even though it is not easy lol. I ask that you continue to pray for me that Yahuah give me the strength to endure.
Miyka’al All praise to Yahuah that He has chosen and is choosing to use you!!! I’m sure you know it’s not about being “qualified” it’s all about whether or not you are willing to be used 🙂 You’re right, this walk is not easy! But Yahuah is with you always. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Continue to trust in Him my brother! How can people reach you if they would like to do more studying? Feel free to share if you would like 🙂
Todah Rabah for your decision Achoti. May The Most High guide you in Truth. I seek to help those who need who don’t believe they can change. I seek to spread, Love, Hope and Truth, in a condensending World. Baruk Atah Yahuah
Praise Yahuah 🙂 that’s wonderful!!
Shalum sis. I am happy Yahuah lead you to delete your fb. I will be praying and looking for more creativity out of you because of this lol. Me myself also delete my account a couple months ago bc there was nothing but wicked and foolishness going on and I was bout sick of it. I still remain on insta from the fact there’s so much truth flowing out from my followers. I’m growing more in the ruach week by week. I’m not so sure about my purpose so I jus surrender to his will and I kno he will lead me in the right direction as his Torah light my path. So now I wanna say baruk Hashem Yahuah bahashem yahusha for what he’s working thru yashraal. Shalum.
Keep looking up Devaughn!! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Yahuah will guide you all the way…
When I first dedicated my life to YAH, He started raising me up to be an intercessor and taught me about BALANCE. I thought it was just in my own life and not long ago, I could see the imbalance in the church. Four years ago, the Father led me out of the mainstream church and I just started learning about the Hebrew Root. Oy Vey! I was being persecuted by many of the Messianics for having a nick as ‘Bride of Christ’. I was red-dotted, bounced out of rooms on Paltalk and treated very cruelly on Facebook. It made me want to turn around and go right back to Christianity. But with the knowledge of truth, I knew that I couldn’t so I felt stuck in the middle. Since YAH raised me up to be an intercessor, the only thing I knew to do what to pray my way through the situation. I saw the Messianics who have a greater knowledge of truth but lacked mercy and in Christianity, they demonstrated mercy but lacked the knowledge of truth. That is where I believe YAH was using me to bring His Body into balance. Oftentimes, I get frustrated for having to be around toxic people because I just want peace, peace, peace. Yet, I know my purpose is to pray for those who are in need of emotional healing so they too can walk in His peace and speak truth to those who lack it by pointing them to YAH’s Word.
[Psalms 85:10 Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. . . Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to YAH: but a just weight is his delight.]
Beautiful… I’m sorry you went through that experience but praise Yah you stayed on track… Keep praying Sandra!!! We need more balance in this walk – I agree!!!
As I learn to surrender more to Yahuah daily, I believe part of my purpose is to be a great listener with understanding and a counselor to share His word, His light and His love with many who He sends to me who are hurting emotionally & physically and in need of comfort, encouragement and hope. Yahuah has healed my once bitter and broken heart from a past relationship through a poetic ministry, Healing Hearts Poetry, that He gave my brother Shelly David Wright, to write. I’m also growing wiser daily in the knowledge of His truth and am a conscious Hebrew and I would like to share the link to Shelly’s second poetry blog entitled “Spiritual Awareness 101” http://spiritualawareness101.blogspot.com Shalom my beautiful Sister Hadarah!
Thank you for sharing both blogs Kim…. praise Yah for the healing that has come to your heart! I pray the healing will continue!! Halaluyah…
Here is the link to my brother, Shelly David Wright’s first blog, Healing Hearts Poetry (The Beauty of Words) http://thebeautyoftheword.blogspot.com/ Yahuah baruk everyone who reads it!
Shalom Hadarah!!!
I am so proud of you!!! Not many people are strong enough to admit that they have an addiction. You are a very strong woman, and I am very happy that Yahuah has placed you in my life. You know, I just happened to stumble upon you on Youtube where I first heard your music. Every Shabbat, I would go on Youtube in search of Hebrew Israelite music. One Shabbat, I saw a new face, and I wanted to listen to some of my Hebrew sisters music. I love listening to our brothers all the time, but we have very few Hebrew sisters singing. I was wondering, “What’s up with that!” Anyway,there you were, and I am very pleased with you music and your encouraging words. I just thought, I needed to say that to you.
Anyway, I believe my purpose here in this life and walk is to be an encouragement to others. To teach and share the Message of Yahuah with other Hebrew sisters, so we can grow strong as Hebrew Israelite daughters of Yahuah. We all know the purpose of our Hebrew Israelite brothers, but we need to know that Yahuah has a purpose for us Hebrew Israelite sisters, as well. We all need to know our purpose, and my purpose is to strengthen my Sisters in Yahuah and Yahusha.
Shalom Sis!!!
Yaffah-amanahyahu… Yahuah is good… You live out your purpose so well…. Sharing what you just shared made an impact on me. Praise Yah for your encouraging words!!! I’m really happy to know that the music made a difference for you, and I want to encourage you to continue looking to Yahuah as your strength! He will continue to use you in powerful ways as you dedicate your life to Him 🙂 *Big Hugs* Sending Love Sis!
I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments…don’t be sorry Hadarah for the mishap , it wasn’t your fault but I’m glad U sent out an email b/c I thought it was just my phone acting up…
So on the FB note. I’m still on. Is it an addiction for me as well, yes. Im glad you shared your testimony b/c I agree on so many levels. It’s a distraction for the most part. Scroll, scroll, scroll is all I find myself doing, neglecting the important tasks I should be taking care of.
I was going to delete it. But for the wrong reason. (The privacy policy)
Which leads to “my calling”
When my SisterMom told me not to, to share his word, no matter what, not let the enemy silence me.
So I stayed.
I felt my purpose is to share his word and inspire other women, those in this walk, and those of this world…but now I’m overwhelmed with my so many tasks, being a mom/wife/cleaning house etc.
That Idk for sure if that’s what he wants from me.
I want to serve Yahuah with all my being, cuddle in his presence and praise him all day…yet it seems I have to schedule him into my day 🙁
Right now I’m trying to organize my situation, work on myself and my family, so that I can be a true light to those who need it…in the meantime I’ll continue to share scriptures and pray that ️Yahuah leads me in his perfect direction.
I also love to write when ️Yahuah fills me with inspiration , poetry and songs, ️Yahuah willing I can work on my singing voice as well lol
I’m looking forward to what you have in store 🙂 thank you again for sharing your beautiful testimony.
Amunah… my sister <3 Thank you for your transparency!! You're not alone sis! I know the struggle with FB is REAL. I'm glad you can identify. And trust me, the privacy thing crossed my mind too... but i realized that no where online is truly private... so i couldn't leave with that as my sole motivation.. for you sis, I hear your heart cry... and Yahuah does too... you just have to make a choice and become vulnerable before Him... It's not about what I or your sister mom or what anyone else says to you about Facebook or any other situation in your life- it's about what Yahuah says to you - and you'll know what He's saying when in the stillness you just listen... you will hear His voice. Sometimes I myself just break down before Him... and i don't even have kids or a family to take care of... but i too after coming home from a busy day at work will just feel like... wow... Yahuah i NEED you... and I know I can't be who I need to be without You, Yahuah.
Amunah Yahuah can use you for His purpose in every area of your life. And He will do it 🙂 The longing you have for Him and to be used by Him is exactly what He's looking for... let your desire for Him overtake you and He will fill you up. He will lead and guide you all the way to exactly where He needs you to be. And He will continue to show you exactly what He needs you to do. With your talents, your gifts, and your family, may Yahuah's name be praised. Thank you my sister for being willing to share with us here, and I pray those who read your comment will be encouraged and that we'll all continue to lift each other up.
Shalum Achuth Hadarah – Yes, I deactivated my FB account for many of the same reasons. It is so important that we are obey Yahuah in all things. It’s amazing how HE shows us what to do. We may not understand why until later – after the fact. But it always makes Perfect sense. Obedience is the key! My prayer is that we will follow Yahuah – and endure to the end.
Halaluyah S’rah Yisrael…. Yahuah all esteem… <3
My purpose in Yahuah is to be a faithful follower of Yahusha and being an example among the Daughters of Tzion. Walking in Turah Truth has made me free from the cares of this life. My true love for Yahuah has put a great desire in my your heart to please HIM. Following Turah is helping me to empty myself out of all things that offends Yahuah. I must not be wise in my own eyes, but fear Yahuah and keep away from evil ways! I must continue to take hold to instruction and not let it go, for it is life
Halaluyah… thank you for sharing Kezi’Yah 🙂
Agreed Sister Hadarah, my initial entry on FB was great meeting like minded folks, but now the message has been degraded to hate the other nations, war against white people, sacred name wars, and OT vs NT as the daily sermons. Yet, Repentance and or Accountability is lost except to a fractal minority.
I tried turning the lights out 2-3 times only to find myself drawn back, but I have discovered more peace within when I shorten my daily time away, I suspect my days on FB are numbered as well.
Keep that Set-Apart music coming!!!
I hear you Calvin… I REALLY did not like all the hatred that was happening on Facebook either. Sadly that stuff will continue on youtube and in real life regardless. But i agree i was tired of seeing all that mess in my news feed as well. It’s been over a week now and i haven’t felt the need to go back…. deleting everything i had on there before i left really sealed the deal for me… It wasn’t a rash decision for me, I truly felt ready to let go. Plus I’ve REALLY been enjoying using my time to prepare my heart, my mind, and even my body for the best that is yet to come!!
Oh- and i just posted some new music on the blog last night so i pray you will enjoy it my friend! Shabbat Shalum 🙂
Dear Hadarah, I fully understand your leaving facebook, and I am encouraged and inspired by your words and your purpose…Your songs have given me strength……I am still there for now. I joined Face book to see what my children were up too and connect with family…..I have made many friends on facebook and found my old friends from childhood….and I am thankful for the wonderful people that I have met over the years.
After coming to know Yahuah and Yahusha’s names I have met many like minded people. Being alone in this truth except for my immediate family I really enjoy the fellowship online. I don’t meet a lot of people now that I stopped going to church….I really appreciate connecting with other believers through facebook….I realize that this walk in truth can be lonely…kinda like being the last 8 people in the ark…..sigh….but if that is how Yahuah wants it for me I will do it….Sometimes…life is just an audience of one.
At first I thought that I could reach out and change the world…Y’know…proclaiming His name….. but It is Yahuah who opens the eyes of His elect….many of my old school and Christian friends are not seeing the truth…..it’s like preaching to the choir …smile….smh
Facebook takes up A LOT of time….Trying to attend to everyone’s posts….with more than just a “like” can take hours, for a slow typist like me! If it is something of a spiritual nature being asked or posted, I must look at the scriptures or concordance to make sure I am saying the right things. It can be like a full time job! Making posters….finding the right photo to go with a post…..or just uploading some photos of the family or the cookies you baked…..It is fun….especially for a creative soul like me….BUT it is eating up hours of my life and I cannot say …”rightly so” all the time……
I have considered leaving facebook many times….I know that I will not be there forever….I remember that it did not exist before, and I survived…. lol!
I am sure it is dangerous…there is no privacy……I feel like it is being trapped in a web, but there is no way around that ….Seems we just have to choose which part of the web we will be tangled in…..our own blog, youtube, twitter, or the next new thing.
I have had wonderful conversations and learned many things….I have been inspired, encouraged, and sickened by things and people on facebook.
Like the brother said, I feel my “days on facebook are numbered” too…the virtual “reality” that is facebook cannot be sustained …..it is nice, but is it good?
It would be better to telephone …..or Skype…..or meet up if possible……be more present , more real….We get to hide on facebook……and we get to be DISTRACTED….we like being distracted….it is often scary to focus on our lives and the world around us….
I think Hadarah said something once about everyone getting 24 hours…..we cannot get more hours, we just have to manage the time we are given well.
I have always known my purpose is to encourage Yahuah’s people, and to sing praises …to worship and esteem Yahuah in ruach/spirit and in truth…..This is my desire.
Yahdydah, thank you so much for sharing what was on your mind! I read your entire comment 🙂 And i agree with everything you said! Yahuah will direct you on what to do Sis 🙂 Just remember you’re NOT alone. And you don’t HAVE to use FB to keep in touch unless you want to 😉 We have each other’s contact info – and anytime you wanna meet up with the fam face to face you just let me know and we’ll make it happen. Mishpacah are gathering together on the east side of the city every week – if you wanna come, just let me know 🙂 I make the trek from the west end to the east end nearly every week now – cause it’s SO GOOD for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity. love it! And i’m telling you, when you strengthen your relationships offline, you won’t even miss Facebook for a moment!!! But of course, let Yah be your guide Sis!! Sending big love your way!!! *HUGS*
Dudy Amunah Baruk and dudy Tamar bath Yasharal….achuthy’s….All your posts and poems encourage,inspire, and challenge me. I deeply appreciate all your efforts to esteem Yahuah and I have been much strengthened by your example and diligence to turah….to the Word.Ahab u Shalum
I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments too!
Oh Hadarah this is amazing. I literally left facebook a month ago. I had left facebook for years and decided to get back looking for additional ways to spread the truth, and I saw myself getting wrapped up in the whole thing and knew I had to leave again. I have not checked my emails lately and decided to check them today and saw this! I totally understand your reasons for leaving and respect them completely. I’m glad you have this blog so I can still have contact with like minded people in the truth.
I believe right now my purpose is to be a strong woman and nurturer for my children and husband. To learn and teach the truth to my children so they can have a good strong foundation. I am always asking Yahuah to use me in anyway he needs me.
Nasheka, that’s beautifuuul! thank you for sharing your purpose 🙂 And continue to stay focused on your journey. We’re right here whenever you’re ready to reach out and connect. Keep looking up!! Yah barak!!
That’s so beautiful and well said Nasheka! I wanted to say something like that too…your purpose….my children are all grown now and having children….but that has been my life …being strong for my children and husband…standing for truth…..Awesome!
Keep standing Yahdydah 🙂 Keep on standing for truth! You have so much to offer the world. Keep on working for the kingdom!! 🙂
Does YAHUAH called men or women in today time to be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist..etc.