Hadarah BatYah Special GiftI decided to take a huge step. I deleted my Facebook account. I had gone back and forth about whether or not to do this in my mind for quite some time. If you missed my final Facebook status update where I shared my motivation for leaving Facebook, I’ll share that with you here in this blog post, and explain more of what it means for you.

The simple truth is this: I was addicted to Facebook. It was time for me to change that. So I went “cold turkey” and deleted my account. Addiction on any level is a very dangerous thing. Especially when you find yourself rationalizing about the reasons why it’s not. So I took the plunge and deactivated my Facebook account. I even took the time to delete all my old pics and private messages so that there would be nothing left for me to go back to, should I be tempted to change my mind.

Paper social network like sign illustrationWas I too drastic in deactivating my Facebook account? Some may say so. But the reality is this. For me, it was worth it. In the past few days of my life without Facebook, there has been a lot more quiet space in my mind. I feel a lot more peace…. Shalum… I’ve really enjoyed that. At first I thought the quietness would be too much for me to handle, but it didn’t take long for me to adjust. And i’m looking forward to experiencing life without feeling the personal obligation to post every moment of it.

I first discovered that I had a real problem when a friend of mine asked me to remove some pictures I had posted of their family from a shabbat experience that I had shared with them. They were beautiful pictures and I really struggled with the fact that they wanted me to take them down. When I removed the album I felt like I was losing something. It felt like someone else was taking away a part of my experience. When you get to the point where you feel like you haven’t truly experienced a part of your life if you don’t post or share it on Facebook, then I think it’s time to re-evaluate the motivation behind being on Facebook at all.

Instead of being glued to my newsfeed now I’m actually making plans for how to be more effective at accomplishing my life’s purpose. I know that Yah has me here on this earth to provide music & motivation for the body of Yashra’al (Israel). I just released Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1, which if you haven’t heard, is a 20 min EP of Set Apart Acoustic music with guitar and vocals. And even though Facebook played a huge role in me sharing this music ministry, leaving Facebook is by no means an indication of me leaving the ministry altogether.

Yahuah musicSo what does this mean for you? Me leaving Facebook means that YOU get more. More music, more motivation, more creativity, more encouragement. I look forward to staying connected with you not only here at setapartheart.com but also on Youtube more frequently. Instead of checking Facebook I’ll be reading and studying more, so that I’ll have much more value to give back.

In the past I’ve recorded new vids about once a month or so, I’m aiming now for twice a month or every other week. I’m working to create a content calendar and will do my best to stick to it. Yahuah’s will be done, I won’t just be sharing music, but also thoughts and ideas for conversation around spiritual growth and development. I’ll share topics that will motivate you to search the scriptures and continue your journey.

Happy young couple listening to music on the grassI pray that my leaving Facebook will lead to even deeper connections with you. And for those of you who are also addicted to Facebook, or anything else for that matter, I pray this will inspire you to make a change – whatever that change looks like for you.

We all have a purpose in this life. What’s yours? Are you moving forward in that area? Leave a comment on the blog and tell me more about your purpose. If you don’t know what that purpose is yet, feel free to share that too. I’m sure you’re not alone.

If you ever need to reach me, you can use the contact page here at Set Apart Heart. And you know that I always read and reply as often as possible to the comments and messages you send me from the blog.  So I said goodbye to Facebook, but I say hello to you. We’re still in this thing together, Mishpacah.

Subscribe to this blog in the box below and even when I don’t post new content here, you’ll receive encouraging notes from me via email to keep you motivated on your spiritual journey.  You’ll also get a free song.

If you’re already a subscriber, don’t hesitate to share this with someone you know who may need to hear this message. Let’s make Yahuah great. Psalms 34:3

Talk again soon,

-Hadarah BatYah

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