Welcome to a brand new series here on the Set Apart Heart Blog called: “What would YOU do?” In this series we’ll talk about real life situations that occur, and how you would react to them. The goal is to be able to open up and share about difficult topics, and prepare our hearts and minds for how to deal with them – always keeping scripture at the forefront of our hearts. So welcome to the first instalment of “What would YOU do”. I’ll be alternating between posts of this new series and the acoustic set apart music posts you know and love. I hope you’ll find this series to be helpful and practical – something that you can relate to in real life for your spiritual growth. OK so let’s get to it.
Imagine for a moment you are out on a walk enjoying some time with a person that you love and cherish. Take just a moment to picture that person in your mind right now…..
Seemingly out of no where, a complete stranger walks up to your loved one – and shoots them. Your loved one winds up dead.
How would you feel about that situation? How would you react?
If you’re as human as I am, you would probably be feeling very angry about something like that. Forgiveness would likely be that farthest thing from your mind, and you would probably be feeling a lot of mixed emotion, confusion, and pain.
I pray that you have never nor will ever have to be in the midst of a situation like the one described above, but if it did happen, do you think Yahuah would expect you to forgive the stranger who shot and killed your loved one?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
How would you be able to chew and swallow the verse below?
Do you think it’s fair that Yahuah asks you to forgive in order to be forgiven?
What does it really mean to forgive?
Does it mean you forget everything that happened?
Is the slate wiped clean for the person who committed the sin?
Or does it simply mean that you let go of the pain?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this difficult subject in the comments below. But first let’s take a quick look at the definition for the word “Forgive” in Hebrew.
The word “Forgive” in Hebrew is “Nasa” Strong’s H5375 and it actually means:
To lift… To bare up… To carry… To take.
Look at this verse where Moses is speaking to Yahuah about his people.
Now tell me the truth…. Can you imagine lifting, baring up, or carrying the person’s fault who took a gun and shot a person that you love? Would you be able to do that? Does Yahuah expect us to do that? Isn’t that what Yahusha our Messiah did for us?
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:34
Forgiveness is not an easy thing- not an easy thing at all. But the reality is, if this situation has never happened to you, it is happening to others, and sadly it could happen to you. So tell me, what would you do? I’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas, or scriptures on how you think you would act or react to this kind of situation in the comments below. Let’s talk.
-Hadarah BatYah
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This is very good topic. Something very similar happened in my family about 8 years ago. My uncle, a believer, was shot and killed just standing outside his front door. He was innocent. He was killed in front of many eye witnesses, but everyone was to afraid to testify against the man that killed him. To this day, he has not been arrested. and through research many of my family members knows where he lives to this day.
Obviously, when I found out about his death early in the morning, I was shocked…it was hard to digest. I didn’t know him all that well, but it was as if I did being that my mom was really close to him. My mom, a strong believer, asked us a simply question,”Will you forgive the man that killed your uncle?” This was not that long after his passing, mind you. There was a silence in the room. I said that I would…My brother said that he wouldn’t. She didn’t judge my brother for his choice, but she explained that she did forgive the man that killed her little brother.
All these years later, I would hope the answer would still be the same had it been my mom, my best friend, that was killed that day. I know that I would come to terms with it…how soon? I don’t know. I think that it is fair to forgive, for this reason: Yahuah forgave us. Albeit, from a flesh perspective, it is easier said than done. We killed His Son and he forgave us, so how much more I towards the man that killed my uncle, or my mom in the hypothetical scenario? No matter how hard it is, I know that it can be done.
People often think that forgiveness is forgetting…but that’s not so. How could anyone truly forget? The real purpose of forgiving is to let the pain go and not harboring hate toward that person for what they did. Will I give the man a hug or invite him to dinner? To be honest, no. However, I will pray for his salvation. Will I pray that he not be judged on the earth. No. But, I will pray that he is not judged in eternity to the lake of fire. For every action there is a reaction, I wouldn’t desire to stop the consequences of a crime. I would, however, pray that its on earth and not eternally. Either way, Yahuah will recompense.
I must admit…It’s hard to imagine baring such a load as my mom did. I know that it is possible not only through my mom’s example, but, most important, through Yahuah’s example in pardon our sins. Knowing that forgiveness is what Yahuah expects, I know that he will provide the power to do it. I would expect my flesh to fight against it. I know, though, that I would come to grips with it and forgive eventually. Prayerfully, sooner, rather than later. If we start by forgiving the little things now, perhaps it would be easier to forgive bigger things. In my flesh, I know that it would be impossible. But by Yahuah’s strength and my obedience to yield to his Spirit, I know it can be done.
Wow… thank you for sharing your experience L. Jackson…. i’m sorry you lost your uncle – especially under those circumstances…. and what an amazing response on the part of your mother and how she reacted. Incredible. And I love that you said, “If we start by forgiving the little things now, perhaps it would be easier to forgive bigger things.” And I agree with you. Forgiveness can be a stumbling block for many of us believers. And i pray we would continue to grow in truth…. Thank you so much for being willing to testify and open up and share. Halaluyah. Continue to let your light shine.
Sister’s and Friends, This did happen to my 2nd born son at age 20yr ,he was fatally shot on July 30 1997 and I was devastated ,you cannot imagine a mother’s pain.I don’t want any parent to go thru this,but as we know it is happening.Mine was shot on our front porch yet unsolved but Yah knows! and he comforted me and brought me and my family thru.Now I
I am sorry i did not finish my comment as the enemy would try to have it i hit the submit key to soon but YAH is the truth and the enemy is a liar,I stopped at Now, after my son was shot and passed I prayed to Yah to help and help me forgive,it was not easy but,Yah steps in right away and my testimony is he started sending the help i needed,he gave me peace in the storm and taught why he says to forgive,but I said Yah i want to hurt that person is how i really feel so I need you to help for give that person or people responsible so Yah will help us and be truthful because he knows how we really feel I hope this help’s someone and no on goes thru this pain now I help and reach out to others that hurt Yah bless all and Praise YAH !!!
Wow… Abbie.. thank you for taking the time to share…. You’re right to say “Yah knows” because wow… your own child??? In it all we praise Yah for your testimony and how he has helped you to heal and is still helping you even now… keep looking up to Yah Abbie… you’re remarkable… amazing…
This is a great topic Sis! I have never gone through this experience, however I would be bitter, devastated, hurt and numb but I would forgive him. I say forgive because about 15 years ago after I came into the knowledge of Yahuah’s truth, I was emotionally and spiritually attacked by my entire family which hurt my heart so deeply and I was so angry & very bitter with them. However, as my heart was being healed over time Yahuah gave me understanding and allowed me to see that it was Satan that launched the attack against me through my family. He hated that I would no longer serve him but serve Yahuah and obey Him. Now, I understand that my family didn’t know they were being used by satan to attack me, so now I truly forgive them because they knew not what they were doing. Yahuah also set up circumstances of forgiveness for me to go through with each family member where we had to come to each other’s rescue… I praise Yahuah for understanding and forgiveness!
Kim, your story is one many can relate to i’m sure!!! Praise Yah…. I pray more people will be able to move through their pain… really it’s true that people often don’t even realize who it is that’s using them, and the intense spiritual battle happening behind the scenes. Stay encouraged Kim. And please, keep on shining your light!
It would be very devastating for sure! There are stages we go through dealing with grief. Anger would certainly be one of them that would be important not to camp out in for too long. In this case, I know many would have difficulty forgiving.
Something a friend shared with me that required my own forgiveness toward another but had difficulty doing at the time regarding another matter. My friend walked me through a prayer asking YAH to help me forgive, even though I could not forgive at the time I was able to say that I “choose” to forgive.
It all comes down to making a choice. Even though, we are not able to forgive at the time yet choose to forgive, asking YAH to help us.
YAH is so faithful to help us walk down the pathway of forgiveness!!!
Had opportunity to talk to a man I worked with who opened up to me about he & his wife being involved in a church and ministry and was hurt very bad that made him angry toward YAH. The only words I could say to Him I felt was led of YAH was to tell him that it was ok to be angry with YAH….but DEAL with that anger and move on!!! The man must have heard because he did just that and not too much longer, joy was restored back into his life!!
I believe it’s all part of being human to express all these emotions but the key is, not to dwell on them. Work through them and move on to get the healing we need.
I have learned that healing can only come AFTER we forgive!!
Yes Sandra, you are SO right. Healing only comes after we forgive. And so many of us get stuck in the angry zone that we never get healed. BUT WHEN we let go…. wow…. what a peace! It passes ALL understanding… and the joy of Yahuah becomes our strength. Thank you for sharing. Praise Yah. Halaluyah.
Forgiveness intrigues me. I did a full research study on forgiveness with people who went through some horrific things. “Forgiveness education” helped them move through the process.
My most recent challenge to forgive involved someone who I considered to be a friend and someone I was married to. What angered me was that they would not leave me alone until they – and a few others – openly came against me with false accusations. It was a spiritual attack. Not about flesh and blood…
The comments from other people on this topic are some very good points! I could write more, but I would only be repeating what’s already been said.
What Yahuah is helping me to do at this point – is to think more on things that are good, lovely, pure, and true. I ask Him to let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in HIS sight. And, I appreciate His people and His gifts.
Halaluyah…. thank you for sharing S’rah…. Meditating on things that are lovely pure and good help us to forgive for sure… i’m sorry you experienced those spiritual attacks but we know – they’re bound to come. Praise Yah you were strong in Him and made it through!!!! Halaluyah. Keep looking up…
Aman Achuth Hadarah.
I thank you for the encouragement and I plan to do just what you suggested. I give Yahuah all esteem for His Ruach. Nothing with Yahuah is coincidental. His Word can be confirmed in the mouth of 2-3 witnesses. My earthly dad told me “don’t look back”. A dear sister told me “don’t look to the left or to the right”. And now you told me to “keep looking up”. Yahuah’s directions are so plain and clear!! I absolutely love and adore our Ab Yahuah – with all my heart forever. Without HIM I would be lost. Halal u YAHUAH !!!
Halal u Yahuah!!! <3
This is a hard topic, but one that is happening daily. I would love to think that I would be able to forgive even something like that, something that seems unforgiveable at times. Knowing how our father YAHUAH is long suffering and how many people are transgressing against him daily and his son Yahusha has done so much how could I not. I could not let my pride or my emotions cloud my judgment. Our father is able to forgive us, when I think about my past I praise Yahuah that he has favor and mercy because he could easily not forgive us, and then where would we be, where would we be going if he did not have favor or mercy if he did not forgive. This is something that has never happened to me and I pray never does, however these times are getting harder and stranger by the day.
Yes! harder and stranger by the say for sure! And i love what you said… “Yah could easily not forgive us, and then where would we be, where would we be going if he did not have favor or mercy if he did not forgive.” What a wonderful saviour… He truly shows us how by His strength we can forgive….
Forgiveness is definitely a subject to be talked about. This was a shabbat lesson of Forgiveness in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) http://youtu.be/xf0G1e8Y3gU
Thank you for sharing this resource with us all Medadyahu! 🙂 I’m looking forward to watching the vid 🙂
Really i wouldnt knw how 2 react bc i nvr been thru it. But i have been thru where in jr high school my best friend, while she was walkin home from babysitting she got murdered(i didnt knw about it for a day or 2 and when someone showed me the news article i was upset i cried for days she was the closes friend i had tht wld help me with homework and we wld share stories and lunches. Today i really dnt think about the person who did tht(her body was found in an50 gal oil drum this happened in the 70’s) anyway i cry for her soul bc she didnt knw the creator she was a sinner like i was. All through my life ppl died around me but HE LET ME LIVE all i can say is i mourn and grieve these days even for the enemies i had who passed
Its hard to forgive but from time to time the RAUCH will place a name in my heart and i will pray and say I forgive all the ones(by names) who hurt me and did me wrong dead or alive and tears roll dwn my face
Wow… Pamela, that’s something very difficult that you went through… i can’t even imagine…. but you’re still here for a reason so keep looking to Yahuah… halaluyah… Shalum shalum!!