‘Heal me, O יהוה, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
Jeremiah 17:14
Carrying a heavy load
Baggage. At one point or another, we’ve all found ourselves carrying emotional baggage. Some of us are still carrying those emotional or spiritual “bags” to this day. Most of us are subconsciously walking around with more baggage than we will ever realize. A lot of the hurt and pain we experience in the world is still fresh when we first find our way back to Yahuah. We often carry scars from negativity that stem from bad relationships with family members or so-called friends. Disagreements brought on by institutional “churchianity” and pagan origins can leave us spiritually and mentally exhausted.
When we first realize how many layers of lies we have been operating under for the majority of our lives, it can feel overwhelming. We don’t always know where to begin. Coming into truth can often leave us feeling isolated, defensive, or even angry at the world. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us, we get side tracked, overly focused on one portion of truth, and the pain we feel often gets worse before we find healing and it gets better.
We shall be changed
Even if we don’t have any physical scars, spiritually, we all need healing. True healing comes from Yahuah. He’s the only one who can make us whole again. Not only will He turn our mourning into dancing, but He promises in Revelation 21:4, that when all is said and done, He will wipe away every tear from our eyes. No more pain! HallaluYah!
“And Elohim shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying. And there shall be no more pain, for the former matters have passed away.”
Revelation 21:4
Meditate on Yah’s Word
By spending more and more time focused on the truth in Yah’s Word, the change we seek becomes real. Healing requires patience. Both physically and spiritually. Washing ourselves in The Word every day will bring that healing to our lives. And one day soon, we shall be changed!
“Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Jeremiah 17:14 was my focus text this week. I don’t really discuss my physical health on the blog very often. It’s just not always appropriate. But we know that physical and spiritual health are connected. For several years I’ve been privately asking Yah for healing in my body. So if you’re seeking Yah for healing too, know that you’re not alone. I have hope that the healing will come! And I want to share some of that hope with you, directly from Yahuah’s Word. So I made a scripture meditation video with soft music and vocals too. I pray that it blesses your heart.
‘Heal me, O יהוה, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise. ‘
Jeremiah 17:14
Take Action
Change is coming. Healing is on the way. Not because we follow Torah perfectly. Not because we are eating the perfect diet. Not even because we are soooo set apart. Isaiah 64:6 says our righteousness is like filthy rags. We follow Yah’s instructions because we love Him (John 14:15,) not because we are perfect. So as you walk this walk in spirit and in truth, know that change is coming, and healing is on the way, simply because of the mercy of our wonderful Elohim.
Leave a comment if you need healing, I promise you’re not alone. If you want to share a prayer request, you can, or just type out “I shall be healed!” and say it out loud as you type it. “I shall be healed!”
If you’re waiting for a change to come for our people, or a change to come within you, feel free to share what’s on your mind, or just say, “We shall be changed!” For nothing is impossible with Elohim (Luke 1:37.)
Let’s encourage one another in Yahuah, and find strength to endure to the end.
OK, I’ll see you in the comments below.
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I just really need someone to talk to !! Thank you ! I was in complete tears ! Then your email came on my phone ! I pray for healing ! HalleluYAH !
Praise Yahuah, Juanita. You are NOT alone sis!! I totally understand that feeling of needing someone to talk to. Sending love and a great big (HUG) Yah is with you in the midst of it all. And you can send email any time, OK? I’m so glad this came when you needed it. It’s time to let the healing flow.
I need healing ..I SHALL BE HEALED!!
Thank you and Praise Yahuwah for all he has done and is about to do .May His hand be upon you and all who follow this blog..May His healing flow upon all.
Halaluyah. Praise Yahuah! May the healing flow upon us all, in the name of Yahusha, amein ❤️
I truly need prayers for healing. I have been bombarded by so much lately that it felt like being pinned to the wall. I am 67 years old and care for 3 sons with special needs. It hasn’t been easy but this I know, Yahuah truly is our shield and buckler. Also my only daughter has decided to leave her household to follow a violent/perverted man. At first, I didn’t know how to react. This I have surrendered to Yahuah.
Praise Yah that you’ve chosen to surrender Sister Lourdes. It’s all in His hands, hallauYah. Stay encouraged (BIG HUGS) He’s with you through it all!
Be encouraged sister Lourdes. Yahuah will see you through. Life can be challenging, I care for two elderly parents and sometimes I feel overwhelmed but Yahuah gives me strength even when I feel I have none.
He always shows up just on time. He will for you.
Shalom Sis,
All praises to Yahuah. This is beautiful and encouraging, thanks for sharing. I too am praying for healing and deliverance. Please continue to use your gifts to edify the people of Yah. Blessings to you and your husband’s household.
Yah bless you and your family too Atarah 🤗 thank you for sharing as well. Healing and deliverance is what we need. We shall be healed! We shall be changed! Let’s press on, enduring till the end ❤️ may the blessings overflow 🙏🏾
Yes, I have been praying for healing in my heart, mind and soul. Sometimes I feel very alone but I know YAH always provide a special treasure to those he love. Thank you Hadarah for allowing YAH to use you as our treasure with words of wisdom to meditate and enjoy your music. It is sooi comforting.
Praise Yahuah, Sarah 🙂 I’m so so glad that this is comforting for you. May Yahuah continue to hold you in the palm of His hand. Blessings my sister.
Shalum Sis! I love this video and the vocals!🙌❤️ I can truly relate and I’m so grateful and thankful to Yahuwah for spiritual healing and understanding and for daily growth in his word!🙌 We shall be changed! 🙌❤️ May Yahuwah completely heal your body.🙌❤️
Thank you so much for the encouraging words Kim! And praise Yahuah, I’m so glad you enjoyed the scripture meditation with music, halaluyah 😌 Daily growth is what it takes. If we aren’t growing, we are dying. Yah is life! Life everlasting. So let’s keep on pressing into Him and His Word. We’ll keep each other in prayer 🤗
Shalom sis
Thanks for the email and video.
We greatly appreciate and enjoy your meditative videos, so keep them coming.
Much love to you and your mishpacha. I pray that YAH through his Word heals you and relieve you from any and all pain and suffering.
Thank you for the prayers Brother Elliott 😌 Sending love to you and your family as well! Yahuah’s will be done in all our lives!
I ask for prayers of healing for my love Arianna in Mashiach’s Holy name. Thank You Hadarah for your loving music and care. Your effort to bring forth meditation is so needed and I thank you. Shalom.
Halaluyah 😌 there is healing in His wings. May Yah bless Arianna, and heal her in every way. No more pain, no more suffering, in the name of Yahusha ❤️ let’s continue to meditate on His Word every day, leaning not on our own understanding. Yah is good and worthy of all the praise!
Thank you my dear daughter, for your comforting words . Please remember me in your daily prayers.
Shalom Sister Rose, I will remember you ❤️ May you be comforted continually in the healing wings of our Master Yahusha Ha Mashiyach. Let’s endure till the end sis. Stay strong!
This is beautiful dear sister let the most high YAH keep using your talent and gifts for his kingdom. We as a people are broken vessels and need a healing throughout the four corners of the earth.
Many blessings dear sister HALLEUYAH
You are so right about that, Diandra. May the healing flow out to the four corners of the earth. Yahuah’s will be done.
Shalom Mishpacha!
Like David, my soul is overwhelmed & and my heart is desolate, Psalms:143. A change is coming. Todah sis for sharing your journey, we often suffer in silence where there’s no nurses emblem balm. Thank Yahusha that we have a ABBA in heaven that sits high & looks low with his arm stretched wide ready to receive us into his rest. Hallelujah! Let’s prayer our way through this. There is power in numbers. Where two or more are gathered together in my name; I am there in the midst. Mathew 18:20
Halaluyah! I agree, Zimrah! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful words 😌❤️
Shalom Sister and thank you for this most timely offering. “We shall be changed!”
Shalom Chevon, HalaluYah! Yes, we shall be changed!
So grateful for your encouraging words!
Praise Yahuah 😌 I’m grateful that you’re here to receive them Catherine. Stay encouraged in Yahuah!
Shalom sis, I pray Yahuaha heals you. I remember when I had cancer and He healed me and I know He can do the same for you. Even though it was a ruff time, I can honestly say I had never felt so close to Yahuaha then when I was sick. Praise God, oh how He carries you! I not only felt Him as my healer but as my Father. So take time and enjoy the process while the healing is coming, sometimes it’s not always easy but it’s so worth it! All glory and praises to Yahuaha! Stay blessed 🙏🏾 😇
Shalom Felicia, thank you for sharing 🤗 I’m so sorry you had to go through Cancer, but I’m so glad you were able to overcome!! My Dad just recently overcame the disease as well. Sadly I’ve already lost 2 aunts, and two grandparents to it. But I’m grateful to know, Yah forbid I ever have to deal with it myself, that cancer is not a death sentence. Praise Yahuah! He has mercy on whom He will have mercy. (Exodus 33:19) What I’m praying for is healing in my womb, for the fibroids to be dissolved and disappear. Thankfully those tumours are not life threatening, but every month they make a huge impact on my life, and not for the better. And I know you’re right, it’s not always easy, but one day it will be worth it! So thanks for the prayers and encouraging words. May Yahuah’s power flow through to us all!
I SHALL be healed!! We SHALL be changed!!!
Halaluyahuah!! Amein!! All praise to Yahuah Most High!
This comes at a perfect time for me. I am in need of healing and big changes but I’ve been afraid to step forward and ask my brethren in Messiah for prayers and help because I’m not perfect. Nonetheless, YHWH is faithful. Thank you for this beautiful meditation, sister. 🤍
I also feel that I should mention that the scriptures you read from Ya’aqob/James happen to be the very ones that I read yesterday morning! Yahuah works in wonderous ways!!
Jade I’m this glad this came on time for you. None of us are perfect. Romans 3:10 says there is none righteous no not one. When we read “Be ye perfect” in Matt 5:48 we know it’s a call for us to be complete, fully grown, to have integrity and be virtuous ❤️ That is a process, and Yah knows we are all on a journey back to Him. Check out the Strong’s definition of the word for “perfect” in the Greek “telios.” Also Colossians 2:10 says we are complete in Him 😌 so you don’t ever have to be afraid to ask for prayer, Yahuah wants you to come to Him through His Word, Yahusha ❤️ so you’re in the right place, dare I say, the perfect place to begin again 🤗 Right now is the right time to seek Yahuah. And that’s amazing about what you were reading in James. Same Ruach is guiding. Halaluyah 😌
I praise Yah for this blog and your beautiful music and meditation. It’s so soothing and edifying. I pray blessings for us all in Yahusha’s name, as we rest in Yahuah assured that we will soon enter our true Sabbath Rest.
Thank you for sharing Sharon, Yah bless you 😌🙏🏾 and I’m glad you’re enjoying the content here. Have a beautiful day!
Shabbat blessings Hadarah, and all my fellow brothers and sisters in YAHUAH. All glory, honor and praise to OUR GREAT I AM, YAHUAH. I am for ever grateful that YAHUAH has led me and my family to HIS truth. This journey has been a difficult one. When I became a believer, I had expected all my troubles to go away. I mean, that is what has been preached to all of us. Or the other, our troubles keep us close to the savior. It had been turmoil, from the time I became a believer. How we came to the truth, my husband started praying to the “THE GREAT I AM”, we immediately felt a stirring in our hearts. I then started to our “GREAT I AM’. Oh, what a difference we started to feel. Not long afterwards, we were led to the true name “YAHUAH”. I shared this truth with my mom, who at the time was a hindu. She would pray outside her home to YAHUAH. She passed on October 2022. Whilst I sat outside her hospital room, I heard and then saw, soldiers march into the room [just the boots]. I also heard angels singing – ‘YAHUAH IS MY NAME”. I knew then that mom was being ministered to. Mom’s last words to me were, “I will only call YAHUAH’s name”. Mom passed early hours the following day. My heart was in turmoil and still is. But the one comfort that I have is that she chose YAHUAH. I share this with you all because it was such a confirmation for me and my family. For all those who are having challenges, no matter what they are. You know that YAHUAH, sees you, knows you, and understands you like no other. No matter your challenges, YAHUAH HAS YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HANDS. I pray that you all have a blessed week ahead. Shalom
Shabbat shalom Sidney! Thanks for sharing your story 🤗 Yah bless you and your family!
I’m truly grateful for your meditation music Hadarah. I’m asking for healing too, I hope Yahuah keeps my mind sound and to help me stay focused on him. I really don’t want to be tormented by negative talks and excessive worrying. GBU ALWAYS
Praise Yahuah, Dominique 🙂 Let the healing flow! It says “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 So just keep on trusting in Yahuah day by day. He’s in control – there’s no need to worry (BIG HUGS) And may Yah bless you too!