It’s easy to become complacent. At least, I know it is for me. After more than 10 years of walking with Yah, I sometimes find myself getting a little too comfortable. Whenever I think I have it all together, Yah sends me a reminder that I don’t. And I’m grateful for that cause it prompts me to reach out and rely on Him. I need Him to unite my heart to fear His name.
Scripture says in Psalm 53 that there is none who does good.

“Elohim looked down from the heavens on the children of men, to see if there is a wise one, seeking Elohim. They have all turned aside; They have together become filthy; No one is doing good, not even one.’
Tehillim (Psalms) 53:2-3
Even Yahusha himself said, in Mark 10:18,
“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim.”
So how can we ourselves ever come to the point where we feel we have arrived? Yes, Scripture calls us to be perfect, (Genesis 17:1; Matt 5:48), and I don’t believe Yah would ever instruct us to do something that couldn’t be done – by His strength. I do believe we can become perfect, or complete in Yahusha (Colosians 2:9,10), but we have to be careful not to ever think that we already know it all. It’s in those moments where we can sometimes become prideful, rely on our own strength, and fall. If our actions, our words, or our thoughts show that we are becoming puffed up, or even just double minded, then we have to examine ourselves.
Jeremiah 17:9 reminds us about the true state of our hearts. It says,
“The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it? ”
This is why I believe meditating on Yah’s Word is so important. We need His word to overwrite the sin that is naturally in our hearts.
Psalm 86:11 was the focus of my scripture meditation this week. It’s a prayer to Yah to unite our hearts to fear His name. In this day and age, it seems most have lost the fear of Yahuah, especially His name. So I put Psalm 86:11 together with excerpts from various scriptures in a meditative form for you below. The video footage is all from clips that I filmed on my nature walks this week. You’ll hear sounds of nature, and also me playing the soft acoustic guitar. I pray the message of this scripture meditation calls you higher. It certainly did for me. Let’s continue to seek His face, and worship Him!
‘Teach me thy way, O יהוה ; I will walk in thy truth: Unite my heart to fear thy name. ‘
Psalm 86:11
Leave a comment below if Yah has been calling you higher. We can only reach those heights if our heart is united, not double minded, but singly focused on this walk of truth. Thank Yah for His mercy and forgiveness. Where would we be without Him?
Let us learn to fear the name, the character, and the reputation of Yahuah, so we can reflect the same to all those who have eyes and ears to see and hear it. May Yah bless you as you continue to meditate on His Word.
If this scripture meditation was meaningful for you, share it with a friend. It may be meaningful for them too. Okay, I’ll see you in the comments section below.
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Thank you for sharing my sister
It’s only by Yah’s mercy! He is good. Truly, He is good. Thanks for stopping by Yosepha. Yah bless you today 🙂
This was the most beautiful ! Praise Yah for your beautiful voice and gifts .
Praise Yah 😌 he’s so good! Yah bless you Laura 🤗
Hello an on time message…I have been going through so much. Thank you so much. Praise Yahusha Ha’Mashiach of Nazareth!!!
You’re not alone Darnella! This journey is full of ups and downs. Just keep pressing in to Yahuah. He will never leave you nor forsake you. HallaluYah!
Thank you so much Hadarah, this is so true what you are writing. It is so encouraging for me. Yes, we have to fear only YaHuWaH! And don’t let us anyone are anything to let us believe otherwise. I thank Yah for Yahusha our everything. My husband had a image with your scripture. So next words he will write himself. I wish you a blessed day today and a peaceful Shabbat, for us in 6 hour’s it’s Shabbat.
Much love sis! ❤️🙏😍
Level of perfection.
This is the image I saw when Sylviane was reading it out to me.
A staircase that started at ground level and that was so accessible because the next step was only a fraction of an inch higher than the first step. This second step was positioned next to the first one, and so was the third, and fourth, and the inclination was so little that it was perfect to ride a bicycle going up. Although gradually the staircase grew steeper, in order to keep going up higher, you’d have to loose the bicycle. By now the staircase would be perfect for climbing it just on foot. But still the staircase was gradually growing steeper, even so that after a while you had to climb it like you would climb a ladder, using both hands and feet, and at this level this was perfect like that.
Still it grew steeper as you would get higher up, and it became so steep that you would come to climb it as you would a rope ladder and you would be hanging on using all the strength in your arms and legs to keep going. At this level of perfection you can not have any sliding back without a hurting cost but it’s so much worth to keep going and meen while encouraging others because of the reward that comes into sight.
Hang on, don’t let go, you are getting there, one heart, the desire of the spirit.
Thank you for sharing your vision, Zeno! May Yah bless us all as we allow Him to help us to continue climbing higher. Yes, we have to hold on! Let’s endure till the end 😌
Sylviane, shalom sis, I’m so glad you feel encouraged! And for sharing with your husband as well 😌 enjoy every min of the Shabbat when it comes. It’s a blessing to have this rest, that’s for sure.
Amen, thank sis! Enjoy too! Shabbat Shalom😍🙏❤️
Hi thank you for his words of truth praise father and son. Blessings sister in Yah thank you so much 🙏 ❤️
No problem Joyce! I’m so glad you were blessed. Praise Yah 🙂 Hope you’re having a beautiful day 🙂
Glory HalleluYahuah praise YAHUAH. Sistar Hadarah, it does my spirit good to read and listen to your up lifting messages on worship and obedience to our FATHER. Shalom Family and stay Strong. Much Love
Praise Yah, Brenda. I’m sooo glad to hear that. Yah bless you sis! Be encouraged!
Glory to Yahuah for all that you’re doing to enlighten and encourage others. Continued blessings to you & your ministry.
Yah bless you too, Angela!
🔥🙌🏾💕💯 I have so many words, I hope my emojis…thank you for this. These words, the video lit a 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 of 🙌🏾 in my ❤️
Praise Yahuah 😌 and I love the emoji’s Vickie! Keep the fire burning 🔥
Shalum Sis!❤️ This scripture is on time and is what I’m studying right now and has lit a fire🔥 in me. I love it and the entire video! HalaluYah!!!🙌🙌🙌 I totally agree with you that most people today have lost the fear of Yahuwah, especially his name. As Yahuwah perfects me, as I mature in the Set Apart Spirit and become complete in Yahuwshuwa, I’m reminded of the Nine Fruits of Wisdom (fruit of the spirit) that help me in my growth. ❤️
HalaluYah ❤️ Thank you for sharing Sister Kim! We all need more of these fruits!
”But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no Torah.“
Galatians 5:22-23
May Yah lead and guide us all as we seek His face ❤️
Shalom Hadarah. Thanks for taking the quality time to share this amazing council and testimony with us. It’s really timely and uplifting. Yah bless you Hadarah. Take care and God speed.
Shalom Chazaaq, Yah bless you too 😌 Praise Yah, for His mercy endures forever.
Amen and APTTMHY
Halaluyah 😌
Shalom Hadarah, thank you for posting vrs 11 as the focus. I’ve found that if I focus on giving Father honor first with vrs10…. For You are great, and are doing wonders; You are Elohim, You alone. That I can best understand vrs 11… Teach me Your way, O יהוה; Let me walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your Name. Then as I continue with vrs 12…. I praise You, O יהוה my Elohim, with all my heart, And I esteem Your Name forever. And vrs13 …For Your loving-commitment is great toward me, And You have delivered my being From the depths of She’ol. These verses make it absolutely personal to Me. As if it’s just Father and I. I know He loves Us all but it completes my meditation when I make it personal. Praise YAHUAH forever….Be Blessed dear Sister.
HallaluYah ❤️ I love it!
I Praise Yah, and I thank Him for inspiring you with His words to share with us.
May Yah continue to bless and keep you and yours in perfect peace.
I fell in love with you when you shared your testimony on why you left the sda denomination. Yah has brought me out too. Thank you for sharing.
Praise Yahuah. It’s a blessing to hear from you Kaamila. I’m glad you enjoyed this video, and that the testimony shared all those years ago is still making an impact today. Praise Yah, He is good 😌
Thank you for the message. I needed to hear these words.
Praise Yahuah – I’m so glad Kathey. Yah bless you!
Bless the Lord this was very touching. May the Lord bless you with revelations from His heart to inspire, encourage, and love on His people through His words.
Love you in Christ Jesus.