How I let fear hold me back.

Intense. The Last 3 blog posts here at Set Apart Heart have been a little bit intense. Honesty, I struggled with whether or not to even write them, much less share them with you.

After interacting with those who left comments on all the previous posts, and listening to the things that were on your mind, I’m actually really glad that I did. Sharing what’s real and authentic in life brings us all closer together as a community, and allows the presence of Yah to keep moving through us all.

If you’re just joining in on the ongoing conversation we’ve been having at Set Apart Heart, let me quickly recap for you before moving forward. First, we talked about Yah’s Purpose and Plan for your life. We talked about the big picture ideas that stemmed from Jeremiah 29:11, and Isaiah 43:10. In light of the fact that we are Yah’s witnessess and His servants whom He has chosen, we also touched lightly on reconnecting with your spiritual gifts, and what you might want to spend more time doing in life.

After discussing the big picture, we focused in on some of your struggles. The things that were holding you back and getting in the way of your healing, so that you could move closer to embracing your purpose in life. We concluded that understanding the things you don’t want in your life can often help you to get more clarity and redefine the things that you actually do want. Reading James 1:12 helped us to remember that our struggles are only for a time, and that if we press forward and endure, there will be a reward.

Then finally we discussed the little things that could be holding us back. The subconscious thoughts and the negative self talk that we may not even notice is having an affect our emotions and the decisions that we make. We touched briefly on renewing our minds so that we can move forward, and some of us made personal commitments to ourselves about wanting to make a change. We read Romans 12:2:

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good and well-pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim.”

So now what?

You want to make a change. But how? Where do you begin?

We are spiritual beings, so let’s begin with spiritual things. Moving forward with intention and purpose in life is deeply connected to the connection we have with our Creator. Yahuah is in control of our lives, and as chaotic as things may seem in the world around us, the more we submit to the will of Yah, the more things will re-allign, and the easier it will be for us to hear His direction so that we can know what steps to take in order to move forward. 


Earlier this week, on Tuesday night, I was awake for most of the night. Rarely does that ever happen to me anymore – and this time it was different. In the past I’ve struggled with sleeping peacefully, but on Tuesday night, strangely enough – being awake was a really good thing. Yahuah was working with me. He was filling me and directing me clearly on how to make my next steps with music. You see, all my life I’ve been holding back from fully walking in my purpose. You may be surprised to hear that from someone who has been releasing Set Apart Music since 2014, and shared so much content on youtube. But it’s true, I’ve been holding back. A lot. And regardless of the singing and songwriting Yah’s given me the grace to do in the past, the truth is there is so much more music and motivation that Yah wants me to share.

I struggle with perfectionism – big time. I always want everything to be exactly right. I say I want to do the will of Yah, but I get distracted and make up a lot of excuses. Anyone else ever been there? I often let “life” get in the way of me doing the things I really need to do. I say things like “I’m too busy with this” or “I’m too tired because of that” or “I just don’t feel like it right now.” I have to have the exact perfect conditions in order to be creative. But the reality is this: Those excuses are a symptom of a MUCH deeper problem. And Praise Yah, this week that became very clear to me.

Standing in between ourselves and the desire to submit to Yah’s will, we often find this little tiny thing called fear. This tiny thing called fear can make a big huge impact. It can be disguised as a whole number of other excuses like the ones I shared in my personal story.

A wise person once told me that FEAR is actually False Evidence Appearing Real. We know the spirit of fear is not from Yah. At the root of it all, if we can allow the Spirit of Yah to help us look at our excuses for what they really are, more often than not – what we will find is fear.

Fear of failure… Fear of judgment… Fear of excellence…. Fear of being filled with pride, which we KNOW goes before the fall. (Prov 16:18) Fear is what’s holding us back from healing, from our purpose, from giving and recieving love…  Fear holds us back from living our true authentic lives.

I want you to take a look at your life, and ask yourself this question:

  • What am I really afraid of?
  • What do I really have to lose?
  • What do I actually have to gain?
  • If fear were not in my way, what would I do today?

If on some level, you know you need to make a change, and some shifts need to happen in your life – perhaps examining your heart on a deeper level with the questions above would be a good place to start. Look inside and ask Yah to show you what fears are lying around in disguise at the root of your struggles and pain.

If this concept resonates with you, and you’re ready to move forward, I want you to leave a comment and say “I’m ready to let go of fear.”

You don’t have to type anything else. 

Just write, “I’m ready to let go of fear.” 

And throughout this week, be intentional about making space to hear what Yahuah is asking you to do in your life. Even if it’s in the middle of the night. When you wake up in the morning you can say to your Abba…

“Yah, what do you want me to do today?”

“Who do you want me to connect with?”

“What do you want me to say?”

Remember – You are here for a reason. Your life has a purpose, and the healing that will flow when you choose to let go of fear will guide you to the place Yah wants you to be.

I love you, and I’m praying for you, and I know you’re praying for me. I can’t wait to share the new music Yah’s given me with you… so you might get a surprise next week if it’s ready 😉 Let’s keep on growing together in the truth of Yahuah. For Yah has not given us a spirit of fear. But of power, of love, and a sound mind.

‘For Elohim has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and of love and of self-control. So do not be ashamed of the witness of our Master, nor of me His prisoner, but suffer hardship with me for the Good News according to the power of Elohim, who has saved us and called us with a set-apart calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and favour which was given to us in Messiah יהושע before times of old,’

Timotiyos Bĕt (2 Timothy) 1:7-9

Now go ahead and leave that comment. If you’re ready to let go of fear – say so. Do it for yourself, and do it for the kingdom. We need you. Let’s keep moving forward together.

I’ll see you in the comments below. Let the healing flow.

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