Praise Yah!
Regardless of what’s happening in your life from day to day, there should always be room to praise and worship Yahuah. Let’s take time out to thank Him for all the works of His mighty hand. He is our Deliverer, and He provides for all our needs. I hope you can carve out a few mins right now to enjoy the new song in the video below. It’s called, The Praises of Israel, and it’s based on Psalms 22:3-5.
If the message in song is meaningful for you, leave a comment that says, “Yah, I will worship You!”
‘But thou art set apart, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in thee: They trusted, and thou didst deliver them. They cried unto thee, and were delivered: They trusted in thee, and were not confounded. ‘
Psalm 22:3-5
I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to dedicate a lot more time to making music lately. Feels really good to have the time to be able to worship Yah more freely so I can share songs like that one with you today. I pray it brought your heart to a place where you can worship Yah as well.
‘“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also does seek such to worship Him. “Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth.” You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because deliverance is of the Yahuḏim.’
Yoḥanan (John) 4:22-24
So let’s remember, no matter where you are on this spiritual journey, making space to worship Yah, in spirit and in truth, matters so very much to our Elohim. Not only is He our Lawgiver and Judge, but He is our Deliverer (James 4:12) and we need to stay closely connected to Him and live by His Word. These times we are living in are not a joke. Stay awake, and remember The One who you serve.
Side note: I’m trying to learn more about how to record at home (without picking up the background noises of our neighbours barnyard animals lol) so just keep me in prayer regarding that if you can lol. Leave a comment below if this blog post was meaningful for you. You can also share a prayer request or praise report. I’ll see you in the comments below!
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Very NICE! Lovely SONG!! Baruch haba bashem YAHUAH!! Love your music!! 🙏🏽💗
I’m so glad you enjoyed the music Jayne! Yah bless you 🙂
That was a blessing from Abba. Also agree the time is getting short for the messiah to come back. HalleluYah!! Praise Yahuah for the ruach following through your gift.
Praise Yahuah! I’m so glad you received a blessing, Annette. May Yah continue to bless and keep you and yours 😌
Shabbat Shalom achoti
Beautiful song as always APTTMH I’ll always worship&praise Yah.
Praise YAH
It is so Inspiring, listening to Your
Songs. The Energy you Emmit through Your Praises, Saturates my Spirit. I’m Awe struck with the Gifts YAH has Blessed You with. I’m indeed Blessed & Thankful
for Your Ministry of Praise &
Shalom Lionel, praise Yah 😌 I’m so very glad you feel inspired!
Shabbat Shalom, I will worship Yahuah! …very well performed. I love the song.
Melody S.🇨🇦
Glad you enjoyed the music, Melody! I pray you had a peaceful Shabbat and that you have a wonderful week 😁 Shabua Tob!
Yahuah is trustworthy! I , we will worship Him! Thank you for such a wonderful song!
Beautiful achoti 💕 Praise Yahuah 🙌🏽
Beautiful I love what yah is doing in you continue being obedient to the Rauch and blessing us with your voice ❤
Thanks for the encouragement, Latricia! Yes, I’ll keep on making music – Yahuah’s will be done 🙂
Beautiful song… praise Yah!!!
Shalom, Demi! Praise Yahuah 🙂
Yes He is trustworthy John! Praise Yah. Yes, Let’s worship Him!
Such a beautiful hymn of praise.
Praise Yah! So glad you’re enjoying the music Tzuri 😌
That song is my new favorite. It’s beautiful, thanks!
Ah, So glad this one’s your new fave Esther! My husband said the same thing 🙂 Yah be praised.
This is beautiful! I has an anointed feel! Hal Le Lu Yahuah Achoti!
Praise Yahuah – I’m glad you can feel that, Toni! All praise to Yahuah Most High. May His will alone be done.
It’s beautiful! YAH, I will worship You!
Praise Yah! Good to see you here Kim 🙂 Let’s worship Him!
Beautiful worship!!!
Praise Yah 🙂 Stay blessed, Carletta!
Beautiful song! Yes, Yah I will worship you!
Love it 🙂 Yes, let’s worship Him Dalila – in spirit and in truth!
Beautiful praise to Yahuah.
Glad you’re enjoying the music, Lourdes! Yah bless you 🙂
Daughter of Yah and sweet singer of Yisrael! Absolutely beautiful.
All praise to the Most High Yah!
Thank you for sharing your gift with the Yisrael of Yah.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the music Yobachi! Yah bless you 🙂
Thankyou . Praise Yah
Amein Let us come with honour and worship YAHUAH our ALUAH with a pure and loving heart.Cry out to HIM and be delivered,for I trust in YAHUAH and are not ashamed.
Lovely song Hadarah
Praise Yah! Glad you enjoyed the music Joseph. Yah bless you 🙂
No problem Leister! Yah is good and His mercy endures forever.
Lovely song and encouraging words. We should always praise and worship our creator Yah. Sometimes it is hard when we go through things but HalleluYah he understands
Those farm animals just want to join in with your praises too I think.
Shalom to you and your family 😄
Haha! You’re probably right regarding the farm animals Fumi 🙂 Yahuah’s will be done – I trust it will all work out in the end. And I understand what you mean about praise in the midst of challenges. May Yah give us strength to endure till the end, and to lift Him up through it all! He will never leave us nor forsake us. Praise Yah 🙂
Keep bringing the beautiful music
Yahuah’s will be done 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, YAH I will Worship you!
HalleluYah to The Most High Elohim forever and ever. So Be It
So be it! Praise Yah 🙂
Todah Rabah Achoti Hadarah, I also enjoy your Set Apart Scripturally based Musac! May Elohim continue His work in all of The Children of Yis’rael, according to His Will & Purpose, so we can all be joined back together at His appointed time. May your purpose continue to inspire us to endure. Again Todah. Ha’lel Yahuah.
Absolutely Dawid 🙂 I’m so glad the music was meaningful for you! ‘Let all that has breath praise Yah. Praise Yah!’ Tehillim (Psalms) 150:6
Yah, I will worship You!!
Beautiful, sister!! Praise Yah!
Praise Yah! Blessing on you Sister Deb 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
Todah my sister, for the lovely music and reminder to praise and worship our Elohim in spirit and truth.
HE inhabits the praises of His people, HalleluYAH!
These are troubling times, and we need songs like this to encourage and strengthen our ruach as we remember we have a Deliverer.
Praise Yah! So glad this was meaningful for you, Deborah. Yes, let’s continue to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Yahuah’s will be done 😌
Yah, I will worship You!
Praise Yah! Love it, sister Denise 😌
Yahuah’s will be done. Let’s all keep growing in Him
Love it !!! All praise to our King and Deliverer.
Praise Yah 😌 so glad you’re enjoying the music, April!
“Yah I will worship you”.
Shabbat Shalum sister Hadarah, it’s always a delight hearing you singing, praising and worshipping Abba Yahuah with us. We really need to take that time only to worship Yah despite what we’re going through. My wife and me keep you and family in prayers. Much ahaba.
Shabbat shalum N’Koy! Glad you’re enjoying the music 🎶 may you and your family be blessed! Thank you for the prayers 😌
Thank you for the beautiful music and your words of encouragement. Toda for sharing!
Shalom James 😌 Praise Yah! Glad you enjoyed it! Let’s keep on looking up!
“YaH I will worship You”
Shalom ! Sista Hadarah all you songs a very inspiring and brings a joy and peace to my heart and soul all the time; I love listening to the words of YaH that He placed on your heart to encouraged me when I’m down or up in my spirit! You are my favorite person song writer. Stay Blessed by YAHUAH in Yahshua’s name. Shalom Shalom!!
Shalom Suzette 😌 praise Yah! So happy to hear how much you are enjoying the music and the messages here at Set Apart Heart. I’m really glad the music is meaningful for you – during the ups AND the downs. May Yah continue to bless you sis! Let’s keep on looking up!
Yah I WILL worship You!!!! Beautiful song!
Love this song of praise to Abba Yahuah. Thank you for sharing with the family of the Most High Yah 🙌🏽. Peace and blessings 🙏🏾🙌🏽.
Shalom my lovely sister!
It’s always a blessing to hear your unique voice that comes comes from your humble heart.
Your songs melts my heart and humbles me in such a way that I allow myself to be potty in The Potter’s hands.
Thank you so much for giving yourself to our Abba Yah that he can continue to use you to bring his people closer to Him. Much love sis. In Yahshua mighty name😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for your very meaningful words and song!!!
I will certainly be praying about the noise situation.
Thank you so much Tracy!! Yah bless you 🙂 Hope you’re doing well.