A wise person once said, “You can not heal in the same environment where you got sick.”
That’s a heavy thought to consider. Most of us have everyday habits and people in our lives that impact us on such a regular basis that we don’t even realize the depth or impact. Many of us are struggling with pain, and we don’t understand why the struggle is so hard, but the people, places, and environments we live in or create for ourselves are the exact same people and environments that caused us the pain to begin with.
Last week here at Set Apart Heart we started to discuss the big, obvious things we don’t want in our lives. We discussed situations we are tired of struggling with, things that are holding us back from our healing – things that could be keeping us from walking in our purpose. A lot of us left comments with very real and tangible struggles. And I read all the emails that came through my inbox as well.
This week I invite you to consider the things that are a little less tangible – the little things that may be hiding in the background… things that could be slowly chipping away at your ability to heal and have peace of mind.
- Consider things like self-talk. What thoughts are you subconsciously speaking over yourself?
- Consider your music playlist. What messages are in the songs being played over and over again in your mind?
- Consider the books you are reading or movies you are watching. Do they build or edify?
- Consider your closest family and friends. Do they encourage you to live a life that is pleasing to the Most High Yah?
- Consider your emotional state. Are you in a space where you can think clearly and make decisions that will help you move forward?
Yesterday on FB and Instagram I was contemplating how the mind is SUCH a powerful thing. What goes in the mind always comes out – in one form or another. If we find ourselves struggling in certain areas, it is SO important to stop & consider what’s going on beneath the surface. What is really happening in our hearts and minds? And who or what are we allowing to have so much power over us?
This week I gained some much needed clarity in my life. I’m sharing this story in the hopes that it will encourage you as well.
Most of you know that I’m making music here at Set Apart Heart full time now. I just recorded my latest single, Healing Me, which will be available on December 4, 2018. And while waiting for the tracks to be mixed and mastered, I decided to start working on recording other songs for the album that will be released in the Spring of 2019.
While trying to record the music at home, I kept hitting roadblocks. For two whole days, for one reason or another, things just weren’t going as planned. I started to get frustrated, I even shed a few silent tears as I cried. For a moment I questioned whether I had bitten off more than I could chew, and even though I have my husband’s full support in every way, I wondered if I had made a mistake in leaving my full time job. I stopped and I said to myself – Hadarah, is this what you really want?
Because I know that Yahuah gave me the gift of singing and songwriting, I said to myself ‘Yes, this is what I want.’
What I don’t want is to be fiddling around with the technical aspects of recording. So instead of filling my mind with doubt and negative self-talk, I dried my tears, took a break, and listened to an audio version of the Bible. Doing this always comforts me when I get stressed out. After taking my break, I tried to record again, but by then my fingers were tired and I just didn’t have the strength to play the guitar again. So I decided to be done for the day.
That night my husband and I were talking about something totally unrelated to music, and it hit me – the solution came to me clear as day. I love making music, but I don’t like doing my own recording and wearing all the hats. Literally being the singer, songwriter, guitarist, recording engineer, cameraman, video editor, blog post writer and social media manager is just way too many hats to wear consistently. So I simply made the decision that in 2019 when I’m finished writing all the songs, I’ll just go back to the same professional recording studio where I recorded “Peace of Mind“, and “Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 & 2“. This may seem like a very simple and basic decision to you, but isn’t it funny how when we get emotional and frustrated, even the most basic of decisions just don’t even come to mind?
Clarity can only come from shalom and peace of mind. We can’t make sound decisions that will help us to heal and continue to move forward if we are talking negatively to ourselves about how “we aren’t good enough.” Most of us are so disconnected from our thoughts that we don’t even notice all the little things that we are saying.
This little story may be super simplistic. Your life may feel or actually be way more complicated right now. But no matter what’s going on let’s learn how to recognize when there’s an opportunity for change. Opportunity for us to slow down, so we can calm down, seek Yah, get clarity, be realistic, find healing and move forward with peace of mind.
‘Commit your works to יהוה, And your plans shall be established. יהוה has made all for His purpose, And also the wrong for the day of evil.’ Mishlĕ (Proverbs) 16:3-4
So now I invite you to tell me – besides the big obvious things that are holding you back, like the job that you hate, the dysfunctional relationship you’re dealing with, or the lack of financial stability in your life – what are the little tiny things that might be affecting you on a deeper level that you may not even realize?
If you can’t name them right now, but you know there are areas where you can make some positive changes, whether that be reading more scripture, listening to more positive set apart music, doing away with negative self-talk, or choosing to love certain friends or family members from a distance, leave a comment below and say, “I’d like to make a change.”
That’s all you have to type. Just scroll down in the comments and say
“I’d like to make a change.”
Do it as a committment to yourself. Then take some time to seriously consider what the change might need to be throughout this week.
Below you’ll find the video with the sneak peek of my new single that’s coming out December 4, 2018 “Healing Me.” I posted it on youtube last week, but if you haven’t had a chance to take a peek at it yet, or if you just want to watch it again as you meditate, I pray you’ll enjoy the 2 min clip below. Prayerfully the song will inspire you as you consider the places in your heart and mind that may need to heal.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good and well-pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim.”
Romiyim (Romans) 12:2
May the little things we choose to change make a big impact in our lives. I’ll see you in the comments below, my friend. Don’t forget to leave a comment of commitment for yourself if you’d like to make a change.
-Hadarah BatYah
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
I would like to make a change: I the change is this: In my heart, I recently asked Yahuah to send someone I could share his wonderful message with. My fat, friends and associates respect my beliefs but do share in them. I would like to have a Yahuah soulmate. Someone other than my spouse. Behold, I received this wonderful email from you. All praise to the Most High. Thank you!
Hi Anna, thanks for sharing… I pray Yah sends some sweet soul sisters into your world! And I’ll be seeking Yah on whether there is anything I can do to help support and foster community on a deeper level in the future. I know it’s something we all need more of. Yahuah’s will be done. Keep on looking up sis. Yah is with you even now.
I would like to make a change 🙂
Praise Yah 💛 Glad to see you taking the first step Leayah.
My Mom passed in August. And, I believe that I’m still mourning but I know that I needed to make a change. So,I’ve already begun. I moved from the suburbs of Virginia to the countryside of Central Virginia. Now I feel misplaced. Where do I go from here? I’m seeking YAH’S guidance in prayer. But,I’m also dealing with being unemployed for over a year because I was dealing with some eldercare issues. How can I encourage myself to be still and let YAH?
Hi Lisa. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom passing. Losing a loved one is never easy… healing takes time… so please give yourself permission to take the time… it also requires a mindset shift which we can discuss in a future blog post… and I know there are financial burdens on your mind but you just remember who Your Father is. Remind Him of His promises.
Deut 31:6 says He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Also Psalms 37:25 says, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”
So don’t lose hope – just keep on looking up. 💛 sending love 💛
HalaluYah Yah has made a way for me to work part time (3 days a week) to free up my time and my job has become very stressful but yet I keep making more excuses why I need to keep working the extra hours. Out of fear I hold on. AM I REALLY TRUSTING IN YAHUAH? Tudah rabbah for sharing time to trust Yah as I proclaim TO HEAR YOU YAH!
All praise to Yahuah Most High! May we all continue to self reflect and make changes in our lives as we seek to put our trust in Him!! Thank you for sharing Malkah 💛
I would like to make a change!
In my relationship with my children; especially with my last two that are living at home with me and my husband, they are 25 and 22 years old and still in college the oldest working on her masters, the youngest planning on returning to college to complete her bachelors in education she was out of state studding and came home pregnant, had a beautiful baby girl that she is now caring for with our support.
There is a lot of tension in our home.
I keep myself focused on YaH they are not walking in the fullness of YaH’s word; we were once living a Christian life since I have heard the call of our Abba YaH and now living differently there is more tension in our home. I don’t force YaH’s views I just live accordingly they are missing the Christian life styles.
as for my husband he came to the understanding of how we should be living according to YaH and not as according to Christianity however he do has his own struggles keeping the Shabbat due to his work place. There is so much I would like to say but I’m not quite a writer as you Hadarah 😁 you are a blessing from YaH your music brings a lot of peace to my heart trusting and believing YaH that my family and will one day be on one accord in YaH. I love you young lady! You are truly a blessing in my life I listen to you music 🎶 ALL LLLL THE TIMEEEEEE. Love ❤️ YaH and what He doing in you to bless His people.
Please keep my family in prayer. Todah YaH and Thank you 🙏🏽
💛💕 Suzette you and your family will most definitely remain in my prayers. There’s a lot going on but you are on the right track sis. Yahuah is your strength!! Keep on looking to Him and pressing in to Him so that He can fill you up 💛💕
Shalum Suzette. The love alone that you keep expressing in this comment assures me you will defeat the condition on the ground. Stay encouraged Yahuah has got you, your love is the sign, you got this.
I love all your songs; my must favorite is “Good morning YaH “ Healing me is also great I can’t wait 😊
Hadarah have a bless day always! 😘
Praise Yahuah – you have a great day as well Suzette! I’m glad you’re enjoying all the songs 😌
i would like to make a change.
Praise Yah 😌 you’re on the right track. Congrats on taking the first step Rolly. Yah bless you!
I would like to make a change!!
Yah be praised – so glad to hear it 💛
I would like to make a change
Praise Yah – this is great Pam 🙂
Hello dear sisters, this is good music! please keep it up, as you go along Yah will give you ideas on how to overcome all barriers.
Today I managed to share one of your videos with my wife! I hope to direct her to this new light
That’s wonderful Albert – thank you for sharing with you wife – I pray she enjoys the music and motivation here 😌
Sometimes I get weary and feeling negative, then I have to give myself a positive talk and pray to Yah. I’ve been working temp positions for almost 2 years, I need more stable employment sometimes that gets me down. Then I look at how Yah has helped me in other areas and I have repented. Everything is Yah’s will/timing so I must stay patient/faithful and obedient to His words. Thanks for sharing your faithful story shalom.
Shalom Veronica, thanks for sharing your story too sis, you’re not alone 😌 we all need a pep talk at times!! Stay strong sis. Sending love 💛
I gave really become confident since I decided to follow Yah and learned that I am part of the fold. sorry to hear about the loss of your mom Lisa, my prayers are with you.
My constant prayer these days has been for Yah to keep my faith in Him going even in little things that I go over in my mind, And it actually works!May Yah comfort yall in the struggle we are in. Let’s Stay connected.
Thanks for sharing Albert! Yah bless you!!
Also, I need your prayers as I am travelling to Africa on 19th Nov 2018. I keep bees in a remote village in Zambia. I’ll do some harvesting while I’m there. Pray for Yah to bless this trip. I hope to share my newly found faith with others there.
I would like to make a change. Your songs are so comforting especially for what I have been going through lately. You are truly an inspiration Hadarah. Thank you for all of your work! ❤️
Praise Yahuah – I’m so glad to hear the music is comforting for you Bahira. May Yahuah be with you and continue to encourage you through it all.
I would like to make a change, I’ve needed it for so long.
I hear you Zena! Well congrats on making progress today. This is just the first step but you’re opening yourself to move forward in Yah. Praise Yah!!
Sometimes making that change is painful but Yah is always there to hold our hand! Learning to trust Yah’s plan!
He sure is Monica, he’s holding our hands every step of the way.
I’m ready to make a change. I’ve been praying for revelation of what my Yah given purpose is. I’m in my early forties and feel as if I have not walked in my purpose or found my gifts. Also have made many mistakes that I’m paying for now and praying to become a Proverbs 31 woman. Among the many changes I need to see happen, these are just a few. Thank you for this space where we can recognize where change is necessary. Shalom sis.
Praise Yah – Oneka thank you for sharing… your heart is beautiful and Yahuah sees that. He will lead and guide you all the way.
Shalawam to all the beautiful people here is a prayer for you. Abbyah,the Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Issac, and of Jacob. Abbayah, your children is suffering one way or another. Please encourage the to show Oh HallelwYah believing all it taken care of because we trust in with our whole heart and try not to lean to our understanding of it. As we walk help in all our ways to show you are control of our live. Whether is relationship, challenges in education, health or peace of mind. It is you Yah that is in full control so at every trial and tribulation help us to praise you with our whole heart, free our minds to shout even higher. Help the love ones plant the seed of life in another. Yah thank you the increase we know many are called but few are chosen.
All praise be to Yahuah Most High… thank you for sharing a prayer Kelvin 😌
We must remember his yoke is easy. He gives them as a test only. Yah is with you to shout halla-yah his highest praise. If money is low – shout – if children are sick or just out of control – shout remember in all things shout Oh halla Yah.
I’m in need of deliverance and help all across the board. I have and still am struggling with the loss/end of the LTR that lasy 3 yrs. Accopmanying that blow was an attack on my finanaces and work prospects as well. Lot of detials that won’t go into right now. finding it really hard to keep getting up and pressing on. MAking matters worse is that I also do not havethe resources to even escape from the enviroment where I got sick(hit) in the first place. I’m surronunded by people and things that remind me of the woman who left me which just makes it all the more worse….
I’M trying to keep up with reading and prayin> i know I’,m not alone but it feels like I’m alone. feel like there is a heavy hand pressing me down…
Shabbat shalom Curtis, thanks for being brave and sharing your story… I know that sometimes the weight of our burdens feels really really heavy… just remember in those times that we have the power to shift out of those moods. Remember its the enemy who is working overtime to keep you down. 2 Corinthians 10:5 reminds us that we have the power to take every thought captive. So no matter how hard it feels, if we choose to, we can get up, and shift our mindset and focus on the practical things that we actually CAN do. I noticed you said you’re trying to keep up with reading and praying. That’s good. focus on that. There’s a bible app that can play the audio of the bible back to you if you just don’t feel like reading tonight. Or go to bible.com and you can listen there if you don’t want to download the app. May Yah be with you Curtis. You’re in our prayers.
I’d like to make a change!
Praise Yahuah!! Sending love to you Marsha 🙂
I’d like to make a change! Thank you so much for being a light in the darkness.
Shalom Flower Child 🙂 You’ll be in our prayers! And i’m so glad that you can feel the light. All praise to Yahuah Most High! Keep on looking up!!
Yes..Hadarah you are a true gift and Shining Light for Yah! Hallelu-Yah… Once again your music has brought me to deep tears..I have struggled with procrastination on areas I believe Yah has for me to do since I left Christianity. I appreciate your encouragement and will be printing off the past three blogs you made, and taking time with Yahuah and the thought provoking messages. I would like to make a change!
Shalom Calora 🙂 I’m so glad that the last three blog posts have been so valuable for you. There’s more to come. Set Apart Heart is about music & motivation for your spiritual journey – and it’s not always easy to stay motivated when we make excuses for ourselves – even though often times our excuses are valid! We all have so many distractions – none the less we must move forward in Yah. You’ll be in my prayers – may Yahuah continue to lead and guide you alll the way.
I have struggled with waking up several times throughout the night and being concerned about the effects of not getting enough sleep. During this Sabbath I received inspiration from Psalm 119:147-148 and I commit to change worry to meditation on the word during the “night watches”
Deborah this is wonderfuuuul. Alll praise be to Yahuah Most Hiiiigh. I’m so VERY glad to hear this good news 💛💛💛
I want to make a change.
Thank you for sharing!! You’ll stay in my prayers Deborah!! Sending love 😌
I’d like to make a change. Not only will it be good for me, but for my young boys as well.
Jasmine, that’s wonderful. Yah bless you and your family! All praise to Yahuah Most High.
I would like to make a change. And I will commit to it. Thank you Hadarah, halaluyah.
Praise Yah! I’m so glad to hear that Dytsah. You’ll remain in my prayers sis! Yah be with you all the way.