“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of your law.”
Psalm 119:18
Over the course of my life, whenever I loose focus, or start to feel a little down, it’s usually because I haven’t been spending enough time in The Word of Yahuah. Over the past several weeks, as Yah has been prompting me to spend more time with Him, it’s been helping me so much to feel more alive! The Law really is a light! Creating new content on YouTube is a byproduct of that light. I hope to keep sharing new scripture meditations every week @setapartheart. That way you’ll have something to enjoy between new music releases.
There are SO many golden nuggets in Psalms 119. I love that chapter. You may have already seen the scripture meditation that I posted on YouTube earlier this week. It’s called “Revive Me in Your Ways.” It’s based on excerpts from Psalm 119. Being the longest chapter in The Scriptures, if I had recorded the whole thing, it would have been a 20-30 min video. But this little 2 min scripture meditation is just long enough so you can play it again and again.
I pray this video helps The Word to go deeper for you. I pray it stays in your heart and mind, and helps to revive you if you’re feeling kind of cold. Remember, Proverbs 6:23 says, “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:” The law is light. Let The Word bring of Yahuah breathe new life and light in you today, so you can rest and be restored in Him.
The footage in the video below was all taken at Yosemite International Park back in July 2020 when my husband and I hiked up The Mist Trail together. Since then we’ve been back to Yosemite several times, and every time we see something new. So if you like these clips, let me know, I’d be happy to share more of these moments in Yah’s creation with you! Enjoy the video below.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Psalm 119:105
One verse that isn’t in the video which I also love is Psalm 119:105. A sister on YouTube reminded me of it in the comments. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The Law of Yahuah can bring you light on your darkest days. So if you ever feel dark or cold, especially on these cloudy winter days, choose to delight in the commands of Yahuah. I promise, it will change your life.
What’s your favorite verse in Psalm 119? Let me know in the comments below. And if you’re interested in me doing a full chapter scripture reading of Psalm 119 with Yahuah’s name – just a straight conversational reading, let me know that too. I know some people enjoy listening to the scriptures before going to sleep, while they sleep, or just while they are doing chores around the house. If that’s you, and you would enjoy having longer scripture readings in addition to these shorter meditations, I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments as well.
Ok, I’ll see you in the comments below!
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Shalum Beautiful Sister Hadarah,
I pray you, your husband and family are all well in our Most High Yahuah. Thank you for the new channel 🙏🏿, it is truly a beautiful calming blessing. Praise Yahuah!
Yes I would respectfully request if you can please do a video of the entire Psalm 119, it truly would.be a wonderful blessing.
Grace to you and peace from Yahuah our Father, in the body of our Mashiach Yahusha. HalleluYAH
Just beautiful 💖
Hi Mom, glad you enjoyed this one too 🥰 you know how much we love Yosemite! Nothing like Yah’s creation.
PSLAMS 119 10, With my whole Heart have I sought
Thee, O let me not wander
from Thy Commandments
That is SUCH a good one, honestly love that one so much 😌
Shalum Sis Bea, I’m so glad the new channel has been calming for you. Praise Yah 😌 I truly appreciate your feedback, and your request for the entire Psalm 119. I didn’t want to just hit you guys with such long content if it wasn’t desired or useful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Have a beautiful peaceful Shabbat! Yah bless you and your family too 🤗
So beautiful sis!
I enjoy these videos and Yahuah’s word.
Praise Yah!
Praise Yah indeed, Mathanah 😌 Yah is good and His mercy endures forever.
Thank you for your prompt and timely inspiration. The timing could not be more perfect. As I am lying upon my bed, pondering how not to go to work. Your message came through. My new job requires working on Shabbat. I have not worked on Shabbat in many years. I don’t want to fall prey back into the demands of the workforce world. Your praise has revived my spirit. I must continue to put Yahuah ABOVE all things. Thank you for reviving me!
Shalom QueenAna, wow I’m glad this was right on time for you. Working on Shabbat is sometimes a really big challenge, and I pray Yah helps you through it. He always provides! I look forward to hearing your testimony when you get the day off ❤️ You and I both know He always makes a way 😌
I would love for you to do the full chapter reading. Ps 119 I love it all.
Praise Yahuah, thanks for letting me know, DalilaYah 😁👍🏾👍🏾 that’s two votes for the full Psalm 119 so far!!
Ditto 😊
Praise Yah Scott, it’s already been done, I put it on the new YouTube channel here 😌 https://youtu.be/LiT7BpomxQE?si=WvOnSE18dh13OA9f
Thanks acuthy, may YaHUaH continues to use you as a beacon in the lives of those who sits in darkness to come to His marvelous light, and to speak words of encouragement to those who walking in His path.
Blessings protection and mercy be unto you and your household in Mashyach Yahusha 🙌. Shalom!
Shalom Sis Oliveiona, thank you so much for the encouragement as well 😌 And I pray the blessing of Yahuah’s protection falls on you and your household as well, in Yahusha’s name 🤗 Have a beautiful Shabbat as it comes in!
Shalom Achoti! Todah for sharing. I’ve been in a very trying season, however the word of Yahuah have kept my foot from slipping. Thus far, I have two favorite parts of Psalm 119. I have hidden your commandments in my hart so that I may not sin against thee & unless your law hath been my delight I would have perished in my afflictions. All praises to The Most High Yah💕 if you decide to share the entire verse, I will be here for all of it. What a timely word #revive
Shalom shalom
HallalluYah, thank you for sharing your thoughts Zimrah! That’s 3 votes so far 😌 praise Yahuah- and I love the verses you shared, so so good 😁
Poetically pure and pristine. Revive me Oh Yahuah, Revive me… 🌈
Praise Yahuah. May His will always be done 😌
Ps 119 :10 with my whole heart I have sought you : o let me not wander from your commandments
Love that one too Dajari 😌 thanks for sharing.
Utter serenity washed over me…Thank you.
Praise Yahuah 😌 im really glad to hear that April. Have a beautiful Shabbat Sis.
i needed to hear this my elderly mother is soon to pass away and i as an addicted drug addict and alcoholic who has lost the desire to totally quit. i have started again since last night and i shall soon see how long i last clean but this world does my head in, the wars the dirty politicians and the criminals the gangs this worldly system is so against Yahuah and His Ways i need revival Shabbat Shalom i am trying again but kan i do need revival hallalu-Yah Yahuah YahuSha…Hadarah may i please ask may i please share your beautiful you tube video with a facebook group i am attached to (congregation of Yahuah international
i forgot a bracket ) at the end of the comment i wrote to you (so sorry )
Shabbat shalom Kerry. First of all I’m really sorry to hear about your mother. It’s never easy to go through that. May Yah help you find comfort as you trust in Him.
Yes the world is full of negativity, but if we choose to renew our minds by focusing on Yah’s Word, we don’t have to dwell on all the negativity that surrounds us. We can stop and choose to shift our focus. Remember we can do all things through Yahusha. Let’s not be wise in our own eyes but instead turn and trust in Him.
And of course you can share the YouTube video. They’re meant to be shared. I pray all those who might need the message will find it. Yahuah’s will be done.
Shalum Sis! I’m sorry for the late reply, I would love to hear Psalm 119 in its entirety. I love this video and the gorgeous views of Yosemite International Park and the excellent word Revive me in Your Ways is truly heartfelt! Praise Yahuwah!!!🙌❤️🤗
Praise Yahuah Kim! I’m so glad to hear that. And i think you found the new video already cause I saw your comment lol. I just uploaded the full chapter of Psalm 119 over the weekend so you all can enjoy it. It’s on the new channel right now so feel free to subscribe over there too 😌 I may not be able to make a blog post for every video so come on over if you haven’t already https://www.youtube.com/@setapartheart ❤️ Yah bless you and give you peace my sister 😌 Have a beautiful day!
Thank you Hadarah for uploading the full chapter. The whole chapter is a blessing and encourages one to look within and at the one who gives us our breath.
I am thankful for the spirit that Yah has given you to do these readings, may he continue to bless you and your hubby.
Praise Yah! And thanks for the encouragement Fumi 🙂 Yah bless you and have a great day!
Shalom my Sister. Thank you so much for this very calming reading of YAHUAH ‘S word. I could not have listened to it at a better time. YAHUAH is always so faithful to give us what we need when we are in need. My favorite is 119:11….this word also reassures me that if I hold Him close to my heart, He will always be close. And yes, to hear the entire Psalm being read would be a blessing, Praise YAHUAH. Thank you for your diligence to serve us as you serve YAH. HalleluYah!
Yes Sis Deborah truly Yahuah is always on time, always faithful. May His word be hidden in all our hearts! We need Him to be close! May Yahuah’s will be done in all our lives. Thank you so much for sharing 🙂