Sometimes life can feel like it’s a constant race. You can get pulled in one direction, then distracted by another.
How do you refocus?
I don’t know about you but I thank Yah that we have the Shabbat every week. It’s the perfect excuse to refocus, and I would be lost without it.
Even though my physical world is not as busy as some, being that I don’t have kids yet and life is still fairly quiet, the world inside my head is still SO busy. Far too busy.
Do you ever feel crowded by your own thoughts?
When I start to feel that way, I’m learning to make the conscious decision to stop – and shift into worship. We need to choose worship. To re-focus our energy on Yahuah.
Today I was in my head thinking too much again, and I just had to stop, make a shift, and start playing my guitar. As I played, the music made me cry. I’m not sure why, it just happens sometimes. I’m a woman – it’s allowed lol don’t judge me for it lol. But I’m sharing this because I had a much needed release, and it happened through worship.

I want you all to know that the only reason I’m still here blogging at Set Apart Heart, is because we all need a little encouragement to shift out of our own thoughts, and into worship. I know I’m not the only one who needs encouragement to spend more time meditating on the word of Yah.
That is the reason I still make music. We need more music based on the scriptures. We all need more of Yah’s word in our lives. And even though I don’t take time to make “scripture challenge” videos anymore, I still pray that each one of you would use my music as inspiration to meditate on the word, and pray to Yahuah Most High.
I want to say thank you to all those of you who have been supporting the new EP that just came out, Secret Place Vol.1. If you haven’t yet heard it, the title track is in the video below. I sincerely pray that this music will inspire you to meditate on the word of Yahuah. Find yourself in His secret place and worship Him. Trust in Him – Trust his process, and His plan, Meditate on Psalms 91.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, Who abides under the shadow of the Almighty, He is saying of יהוה, “My refuge and my stronghold, My Elohim, in whom I trust!” For He delivers you from the snare of a trapper, From the destructive pestilence. He covers you with His feathers, And under His wings you take refuge; His truth is a shield and armour. “
Tehillim (Psalms) 91 1:4, The Scriptures 2009
Shabbat shalom when it comes in Mishpacha. Let’s allow ourselves to stay under the shadow of His wings.
Leave a comment below if you found this to be encouraging, and don’t hesitate to share with a friend who may need it. Enjoy your rest in Yahuah.
Peace & Love to you. Shalom shalom.
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Your smile brightens even the worst of my days and your encouragement is truly a gift. Love your new music and listen on Spotify as often as I can. Thank you for being such a gift to the body of Messiah. Shabbat Shalom!
All praise to Yahuah Most High… Shabbat Shalom Dawn! Enjoy your rest in Him 🙂
Hadarah the transparent devotion to Yahuah glows magnificently from your soul. Your heart is pure, beautiful, and sovereign. I agree and decree that your intimacy with your husband shall be granted the proper living arrangements that allows the agape and tender love of God to be exalted between you two consistenly. Continue on gracefulness and faithfulness to Yahuah the Love of all our lives.
Yah’s timing is perfect. He will be faithful to complete the work he began 🙂 Let’s stay under the shadow of His wings as we wait on Him! Have a great week Corinthian, and thank you for the encouraging words. Yah bless you!!
Thank you! A lovely tune to pick me up in these pressing times. Yah’s word is true and a covering in the storms of this world. Al praise!
I am so thankful and greatful for ABBA setting time aside for us to refocus, regroup and rejoice. I am also thankful for your music, emails and videos. Praise ABBA.. Shabbat Shalom
Yah is good 💕 Praise His name… Shabbat shalom AviYah. Yah bless you today as you regroup and rejoice in Him 🙂
Hadarah, you are truly a blessing. You always send encouragement wrapped in love when I really need encouragement. I thank the Most High Yah for all that He does for us, without Him I would be lost.
Time to refocus. Thank you my sister. Shalom
Yes, it’s time… Shabbat shalom sis – enjoy the time you have to refocus on Him 💕
Praise Yahuah for His Shabbat each week. I am grateful to have set apart music and songs to enjoy and worship Him with. Thank you for sharing your gift with the Body.👍🏻
Praise Yahuah indeed 🙂 Shabbat shalom, Gail! Let’s rejoice and be glad 💕
We lift up my eyes to You, Eternal Father, and feel fortified. You are our strength, dear Yah, do not abandon us! We crushed under the weight of our iniquities! Help us! We recognise the weakness of our flesh! Please, do not take Your eyes from us!
We have being devoured by an ardent thirst! Make the spring of living water burst forth to quench this thirst. May our lips open only to sing Your praises and not to complain about our afflictions! We are weak, Yahuah, but Your love will sustain us.
Eternal Father, only You are great, only You are the reason and the finality of our lives!
Blessed be Your Name even if You make our suffer, because You are the Master and we are an
unfaithful servants we bow down before You without complaint because only You are great, only You
are the aim of all our lives! Halleluyah! Halleluyah!! Halleluyah!!! SELAH
Thank you for sharing Omono… Yah bless you 🙂
I can relate to as well. I find myself many of times having racing thoughts and I have to refocus on getting my thoughts in check by focusing on Yahuah’s word. I read psalms 91 every night before bed and even when I’m about to leave home. I was told it’s a protection prayer. I look forward each sabbath it helps me to relax and have that special time with the Most High Yah , meditate on his word.
Hadarah BatYah thank you so much for sharing this wonderful message of encouragement. May The Most High Yahuah bless you.
Tisa, I’m so glad you can relate… praise Yahuah 😌 and yes we can see that this Psalm offers words that remind us of Yah’s protection. The whole psalm is so beautiful… I pray Yahuah will keep us all safe under the shadow of His wings 💕 Shabbat shalom!
Shabbat shalom sister. I can relate minus the no children, they always keep me on my toes. It’s always a blessing and a big encouragement for to me to hear from you. I simply enjoy your blogs and your scriptural music. It’s different and that’s what we need is more word, and why not in a music form. Yeah bless and loving the new EP!
Shabbat shalom Jasmine, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the music 🎶 and praise Yah for the little ones you have to keep you on your toes lol. That’s a blessing! Say hello to your family for me 🙂 shalom shalom.
Shalawam Achoti.. its always a beautiful thing when our Mashpacha come to support each other.. because iron SHARPENS iron “.. all praises to the FATHER.. continued blessings as we walk in this truth “.. Shabbat Shalom
Shabbat shalom Dajari 🙂 let’s keep looking up!!
HalaluYahuah!!! Most definitely my thoughts are in my head all the time. I thought I was alone, sometimes I feel alone when I cry for “No Reason”. Todah To Yahuah for this, I really needed this. Shalom & Ahab. 🤗🌺🎶
Haha yes the “no reason” cry lol. Yahuah is so good – let’s keep on worshipping Him! 🎶😌💕 Shabbat shalom Ashley.
Hello Hadarah,
This is such confirmation. I am an Exceptional Children Teacher’s Assistant/Bus driver. My days have been stressful, it is the end of the school year and kids and Teachers are restless and ready for a break, my life is reaping great things suddenly from the love of YaH and I am overwhelmed by this great process and his great love at times. One day this week I felt the negative emotions of anxiety as I was walking to my school bus at the end of my day, all I could do was worship and sing as tears flowed, it felt like love, strength and healing. Praise is certainly a weapon against the stress caused by everyday life. YAH knows how to call us to his throne. I bless The Most High for you and your ministry! Shabbat Shalom!
All praise to Yahuah Most High 🎶 keep on praising Him! So wonderful 😌 I’m glad to hear your good report. Keep on looking up and lifting your hands and your voice in praise – you’ll continue to see the mighty hand of Yahuah in your life, and He will continue to quiet the anxious feelings that come into the mind. May His will be done as you rest in Him today💕 Shabbat shalom Shaleta 😌
Shabbat Shalam Shalawam ahchah. All I have to say is thank you so much for the encouragement. My ahma is heavily under the influences of Ba’al and it’s clashing with my faith in YaHUAH because she is souled out for the falsehoodness of everything Jeepers Creepers but YaHUaH
. I seriously pray that He has mercy on her soul. So again thanks and Yah Bless you.
Your ahch in HaMaschiyach
May the Most High Yah be with you Thalmayada 💕 Sending prayers, peace, and love.
Shabbat Shalom !!! This has been a trying week for me as well. So many distracting thoughts. All praises to Our ABBA YAH. Todah Hadarah for you music. Pslam 91
I’m glad you’re enjoying the music April, hope it helps the word of Yah to stay in your heart throughout the new week. Stay encouraged sis 💕 and Yah bless you today 😌
HalleluYah… yes i look forward to the Shabbat rest, your message of encouragement is right on time achoti, I love your beautiful spirit, and your music is a joy to listen to!
Praise Yah! I pray the joy continues to flow as you enjoy your rest in Him. Shabbat shalom cmhill 🎶😌
Shabbat Shalum Sis! I’m so thankful and grateful to Yahuah for his weekly Sabbath to refocus, rejoice and to rest, I truly need it! Hadarah, I love all of your music and my sister and I are always inspired by it to meditate on Yahuah’s word! You are truly a blessing to us and to all of Yashra’al! HalaluYah!!!💕
Praise Yahuah 😌 I pray you and your sister will continue to enjoy and be blessed! Have a wonderful week Kim! Always good to hear from you 💕
All praises be to Yahuah, you have know idea how encouraging your words are. As I read your blogs your love for Yah and your humble spitits shines through. Thank you so very much again, please keep up your good works.
Praise Yah – I’m so glad you’ve been encouraged Kay 😌 Yahuah is so good to us let’s keep on looking up!
I appreciated the topic of your blog Hadarah, it was on time! Today I felt discouraged by circumstances, and I have noticed when you experience a negative emotion – the enemy then tries to tempt you in your thought life with faulty thinking! …I’ve learned in these moments how important it is for me to take up my Authority in Yahusha! I had a similar moment of “worship and tears” tonight, and Yah showed me how much I NEED to worship Him! Also PS my son and I we’re reading and meditating on Psalms 91 this week! No coincidences! Keep making music based on Yah’s Word, it is so needed in a culture where our children are being taught by secular music “ya’ll can’t tell me nothing!” Ithelos both young and old memorize His Word… May it be written on our hearts! In love, Emily❤️
All praise to Yahuah Most High 🙂 Emily that’s wonderful to hear! And I’m so glad you can identify with what i’m saying. May Yah continue to bless you richly as you meditate on His Word. May you and your son be filled with the set apart Spirit of Yahuah Most High 🎶💕😌. Shabbat shalom – enjoy your rest in Him!! 🤗
Blessings. May your ministry continue to grow and reach lives and lead many to righteousness. 💐💐🌹🌹
It has been a joy to see your growth and development over the years as not only has artist but also a daughter of zion! About a month or so i was troubled in my spirit and was not able to sleep so i looked up anything to be able to pray and i heard psalms 91. I read it and it brought so much comfort to me. Then i see your first song! It a confirmation YAH has not forgotten us and it came right on time to comfort his people. YAH bless sister!
Yah bless you too Jenell! I pray the word of Yah continues to bring peace and joy into your life 😌 let’s keep on trusting in Him. Shabbat shalom 🎶
Thanks for the encouraging words Aunty Lilly 😌💕 Love you much 💕 Shabbat shalom.
Shabbat shalom sis.. I am always inspired and blessed by the Word and songs of worship The Most High Yah give you to share..Often ,so much ,we go through things for his name sake and this leaves us so void to even pray a word.Sis.getting these messages fulfill that void glass..Thank you sis..Many Blessings to you and your Husband..AllPraises to The Most High Yah!!
Yahuah is truly good. May His Word continue to be the glue that keeps us in His way. I’m so glad this message was encouraging for you sis 😌 Shabbat shalom Erica!! Stay encouraged and I pray Yah will bless you today 💕
My beloved Hadarah , Todah Rabah for such a beautiful message for Shabbat and for being there standing with Yahuah by sharing His Ahavah thru your anointed music. Shabbat Shalum!
Nancy I’m so glad you enjoyed the music and the message 😌 I pray you have a wonderful week in Yahuah! Shalum shalum 💕
Shabbat Shalum mispacha!
I look forward to this rest and refocus each and every week and take full advantage of it. May Yahuah continue to grow His gift in you and be esteemed through the graceful way He blesses you to put His words into song and radiate in our hearts each and every time we listen. All praise be to Yahuah as we count down to His ruach befalling on us together…Please don’t stop being obedient sis. May Yahuah bless your week!
I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to – I may take breaks from blogging but never stop being obedient 😌 I belong to Yahuah! Thanks for all the encouragement over the years Mona Lisa 💕 I’m so glad you enjoyed Shabbat!! Have a wonderful week sis!! Shabua Tob 💕
Hadarah, I too find myself shifting my thoughts, towards the The Most High in praise and worship. May we continue to abide in that secret place underneath His wings. May Yah continue to bless and keep you.
Yah bless you too, Deborah! Yes let’s stay under the shadow of His wings 😌 have a great week! Sending love 💕
Thank you for your encouraging post. It is such a blessing to withdraw, for however briefly, out of all the worldly distractions and to be reminded that there is a place of sanctuary with the Most High. HalleluYah! To Yah be the glory. May the Most High Yah bless you and your family in all things, a hundred fold! Shalom.
May the same blessing return to you Shawn!! His truth is everlasting – let’s abide 😌 even though the week let’s keep His spirit in our hearts. May Yah help us all to remain under the shadow of His wings. Shalom shalom Achi.
“Sing to YHUH a new song, Sing to YHUH, all the arets! 2Sing to YHUH, bless His Name, Proclaim His deliverance from yom to yom. 3Declare His esteem among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” TEHILLIM – PSALMS 96:1-3
“Come, let us sing to YHUH! Let us raise a shout to the Rock of our deliverance. 2Let us come before His face with thanks, Let us raise a shout to Him in song. 3For YHUH is a great Al, And a great Sovereign above all might ones.” TEHILLIM – Psalms 95:1-3
“3You who are putting off the yom of evil, yet bring near the seat of violence, 4who are lying on beds of ivory, and are stretched out on your couches, and are eating lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall, 5who are singing to the sound of the harp, having composed songs for themselves like Daud, who are drinking wine from bowl, and anoint with the finest ointments, yet they have not been pained over the breach of Yusef! 7Therefore they shall now go into exile, with the first of the exiles, and the feasting of the stretched-out ones shall cease!” AMUS – AMOS 6:3-7
“34The multitude answered Him, “we have heard out of the Turah that the Mashiak remains forever. And how do You say, ‘The Son of Adam has to be lifted up’? Who is this Son of Adam?” 35Yahusha, therefore, said to them, “yet a little while the Light is with you. Walk while you have the Light, lest darkness overtake you. And he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. 36While you have the Light, believe in the Light so that you become sons of the Light.” These words Yahusha spoke, and went off and was hidden from them.” YAHUKANON – JOHN 12:34-36
Thanks for sharing 😌 Yah bless you John.
The protective and comforting place under the most highs wings like a mama eagle bird. As we walk on yahs path we represent yahs wings to the rest of creation and nation’s. We receive it, and we create it as well through our righteous efforts and confidence in the most high. Side note: the mama eagle reference is in scriptures☺️
Nature is such a good way to calm the mind effortlessly, and as a mom of little ones sometimes you may need to find other ways like listening to the running water as you wash the dishes lol. The little things help sometimes and absolutely creativity helps.
“He covers you with His feathers, And under His wings you take refuge; His truth is a shield and armour.”
Tehillim (Psalms) 91:4 TS2009
Yah bless you Lkeesha. And may we stay under the shadow of His wings 💕😌
Todah achoti! I really needed some encouraging words right about now. This world is so cold and demanding, but Yahuah will give you perfect peace. I am truly thankful for the Sabbath, because I can communicate with Yahuah one on one. Stay strong in Yahuah and he will strengthen you…..
I’m so glad you were encouraged Achoti… Yah bless and keep you in His arms. I pray you have a better week this week! Keep moving forward one day at a time 💕🤗
Shabbath Shalawam ahchwath ahavah… HalleluYAH …
I’m glad you’re enjoying the music, Ale! Yah bless – have a great week 😌
Praise Yahweh Sis! I sincerely enjoyed this blog post and can empathize with every single word. The Sabbath is a covenant between Abba Yahweh and His people. My spirit, mind and body craves for the weekly rest day. Just as anything else our inner being, first becomes accustomed, then our carnal bodies, then those external factors (friends, family, coworkers who may or may not observe the Sabbath).
I thank Yahweh for putting the desire to guard His Sabbath and delight in it; as an adult although I was raised in Yahshua. Worship, reading and prayer have become my lifelines. More and more each day. A garment of praise is what I often pray for. The spirit of a true worshipper. Yahweh isn’t pleased with one day worship. Our lives throughout the week should reflect our love and reverence to Yahshua Messiah.
Read on. Pray on. Write on. Sing on! To the glory of Yahweh; guided by the ruach ha kodesh. I too have had to cast down thoughts that try to exalt itself above the knowledge of Yah. You got the power. Shalom Yah Barak.
Praise Yahuah, I’m so glad you enjoyed the content here Dominique! May Yah bless you and keep you… and thank you for the encouraging words!! Shalom shalom 😌
May Yah bless you as well! Hope you had a wonderful Shabbat 🙂 Shalom to you and yours as well 💕