Sometimes life can feel like it’s a constant race. You can get pulled in one direction, then distracted by another.

How do you refocus?

I don’t know about you but I thank Yah that we have the Shabbat every week. It’s the perfect excuse to refocus, and I would be lost without it.

Even though my physical world is not as busy as some, being that I don’t have kids yet and life is still fairly quiet, the world inside my head is still SO busy. Far too busy.

Do you ever feel crowded by your own thoughts?  

When I start to feel that way, I’m learning to make the conscious decision to stop – and shift into worship. We need to choose worship. To re-focus our energy on Yahuah.

Today I was in my head thinking too much again, and I just had to stop, make a shift, and start playing my guitar.  As I played, the music made me cry. I’m not sure why, it just happens sometimes. I’m a woman – it’s allowed lol don’t judge me for it lol.  But I’m sharing this because I had a much needed release, and it happened through worship. 

secret place album cover

I want you all to know that the only reason I’m still here blogging at Set Apart Heart, is because we all need a little encouragement to shift out of our own thoughts, and into worship. I know I’m not the only one who needs encouragement to spend more time meditating on the word of Yah.

That is the reason I still make music. We need more music based on the scriptures. We all need more of Yah’s word in our lives. And even though I don’t take time to make “scripture challenge” videos anymore, I still pray that each one of you would use my music as inspiration to meditate on the word, and pray to Yahuah Most High.

I want to say thank you to all those of you who have been supporting the new EP that just came out, Secret Place Vol.1. If you haven’t yet heard it, the title track is in the video below. I sincerely pray that this music will inspire you to meditate on the word of Yahuah. Find yourself in His secret place and worship Him. Trust in Him – Trust his process, and His plan, Meditate on Psalms 91.

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, Who abides under the shadow of the Almighty, He is saying of יהוה, “My refuge and my stronghold, My Elohim, in whom I trust!” For He delivers you from the snare of a trapper, From the destructive pestilence. He covers you with His feathers, And under His wings you take refuge; His truth is a shield and armour. “

Tehillim (Psalms) 91 1:4, The Scriptures 2009

Shabbat shalom when it comes in Mishpacha. Let’s allow ourselves to stay under the shadow of His wings.

Leave a comment below if you found this to be encouraging, and don’t hesitate to share with a friend who may need it. Enjoy your rest in Yahuah.

Peace & Love to you. Shalom shalom.

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