Show me Your ways,

O יהוה;

Teach me Your paths.

Psalm 25:4

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn’t know what to do? I know I’ve been there before. When life throws you unexpected circumstances, how do you react? You might wonder which way to turn, or what path to take. You might wonder how to move forward, or whether or not to be still.

Psalm 25:4 says, “Show me Your ways, O יהוה; Teach me Your paths.” Let this verse be the prayer you call out when you need direction from Yah. The Scripture Meditation for this week is centered around that verse. There’s no music in this one. Sometimes it’s nice to just let the scriptures speak for themselves. You’ll hear little birds and nature sounds popping in and out of the background. The images are all video clips from my nature walks, home gardens, or time-lapses from my window.

I pray that meditating on the scriptures in the video below will help you to reach out to Yahuah. Whether it be in your morning meditation, or anytime you need to call on Him. Let’s allow The Word of Yah to penetrate our hearts to keep us truly set apart. You’re welcome to share your thoughts in the comments below.

“…Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 

that thou mayest love Yahuah thy Elohim 

and that thou mayest obey his voice…”

Deuteronomy 30: 19b, 20a

Leave a comment below if you need Yah’s direction in your life. Don’t be afraid to share a testimony, or you can just say “Show Me Your Ways!” Yahuah knows we need Him. He’s just waiting for us to recognize the same. I’m so glad Yah never fails. He is always on time. And He’s always working things out for our good. Let’s continue to press in, and seek His face. (Psalm 17:15)

Ok, I’ll see you in the comments below 🙂

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