Hadarah's recommend resources for your spiritual journey
The Scriptures Get yourself a copy of The Scriptures. I personally have a copy from the Institute for Scripture Research, but there are quite a few Messianic Hebrew scriptures available today. HalleluYah Scriptures is another one. And they have copies available for free/donation basis.
The Scriptures come alive when The Names are restored. You’ll start to see connections and contexts you never picked up on before. Start by reading the first five books (Genesis – Deuteronomy) The good news or “The Gospel” doesn’t begin in the book of John. The first 5 books of what many call the Bible is actually The Torah, and it’s the foundation for everything else you will read in The Scriptures. Everyone who was alive in the “New Testament” era used the “Old Testament” to teach and share the gospel. So study and understand The Torah first.
No matter what version of The Scriptures you read, just make sure you read it. Too many of us have a million and one different “translations” of the Bible that sit on our shelves collecting dust. Don’t allow yourself to accept a spoon fed religion. Pick up a copy of The Good Book and read it for yourself. You can also just go to (You Version) or download the app on your phone for free. There, you’ll find TS2009 (The Scriptures 2009) online, which has Hebraic names and contexts, among many other traditional Bibles. I use that app all the time for an easy way to flip back and forth and compare different versions online.

The Name of Yahuah. Three Resources
Information regarding the name of Yahuah.
People often ask me, How come you feel so sure about the name of Yahuah? How do you know it’s not Yahweh, Jehovah, or one of the other names that people say? I’ll start by saying this. There is a lot of confusion out there. There is also a lot of tradition that can often get in the way of the truth. I always say -I’m not a teacher, but if I know that something is true, I’m happy to share why I believe it. So I’ll share some resources with you below on why I choose to believe our Heavenly Father’s name is Yahuah.This is a blog post I wrote that references 3 resources for you to learn more about the name of Yahuah. Click here to read the post and begin your study.
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