Hey.. it’s Hadarah…I hope you’ve been having a good week.

Yahuah placed it on my heart to share this song with you as an audio stream in the video below. It’s “Renew Me” from YAHUAH ACOUSTICS VOL2.

Listen closely to the lyrics. I pray they will go deep and strengthen your heart. It took a lot of time to put this audio stream together for you, so I pray it inspires you, and helps you to keep looking up! Remember Yahuah is not finished with you yet. So enjoy the video below.

You can support this work by downloading the music on iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play. Thank you so much for your support and may Yahuah renew you TODAY.

I hope this was meaningful for you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. It’s always great to hear from you, so I’ll see you in the comments.

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