Are we becoming more focused on Hebrew language and identity than we are on actually walking out the Word of Yahuah? Let’s refocus on the Covenant of Love.

My heart is heavy. And I can’t pretend like it’s not. I feel like we are loosing focus in the Hebrew community at large. I left Christianity in 2013 because I felt like something was missing. I felt like, as a community, Christians were just pretending. Saying they believed in the Bible, but ignoring large portions of scripture and living in ways that didn’t line up with the word. I was really uncomfortable with that.

I wanted to follow Yahuah – in Spirit and in Truth – and to set myself apart from people who were comfortable living a lie. I wanted my life, and not just my lips to be in line with the Word of Yah, and to surround myself with people who believed the same way.

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, decieving your own selves.”

James 1:22

As the Hebrew community grows, it seems like people are more focused on the Hebrew language and Hebrew identity, than they are in actually walking out the word of Yahuah. This saddens me – so much. What happened to authenticity? What happened to openness and transparency? What happened to the covenant of love? As a people, did we find ourselves in the mess we are in today because we failed to speak Hebrew perfectly? Were we thrown into captivity because we didn’t know about our Hebrew DNA? Or were we being chastened by our Abba Yah because we failed to follow His ways?

If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve really slowed down with posting over the years. And it’s honestly because I myself get discouraged too. I often need time out to re-focus on the things that matter most, and I simply refuse to pretend that I don’t. I know that I’m not perfect, but I want to be. I want to be made perfect in Yahuah. And I’m sure that you do too.

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Matthew 5:48 KJV

When I see the direction that some of our people are going in, I get discouraged. Is this Hebrew walk just a game where we wear tassels and fringes and say shalom? Do we cover our heads, memorize the Aleph Bet, and somehow forget to live by the commandments of Elohim? Are we so prideful that we can’t admit when we do wrong? Or are we just becoming content with saying one thing but yet doing another?

No matter how much scripture reading and prayer I do, I still go through phases where there is a disconnect spiritually, and it’s probably because we are designed to be in community. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. Leave a comment below if there are times when you feel low, or disconnected spiritally too.

But I’d rather walk alone than walk with those who choose to love lies. And in spite of it all, I will never stop believing in the word of Yahuah. I know that Yah’s word is true. And regardless of the mess that is going on in the world and in the community around us, we must keep our eyes fixed on Yah and in His word.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of Elohim, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2

I thank Yah for my husband because marriage reminds me soooo much of my relationship with Abba Yah. And when I feel distant from Yahuah, I know it won’t always be this way. Right now, because of immigration, my husband and I are still in two different countries. And even though we talk several times a day – every single day, it’s still REALLY really hard to be apart. We spent Passover together, which was wonderful, and we will have Summer vacation together soon, but in between, we have to deal with the challenges that come along with long distance relationships.

It’s the same thing with Yahuah. Right now, the long distance makes it challenging to feel Him close. But we know He made a promise, and soon He’s coming to take us home. And just like how my husband and I don’t know the exact date when our immigration application will be approved, we also don’t know the day or the hour when Abba Yah will return again. The promises we’ve made to one another are true, but we are still waiting for them to be made completely full. But they will be, because of the covenant of love. Just like the covenant of love Yah has made with His people.

So today I challenge you to get back to the covenant of love. Revist your vows to Yahuah, your very first Love. Refocus on the commandments, the covenant we agreed to guard for Him. Don’t let your religion be all in your head. Let it be written on your heart. Don’t let your knowledge of language and identity puff you up so that you wind up going your own way. Let’s be humble. Be open – be transparent – and walk in the ways of Yahuah.

Below there’s a video with our wedding scriptures, and the vows my husband Eliyah and I exchanged on our wedding day. You’ll hear our government names “Darryl Burton Jr.” and “Rochelle Hanson” in the video, as we profess our love before Yah, our family, and the wedding officiant. I hope this video inspires you to get back to basics, on focus on our covenant with Yahuah!

Leave a comment below if you’re ready to focus more on humbly walking with Yahuah. Let’s get back to basics with Him. Just say, “I’m ready to renew my vows with Yah!”

Let’s encourage one another to grow deeper and stronger in our relationship with Him.

See you in the comments below.

-Hadarah  BatYah

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