Hey, it’s Hadarah,

Hadarah BatYahI’m thinking about starting a new feature on the blog here called “Psalms in the Night”

After you watch this video, let me know your thoughts. I used a little app called Acapella to put it together for you.

The lyrics in this song are from Psalms 84:1 and Psalms 86:3,4. I wrote this song last Shabbat night. It came to me when I had no words to pray. I just opened the scriptures and prayed the Psalms. This music is what came out. I hope this song can be a prayer for you as well.

Enjoy the video, and leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts.

If you can think of two people who would be encouraged by this song, please share this post with them! Sharing is caring πŸ˜‰

I’ll see you in the comments.

-Hadarah BatYah

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