Shalom Mishpacha. This praise & worship medley is based on my Proverbs 3 Song. Will you join me in worshipping Yahuah today? Sometimes I just need to pause and worship Yahuah to shift my mood and get into a better head space. I hope this helps you too.
‘My son, do not forget my Torah, And let your heart watch over my commands; For length of days and long life And peace they add to you.’
Mishlĕ (Proverbs) 3:1-2 TS2009
Are there any prayer requests on your heart today? You’re welcome to share in the comments.
If you can, please keep me in prayer as I prepare for the next recording. I just want to make sure it’s filled with authentic praise & worship to The Most High – with nothing in between. Yahuah’s will be done in all things.
‘“Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth.”’
Yoḥanan (John) 4:24 TS2009
This praise & worship medley is a mix of themes from some of my newer and older music. I’m planning to put a version of this on my next recording, “In Spirit and In Truth.” I’m envisioning a round, with some of the parts you heard today overlapping. I can’t wait to share everything that’s in my head with you.
Today, I just wanted to share this simple praise & worship to Yahuah, and get my fingers back on the acoustic guitar. I pray it blessed your heart and lifted your spirit! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Have a beautiful, wonderful day in Yahuah Most High.
-Hadarah BatYah
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Wow beautiful!!!!
Thanks H!!!
Praise Yahuah Brother Bob 🙂 Let’s keep on looking up!! Have a blessed day.
Beautiful! Abba Yahuah has truly blessed you with the gift of worship. His light shines through you in every song to all nations. HallaluYAH 🙌🏻
HallaluYAH Sis Alicia. I’m so so glad this was a blessing for you. Let’s continue to worship Him in Spirit and in truth today. Yah bless you!!
Thank you for being inspirational it’s been a sad week when a friend tells you that they have decided to pursue an alternative lifestyle and you lose a friend of over 30 years to the enemy. Please pray for her. Her name is Wanda.
Shalom Jayne, I’m really sorry to hear that about your friend Wanda. Yah can still turn things around and soften her heart. We’ll keep her in prayer. May His will be done. Stay encouraged.
Shalum Sis!❤️🤗
So beautiful and uplifting, I love this medley of songs. It’s blessed me. I will keep you in prayer as you prepare for the next recording. You have a beautiful, wonderful day in Yahuwah too! 🌹
Shalum my sister 😌 I’m so so glad that you were blessed and that your spirit was lifted. Thank you so much for your prayers as well. Means a lot. Truly grateful 🥹 ❤️ May your day be in Yahuah’s hands!! HallaluYah!!
Hello sis, again this is so beautiful, your voice is so beautiful.
I keep praying for you, may Yah bless you in all that you do. Have a peaceful week. Love you sis ❤️❤️
Yah bless you over and over again Sylviane!! Enjoy the music 🙂 Thank you so much for all the prayers. Love you too Sis!!
The same for you sis! Yes I am right now enjoying your music while making tzit tzit 😛I didn’t wear them yet. My husband wears them now for over a year and a half. I saw that you wear them in your clip of working in the garden. I needed this to see, I prayed about it and read it in Numbers 15, and yes it is for all Yasharel! So I started yesterday to make them, with your music on the background, I love it, this gives me so much peace! He is so good! I had to see this first, I prayed about it when my husband was making them I even helped making them, I thought then that it was just for man.He is using us for everything, His thoughts are so much higher then our thoughts!
HalleluYah, praise Yah! Thank you so much, dear sis.
Have a peaceful prep day. 😍🙏
That’s wonderful!!! I’m so glad you were inspired to see the truth in Yah’s Word and do it for yourself. Praise Yahuah Sister Sylviane that’s awesome ❤️🤗 Yahuah be praised
Amen! ❤️
Shalom Hadarah. That was beautiful, thank you for sharing ❤️
Praise Yahuah 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it Patricia! Stay blessed Sis 🙂 Have a wonderful day.
thank you Hadarah. He is worthy to be praised.
Shalom Sis Joyce, YES! Yah is worthy of allll the praise 🙂