Shalom Mishpacha. This praise & worship medley is based on my Proverbs 3 Song. Will you join me in worshipping Yahuah today? Sometimes I just need to pause and worship Yahuah to shift my mood and get into a better head space. I hope this helps you too.

‘My son, do not forget my Torah, And let your heart watch over my commands; For length of days and long life And peace they add to you.’

Mishlĕ (Proverbs) 3:1-2 TS2009

Are there any prayer requests on your heart today? You’re welcome to share in the comments.

If you can, please keep me in prayer as I prepare for the next recording. I just want to make sure it’s filled with authentic praise & worship to The Most High – with nothing in between. Yahuah’s will be done in all things.

‘“Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship Him need to worship in spirit and truth.”’

Yoḥanan (John) 4:24 TS2009

This praise & worship medley is a mix of themes from some of my newer and older music. I’m planning to put a version of this on my next recording, “In Spirit and In Truth.” I’m envisioning a round, with some of the parts you heard today overlapping. I can’t wait to share everything that’s in my head with you.

Today, I just wanted to share this simple praise & worship to Yahuah, and get my fingers back on the acoustic guitar. I pray it blessed your heart and lifted your spirit! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Have a beautiful, wonderful day in Yahuah Most High.

-Hadarah BatYah

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