Give praise and worship to Yahuah.

“Give thanks to יהוה, call upon His Name, Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing praise to Him, Speak of all His wonders! Boast in His set-apart Name, Let the hearts of those seeking יהוה rejoice!”
1 Chronicles 16:8-10
Shalom Mishpacha, it’s Hadarah. For the past few weeks I’ve been working on music in a much more focused way. It’s been such a blessing to praise and worship Yahuah more and more throughout the week! In the mornings, before I start recording, I’ve been meditating on some praise and worship scriptures to help me stay focused. I know we all love to praise and worship Yahuah – after all, that’s why we are here! I pray this little scripture meditation will help inspire you to worship and praise His set apart name.
Let’s meditate on The Scriptures.
You can listen to the video, or follow along with the verses typed out for you below.
They’re all quoted from The Scriptures (TS2009).
“Come, let us sing to יהוה! Let us raise a shout to the Rock of our deliverance. Let us come before His face with thanksgiving; Let us raise a shout to Him in song. For יהוה is a great Ěl, And a great Sovereign above all mighty ones. In whose hand are the depths of the earth; The mountain peaks are His also. His is the sea, for He made it; And His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down and bend low, Let us kneel before יהוה our Maker.”
Psalms 95:1-6
“Raise a shout for יהוה,
All the earth!
Serve יהוה with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing.
Know that יהוה, He is Elohim;
He has made us, and we are His –
His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him; bless His Name.
For יהוה is good; His loving-commitment is everlasting,
And His truth, to all generations.”
Psalms 100:1-5
“Bless יהוה, O my being, And all that is within me, Bless His set-apart Name!”
Psalms 103:1
“Upon You I have leaned from my birth; You took me out of my mother’s womb. My praise is continually of You.”
Psalms 71:6
“My mouth is filled with Your praise, Your splendour, all the day.”
Psalms 71:8
“I come in the might of the Master יהוה; I make mention of Your righteousness, Yours alone. Elohim, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wonders.”
Psalms 71:16-17
“Give thanks to יהוה, call upon His Name, Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing praise to Him, Speak of all His wonders! Boast in His set-apart Name, Let the hearts of those seeking יהוה rejoice!”
1 Chronicles 16:8-10
“Seek יהוה and His strength, Seek His face continually! Remember His wonders which He has done, His signs and the right-rulings of His mouth, O seed of Yisra’ĕl, His servant; O children of Ya‛aqoḇ, His chosen ones! He is יהוה our Elohim, His right-rulings are in all the earth.”
1 Chronicles 16:11-14
“Sing to יהוה, all the earth; Proclaim His deliverance from day to day. Declare His esteem among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. For great is יהוה and greatly to be praised; And He is to be feared above all mighty ones.”
1 Chronicles 16:23-25
“For all the mighty ones of the peoples are matters of naught, But יהוה made the heavens. Excellency and splendour are before Him, Strength and gladness are in His place.”
1 Chronicles 16:26-27
“Ascribe to יהוה, O clans of the peoples, Ascribe to יהוה esteem and strength. Ascribe to יהוה the esteem of His Name; Bring an offering, and come before Him; Bow yourself to יהוה In the splendour of set-apartness! Tremble before Him, all the earth. The world also is firmly established, immovable. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; And let them say among the nations, “יהוה shall reign.” Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; Let the field rejoice, and all that is in it. Let the trees of the forest then sing before יהוה, For He shall come to judge the earth. Give thanks to יהוה, for He is good, For His loving-commitment is everlasting!”
1 Chronicles 16:28-34
“And Dawiḏ blessed יהוה before all the assembly. And Dawiḏ said, “Blessed are You, יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ĕl, our Father, forever and ever. “Yours, O יהוה, is the greatness, the power and the comeliness, the pre-eminence and the excellency, because of all that is in the heavens and in the earth. Yours is the reign, O יהוה, and You are exalted as head above all. “And the riches and the esteem come from Your presence, and You rule over all. And in Your hand is power and might, and in Your hand to make great and to give strength to all. “And now, our Elohim, we thank You and praise Your comely Name.”
1 Chronicles 29:10-13
“The esteem of יהוה is forever, יהוה rejoices in His works, Who looks on the earth, and it trembles; He touches the mountains, and they smoke. I sing to יהוה as long as I live, I sing praise to my Elohim while I exist. My meditation on Him is sweet; I rejoice in יהוה. Let sinners be consumed from the earth, And let the wrong be no more. Bless יהוה, O my being! Praise Yah!”
Psalms 104:31-35

‘See, He who is guarding Yisra’ĕl Neither slumbers nor sleeps.’
Psalms 121:4
‘My help comes from יהוה, Maker of the heavens and earth.’
Psalms 121:2
Keep Yah’s Word in your heart.
Let’s continue to sing praise and worship Yahuah – not only on Shabbat, but every chance we get throughout the week. In fact, I have some good news. Praise Yah!
You can join me here on Thursday Jan 9, 2025 for the release of my latest single, “I Need You Now.” The song is based on Psalm 121 and I pray it will help you on your journey as you continue to trust in Yahuah, our Creator, who never slumbers nor sleeps. Yah willing everything will go as planned, and you’ll be able to find the music right here.
Prayerfully this new focused streak of productivity will continue, and I’ll be able to share new music releases at least once every quarter in 2025. Whether those releases will be singles, EP’s or Albums, all esteem to Yahuah Most High for restoring the joy of making music in my soul!!!
Have a wonderful rest of the day Mishpacha! Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this post. May Yah bless you and give you His peace.
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You’ll get more music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
All praises to Yahuah!! These were beautiful verses and a reminder to praise Yahuah at all times!!
Praise Yahuah, I’m so glad this was meaningful for you Lawanda. Yah bless you today – and all your days – as you continue to give Him worship and praise!!
This is very thought provoking.
Praise Yah. Shabbat Shalom brother Steven.
As always thank you for a right now word. Is your new single on Itunes yet. I tried to find it?
This Thursday sis 😌 Yah willing if all goes as planned.
Shalom my sister, thankful to you always. Grateful to Yah causing my ear to hear His words of praise and life to my soul thru you. The scriptures are so powerful and deeply heartfelt. Thanking you for taking the time to share with us. Looking forward to your new release.
Praise Yah!
Shalom Mishpacha!
Thank you Hadarah for all that you do, you are faithful indeed! I read these particular scriptures often, to not only encourage me, but to also strengthen me on my journey… HalleluYah!
The Word of Yahuah is sweeter than honey and more valuable/precious than fine gold! HalleluYah!
Nothing can Ever Separate Us from The LOVE Of Our Alahim, HE Loves and Cares for Us Hadarah!
Let’s continue to be faithful, and Always look to The Hills from whence comes our Help! ALL of Our Help comes from Our Abba Yahuah! HalleluYah!
Shalom Mishpacha!
Much Love Sister Hadarah!
Hugs and more Hugs!
HallaluYah!! Big hugs to you too Hedy 🤗 Yah is so so good 😌 let’s keep on looking up!!
Wonderful blog post! Thanks for sharing Hadarah! HalleluYAH!
Shabbat shalom!
Praise Yah 😌 Shabbat Shalom Brittany 🤗
HallaluYah 😌
Thank you sister, Yah bless <3
Yah bless you too Brother!
Really discerning I need help in offering up more solid and focused praise of Yahuah so this is right in time, thank you, Hadarah!!!
Praise Yah sis April 😌 Yah bless you!!
Praise Yah. This has encouraged me and I will Praise Yah with all my heart, Mind, Strength, and all that is in me. Praise Yah. Thanks Hadarah for all your encouraging songs and words. Shabbat Shalom.
Praise Yah Sis Rivqyah, I’m really glad you’re feeling encouraged. Have a great week in Yahuah!!
Bless God for the beautiful and encouraging Scriptures and I look forward to hearing the blessed songs Father will put on your heart for His children. Shalom, I love you in Christ Jesus.
Sis Elisheva, I’m so glad you’re looking forward to the music. May Yahuah use it to bless your heart in the name of Yahusha our Messiah. Shalom sis. Have a beautiful week!
Thank you so much sis! There are a lot of these verses that are our favorites.
I am looking forward for your new music.
It is always so beautiful!
Have a blessed and peaceful week! ❤️😍🙏
HallaluYah!! You have a blessed week as well Sylviane!! 🙂
Shalum Sis!😘🤗❤️
I enjoyed this wonderful post as it’s very uplifting and timely scriptures. Yahuwah is worthy of continual praise!!!🙌🙌🙌 HalaluYah on your new single that’s coming soon, the snippet sounds beautiful! ❤️🙌🙌🙌
Shalum and blessings always!!!
Shalum Sis Kim!!! Praise Yahuah 🙂 Sending love!!
Thank you Hadarah for Yahuah’s precious words. This is so comforting to listen to. Yadah Yahuah
HallaluYah 😌❤️