Did you know?
1 Peter 2:9 says that YOU, yes YOU are a chosen generation. You're part of a royal priesthood. A set apart nation. A peculiar people. So proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous Light. Get music & motivation for your spiritual journey from the latest Set Apart Heart Blog posts below.Your Word is Truth. Scripture Meditation.
Yah’s Word is Truth. Let’s stay focused on His Word.
Todah Yah (A cappella) Behind the scenes
This morning a new song came into my heart called Todah Yah. Here’s a behind the scenes video for you. Let’s have some fun and lift our hearts in praise!
Revelation 22 Scripture Meditation
Revelation 22 is one of my favorite chapters in Scripture. Let’s meditate on it for encouragement, hope, healing, and renewed life.
Feeling discouraged? 3 tips to help you move through it.
If you’re feeling discouraged, I promise you’re not alone. Today’s blog post has 3 practical tips with some personal stories from me.
Struggling with perfectionism.
Struggling with perfectionism? I struggle too. But I’m learning to let it go. Let’s see what scripture says about the topic.
How to deal with loneliness
If you’re feeling lonely, I pray this blog post helps you with practical ideas on how to deal with loneliness.
HallaluYahuah. Real music. Appreciate your obedience to share His word through your gift. Much ahaba achut.
Beautiful music ahkut, may Yahuah continue to use you and baruk you.
I love this song. Achoti, you are so talented!! I really enjoy your music 🙂 Yahuah baruch you always.
Wonderful!!! You need to make more music Achoti! Please we need more music like this!