Yesterday is goneI’m back already because i’ve got some exciting news to share with you!

I know it’s only been two weeks since the last new song I posted “Singing Praise” But i couldn’t stay away cause I just HAVE to tell you what’s happening!

But before I share the news – how about I share a song? If you’ve had a hard week, hopefully this will help you to feel better. We’re all on a journey, so if you’re as human as I am, this song will be perfect for you.

It’s entitled “Now I Live” and I wrote it YEARS AGO. October 28, 2008 is the first time I posted it on my old “Rochelle Hanson Music” youtube channel. My life was so different then, and I hadn’t learned The Name of Yahuah, so I decided to do a new Hebrew Roots version of the song. The lyrics speak to our journey – and what’s crazy about it is, these lyrics mean even more to me now than they did when I first wrote it back in the Fall of 2008. I hope and pray that the lyrics will be meaningful for you as well.

The scripture passage below is so fitting that I just had to share it with you too.

“And He showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of Alahiym (Elohim), and of the Lamb.” Revelation 22:1

We may not know exactly what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds the future. Oh how I look forward to that great day…. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow will come, so now- I live….. Enjoy the music in the video below.

Now I Live

The Exciting News

Did you hear the news? I’m recording music for you! Going to the studio on July 29th. It’s been YEARS since my last recording so i’m REALLY EXCITED to be able to make music for you now. Especially because I know that some of you have been asking for it!

I know it can be frustrating to only have music in video form, cause that’s not very convenient when you want to listen to it in the car or wherever else you happen to be. So I’ll keep you posted on the progress of it all. Giving all praise to Yahuah because this would NOT be possible AT ALL had he not placed certain people in my life and allowed them to have kindness in their heart to help me get this project out to you! (HUGE SHOUT OUT TO JESSE MANOU!! Thank you SO MUCH JESSEE!!)

The recording is going to be a short EP of 3-5 songs, depending on how much we can accomplish in the time allotted. Yahuah’s will be done!! 😀 If you’re excited about the recording coming out – leave a comment and let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe below so that you can stay connected.

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