Hi, it’s me Hadarah…. I’ve been putting off doing this blog post for quite a while… but it’s time.
There is much MORE to understand about faith and spirituality than what Christians, Jews, or any other organized religion is currently teaching. I’ve posted a video below to share some of the reasons why I no longer consider myself a Christian. If you’re not in the mood for reading today, just skip to the video below and you can watch that instead.
Disclaimer Nothing that I say in this video is spoken with the intent to defame or blame any particular individual person or religious group. I am simply telling my story in an effort to encourage those of you who may be on a similar journey, and to clarify the answers for those of you who have questions about what I believe. Since I started posting music videos here on the blog, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my beliefs. This video is simply my way of sharing more of what I believe with all of you.
I have been a Seventh-day Adventist Christian for my entire life up until maybe about a year ago and a half ago. If you know anything about the SDA Church, you know that they claim to be a peculiar people because they worship on the Seventh day Sabbath and they don’t subsscribe to many of the beliefs that most popular Christian Churches believe today. The SDA church teaches a lot of truth, A LOT of truth. But there is still much MORE truth in the scriptures that even the SDA Church will not discuss.
I personally had to step outside of this social club that we call church in order to see and understand that there is indeed more truth. In the video below I would like to share with you just a couple of points that touch on why I am no longer a Christian. I don’t claim to have everything in my spiritual life sorted out, but I do feel solid about the points that I will be sharing with you today. Most of these points apply to Christianity as a whole, but some will also apply to the SDA Church. See the video below.
If you’re not able to watch the video above right now, this is, in short, what I believe:
- I believe in the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation
- I believe that there should not be a devision between the old and new “testament”
- I believe that the covenant Yahuah made with His people is everlasting and that His promises are still true
- I do NOT believe that the Christian Church has replaced the nation of Israel.
- I believe that Christianity blows love and grace out of proportion.
- I believe that grace and mercy can not exist without the law.
- I believe that The Scriptures is a book about Hebrew People
- I believe that Deuteronomy 28 especially verse 64-68, gives us a clear understanding of who the Hebrews are today
- I believe that Israel is comprised of the natural born seed and those who choose to be grafted in
- I believe that Yahuah and His only brought-forth Son Yahusha should be called by their true set apart names, not by the titles Lord, God, or the mistranslated name of Jesus.
- I believe the concept of the Trinity doesn’t even scratch the surface of who our Creator really is.
- I believe that Christmas, Easter, and Halloween are days that Yahuah’s covenant keeping people should take no part in.
- I believe that we should be learning how to celebrate Yahuah’s Feast Days and that just like the 7th day Sabbath they are a mark or sign of the covenant that Yahuah has made with His people.
This is not by any means an exhaustive list of what I believe. But I do hope it helps to clarify for those who want to know. And mostly I pray it’s an encouragement for those of you who are on a journey too. If you have questions feel free to leave a comment! If you’re curious about how this journey started, I tell that story on my about page. Sending much love.
-Hadarah Batyah.
The recording session went SUPER WELL this past week. We got four songs done! Praise Yahuah…. I’ll keep you posted on when it will be ready for download. Until then, I hope you can enjoy the other blog posts with the music videos posted there. And don’t forget to subscribe below to get music & motivation.
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
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all praises and esteem to Yahuah alahaynu, tudah rabbah for sharing achuty. It’s greatly appreciated.
Yes Halaluyah… I’m glad to know it was meaningful for you Banayahu!
Hello I also was raised in the sda church. My husband and I have been looking into these same things. We just learned yahuah and yahusha true names and we are hungry for more truth. It was great reading from someone else who also knows the sda beliefs.
HalaluYAH! I’m so happy you’re on this journey… all praise to Yahuah Most High 💕💕💕 a great resource for you to check out is Lamadyahu Yashra’al’s site http://www.thepathtoyahuah.com he just recently got it redesigned and it’s an awesome tool for learning and relearning the truth! There are other resources and sites I recommend as well at https://www.setapartheart.com/resources I hope these help!! 💕
I just love the way you present yourself and the truth you share. I also stopped calling myself a Christian a number of years ago.
I only hope people will realize how foolish we have been and begin to prepare to survive through what is coming. I do not believe we are meant to martyr ourselves, as the church teaches. Since the church has lied to us about so many other things and deliberately covered up His names, as they do know what they are.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matt. 24:13
We are supposed to put on His armor and fight against evil, not roll over and succumb to it. The Scriptures state, it will be a physical and a spiritual battle.
At no time in the Scriptures, was a real battle fought by the Spirit alone. People actually died in them. Just as they will during this battle…
ha shatan, will not have it any other way, nor will his minions.
hi my name is Richard kostenbauder ive been trying to get scriptures on yahuah if possible I’m in a half way house no acsses to any of the true word of Yahuah in this place could you send me some please
Shalum Hadarah, I watched your video and I must say I am blessed. I’m Oriona from South Africa Johannesburg. I came to the truth about Yahuah and Yahusha last year October after much prayer and seeking the truth as I have always questioned the fact systems of organized religion. It has been a very tough and lonely road but my faith has grown more and more in Yahuah, thank you for reaffirming my stand in the truth.
I’m trying to register to get to the links you provided but it’s not working properly. Can you help me with this? Thank you. Your video echos my journey completely, but since I’ve no direction or should I say I came up to a stop once I learned the truth. In other words, until reading/watching your video, I’ve not found anyone of like mindedness, I’ve been waiting now for 5 years to wait on Yahuah to show me others who are where I am in faith. I hope I made sense. Waiting for your reply. I can’t say thank you enough for your video testimony.
I like your name what’s the meaning of it? Thanks for sharing I’ve just recently found out about you. I’m keen to know more about YAHUAH. I have a thirst for knowledge
Hadassah you are a breath of fresh air. I grew up a Baptist now I’m a follower of “The Way” John 14:6 “I’m the Way the truth and life no man comes to the Abba father but by me” I put heavy weight on knowing His name. I agree with you and am glad I found this blog
Hi, these sites you suggested no longer work….can you suggest others? I am new on this journey thank you for this blog of wisdom and understanding.
Im from Fiji Island and yahusha is my god
So very blessed to see your testimony and a fellow Sister of Israel in Yahushua.. May Yahuah continue to bless you and keep you and shine his face upon you and give you shalom!
I have recently read about the subjects mentioned in this video and I agree with what she was saying about The Father and Son’s names/pagan holidays etc. How do we find others to fellowship with
Hi Anita, when I first found the truth I had no one that I could fellowship with, then I started searching on social sites for people and groups and Yah led me to find some local friends in truth who I could meet with on Shabbats! So pray pray pray that Yah will lead you to the right people and keep your eyes and ears open. Also wearing Tzitz Tzitz like it says in Numbers 15:38,39 helps other Hebrews identify you. I’ve had ppl come up to me that I didn’t know and ask me if I am Messianic or Hebrew when they saw the Tassels. I hope this helps you a little bit. May Yah continue to lead and guide 💕🤗
Shalum Hadarah. May Abba Yahuah be with you all tge days of your life. Thank you for shining the light so bright. Abba Yahuah has been so good to me and my family that He revealed Hus truth to us and we believe all that has been revealed to you.
Hi I was wondering is there any way I could be baptized in Yahushas name? It seems to scarce to find anyone who even knows of Yahuah or Yahusha. Please help. I live in Chicago.
Yes! I want to be immersed in the Name of Yahuah and His son Yahusha, may we all live, breathe and love is His name. I live in Sydney. SHALOM
Yahuah, Yahusha and Jesus Christ refers to the same person. What matter most is your way to be right with Him. Make sure you are not on the left path but on the right path! Workers of iniquities will not enter via the narrow gate.
Some will even do magic or miracles with His name and still ebter via the btoad gate of eternal damination. Names or no name, just to enter via the narrow gate of eternal life. Our God is the God of all tongues and not just one language. His own rejeccted His name-Jesus Christ. Is in their blood already!
If you hunger for more info, check out the eth Cepher. It’s the Bible with a more accurate translation than our KJV Bibles. It also includes some of the books that were removed from our other versions.
Is anybody from Indiana? I really like to be around people that know the true.
Hi Hadarah
I can relate to some or most of your points written above.
However, I can say that its not THE CHURCH that you had STEPPED OUTSIDE FROM
but you stepped OUTSIDE a religion .
Hi, I have two questions for you to answer-If you were to die today would you go to heaven or hell???
Second question-If you said heaven then If you were to stand before God and he said to you-Why should I let you into heaven what would you say???
I live in Johannesburg.i to have found the truth and no longer call our Messiah by the name Jesus.While attending synagogue I discovered many things that opened my eyes.I see the deception in this hole Christian thing I’ve been brought up in. I now call the Father by His name “Yahuah” and our Messiah “Yahusha”. I would like to get together with people who have also found this truth. It gets pretty lonely without a place to worship
Yes I can imagine!! I pray Yahuah sends you exactly what and who you need along the way at exactly the right time… so glad you’re on this journey of truth! HalaluYah 😌
Good your statement makes sense .i also left the sda .with their mrs white .nobody can replace israel
Blessings upon yo fro the Most High.My name is Josedale Blake I have been crying for the truth because I to was “Christian” goin to church on Sunday and something didn’t set right in my spirit of how the church is operating now. One of my sister have been telling me about the Most high also the true meaning of Thanksgiving, Christmas, valentine, etc and from then I have been crying out to Yahuah and his Yahusha for the truth. I am so bless to know there’s someone else is walking the straight and narrow way. I would like to keep in touch if you don’t mind.
Sorry I just saw this post.
Am from Africa I found out the truth just weeks ago.
I was wondering if there are a group of people who would like to relocate to Africa where the western influence is less some areas. Remember believers are going to be tortured I was planning on relocating to a village where I can farm there I don’t want to live in the city where politicians are also gods worshippers. What do you think about this because
Hey Dorcas, I worship Yahuah my Alahym and believe he has sent His Son Ha’mashiach Yahusha to die and arise as a perfect atonement for our sins. I too am from Johannesburg.
Hi Dene, I just discovered the truth by visiting the blog and I’m also in Johannesburg, would like to meet with others. Contact me via email:nomsa.cedras@gauteng.gov.za
Hi Dorcas, I’m also looking for fellowship as well! After knowing the truth, the world gets very lonely.
Shalum Anon !this is the time of restoration, the nation of Yashraal will come together and worship ABBA YAHUAH in one chord. Can you whatsapp me to this no 0782061999
Check out Dr. P., he translated the “eth Cepher.” Google the Cepher and you will find him. He has a lot of YouTube videos and they has a live broadcast with a woman named Jessica every thursday evening. It’s a great broadcast and they teach you so much truth.
Hi. I’m Neliswa also located in Johannesburg. My email address is Neliswaphiri1996@gmail.com and I would really like to get to know you .
Praise Yah
Hi Neliswa,
I’m also in Johannesburg and would like to meet with other Yahuah believers. email:nomsa.cedras@gauteng.gov.za
Hi Dorcas,
I’m also in JHB and would like to meet with others, I was a member of the SDA church. Contact me on my email below
please i really would love to talk to you
I am a believer, the word christian is so mis-used. The church has divided itself and has Americanized the Word of Jehovah. I agree with you and if we as a body do not realize what you wrote on your list they have better start. A delusion is coming and you must know the Word and the accurate Word. It is a Jewish book written by Jews and for Jews… we are grafted in. Praise Jehovah He paid the price for us.I still use God, He knows what we are saying but Yeshua did say “my people perish for lack of knowledge” Of His Word. As there was always a remnant of Jews after a “correction” of God there will be also one of those professing the belief of the Messiah, and you must read the OT or you will not get the whole meaning. The OT is not the curse of the law and it is full of so much knowledge. Thank you for that refreshing and true narrative.
Hallelaluyah. I believe that helps me to keep striving and moving forward in my spiritual journey with Yahusha.
All praise to Yahuah Most High 💛
I am now on the journey after being awaken. I too was in the church but now I know the name of the most high Yahuah and his
precious son Yahusha and I would love to meet up with other people and break bread in rememberance of Yahusha. I’m so excited to learn more about the Passover, Atonement etc
Sister❣️ My heart danced to come across your video. And just one one day after me saying I would love to come across some people who believe as I believe. I KNOW Yahuah will lead me to others that are in my area.
🙌🏾All praise to Yahuah🙌🏾
Hi there! I stumbled upon your web page just by googling what “yahuah” means. I know it was Him who lead me on this page. I feel like I’m going through an IDENTITY crisis. I feel like I have no idea who I am. I’m learning so much about the real Hebrew names of my Father and His Son. I’m currently in an 7th Day Adventist Church myself. I came out of a Sunday church some years back. HalleluYah! I’m on a mission searching for TRUTH! As you,the Adventist church only talks about certain TRUTHS,not all. I’m over the routine of church. Share your story with me. All the things you believe,I’m coming into. I’m getting away from the Tradition of Man and celebrating Helldays. Thank you.
Praise Yah… Sherion I’m so happy to hear about your journey… May Yahuah continue to lead and guide you all the way. I’m not much of a teacher, just sharing testimonies and music here at Set Apart Heart, but if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! Yah bless you 🙂
Sherion Clarke – “I feel like I’m going through an IDENTITY crisis. I feel like I have no idea who I am.“ this is exactly how I feel!! I’m on a mission for TRUTH as well.
I have a question you said that that there were no vowels and that the w is new but the letters yhwh or yhuuh has 2 vowels
Hi Braxton, somehow I’m just seeing your comment until now. Forgive the delayed responnse. You mentioned “yhwh or yhuuh” those are english letters that are meant to represent the sounds of the Hebrew. So the name is not literally YHWH or YHUH, those are just english letters. It’s called a transliteration. In Hebrew the name is spelled with letters that sound like “yod” ” hey” “vav” “hey” or “yod” ” hey” “uau” “hey”, depending on if you’re using modern or ancient Hebrew. And the first and third letters are not vowels, but they can act like what English would consider a vowel, depending on their position in the word. I hope that helps 🙂 Yah bless.
Im Thandeka residing in White River, Mpumalanga. Which names to use Yahusha, Yahuah or Yahushua.. honestly im confused.
Hi Hadassah, which bible do I get that tells you of Yahuah in it. Because I want to learn but most see still have the names God or Jesus in them. But that is also in English. Please could you help or do you know which bible to get. Warm regards Sandra. sandywill1118@mail.com
Hi Sandra, have a look at the resource page here at Set Apart Heart, this should help! https://www.setapartheart.com/resources/
Fortunate that I am learning and I would like to learn more
Praise be to yah, I figure I would find someone with the real truth. I been searching, I’ve study the Bible for sometime and felt in my heart that something wasn’t adding up. So I prayed and ask for knowledge and truth and I even did reaserch, but the most high pointed me to this direction and a verse came in thought the messiah said he came in his fathers name then it clicked in my heart they have almost the same name. There is a lot people don’t know.
Hi Hadarah, Greetings in the the name of Yah. Thank you so much for your encouragement it is a pleasure to know that our people are waken up. Be bless.
It’s HalleluYAH. The term Halalu means destroy, kill, slay. So if you add Yah or Yahuah at the end. It’d mean to destroy Him. Hallelu meas to praise, worship, rejoice. Hence HalleluYAH means Praise Be Unto Yahuah
Hi I agree fully with what you are saying. So if you not Christian what is the religion called with Yahoah and Yahusha etc. Are you then Jewish?
Good morning. Interesting views of which I share. However after mych study and contemplating the lineage of the father for purity of the nation. I know that my great grandfather was a edomite. Making my grandfather half edomite and therefore my father quater edomite and myself 18th edomite. So after sharing the importance of keeping the law, sharing the knowledge of our common heritage being the people of the book. I was at a loss. However around three thirty am this morning. My name was change by Yahawah to Yahua as one of the people called by his name as he refers to us many times. Many of our for grandmothers where raped and had children by the slave masters. Please comment.
I pray Yahuah continues to lead and guide you on your journey… The Most important thing to the Father is that you have crossed over out of darkness into His marvellous light. Living the Hebrew lifestyle and following Yahuah’s instructions as you believe in Yahusha will matter more than anything else. That’s what it means to be “Hebrew” – litterally to “cross over”. Don’t worry about what happened in the past. Keep looking up to Yahuah and He will be your guide 🙂 And feel free to check out Moreh Lamadyahu from The Path to Yahuah and Moreh Medadyahu from Living Branch Hebrew Assembly for more teachings on the word if you like. I’ve got links to both of their sites on my resource page https://www.setapartheart.com/resources. I hope this helps! 🙂
Shalum sister
It’s always a blessing to see the power of Yahuah working and waking up his set apart people. Keep speaking truth in all love and humility. All esteem be to Yahuah and our Redeemer Yahusha!
Hi do you believe yahusuah fie on cross or tree
Is there any truth to the bible?
this almost got me, but i did a little more research.
for those who want to relate to our Messiah’s Jewishness, then refer to him by His original name Yeshua—not Yahshua and not Yahushua—remembering that the power of the name is not in its pronunciation but in the person to whom it refers, our Lord and Redeemer and King.
Hi LJ. Thanks for sharing your thoughts… I agree that the power is in the person… and in the Hebrew language… names have meanings 🙂 If you do a little more research about Hebrew you’ll see that Yeshua is from the modern Hebrew… and Yahusha or Yahushua is older (paleo Hebrew). I would never argue with anyone over the name – especially if they are trying to use the Hebrew. I’m just here to share my testimony and what I believe to be true 🙂 The truth is our Messiah wasn’t Jewish, which is a man made religion… but He was Hebrew, as all Children of Isreal were and still are today. Keep searching for more history on the original Hebrew People… if you would like to learn the truth is out there for those who truly are seeking, and they will find it. And if not, that’s ok too. To each His own 🙂 But thanks again for sharing your thoughts! Here’s a quick video on the name of Yahusha that may help feel free to watch if you like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyqLxFbspwI
Thanks sister Hadarah, doesn’t get much clearer than that!
Suggest you trust No Man/woman rather you go to the Spirit of Yahuah and He will confirm or deny. Yah is the family Name – the Messiah had to come in the Father’s Name – John 5:43 – thus Yahusha which means “salvation is of Yahuah.”
We have two competing Gospels in front of us. We have Christianity which is
The Trinity/Jesus/Sunday/Easter/Christmas/no Law
and we have the Truth from the Scriptures…
YAHUAH/Yahusha/Sabbath/Feasts/The Law written on our hearts.
– – -no law but we can only be save by His grace. The law is all about self righteousness-ego, which is the way of kabbalah, Sadduces & Phareses-the broad way, so to say. After the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, it does not make sense to take goat to the temple on saturday worship again, He won’t accept it. Praise Him on Sundays and you will see His Salvation only by grace and not your deeds, works or by law. Salvation is by grace and not by law. Get it straight. The muslim, Kabbalah, Sadduces & Phareses, all work, live and believe in law. The Jews rejected Jesus but the Greek accepted Him. Since then the Jews have been looking for ways to deal with the Greeks. The sold their birth right, now looking for way to recover it. That is just it! No more No less
I need some guidance on how to pray
Vusi, when you pray, address the Father as my Abba in the most high, by your RUAH teach me to pray the prayers that will allow me to enter the secret place of the most high YAH,Ps:91 and cry out from your heart, Ps, 119:10,11,105 & 107 your petitions or requests to the Father(ABBA)Jer,33:3,Matt,6:33 and my favorite Ps,23:2,3 HE leads us, very soon you will be praying in the RUAH by HIS Word.
Iam so glade you can on here because was so confuse about what his and his real name were
thanked you somuch
Do you sister I really enjoyed your video and I’m so thankful to hear you saying The nameS YAHUAH and YAHUSHA!!! I am on a new journey and it has been on settling for me for I have prayed and people have been healed of cancer and tumors disappeared and demons have been cast out in the name of Jesus …. and as I was talking to ALUAH YAHUAH about this he reminded me of the scripture in the Bible where it says “ I healed in your name I cast out devils in your name… and he said go from me I never knew you “ ( just paraphrasing it ) and the revelation to me was yeah how could he know them if they’re calling on some other god? I have been comforted in my spirit to believe if I had power in the name of Jesus I should have super power in the name of YAHUSHA 💪🏾.💪🏾💪🏾 you know it’s almost like coming off drugs😉you actually have a meltdown when you realize you’ve been taught to believe a lie since you were born!
So sweetheart ( I call you sweetheart because I’m going to be 65 years old in less than six months and when you get older everybody becomes baby, darling, sweetheart, Ha ha ha 🙂 YOU NEVER GET TOO OLD TO LESRN SOMETHING NEW! So thank you for the comfort I got from watching your video, comfort and I know YAHUAH used you for reassurance to me . HALLELUYAH 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Zorina, hi there! I’m so glad to hear this helped to encourage you. Praise Yahuah! Yes, there is power in the name and most importantly the name being the character of Yah – so let’s continue to do all we can to allow Him to lead us into all truth by His Spirit. Let’s continue to be His representatives carrying on the “family name” of Yah 🙂 sending love and encouragement your way – big hugs 💞💛💞
I am new on this journey….some of my prayers got answered in the name of JESUS, however some didn’t…that’s what made me wonder hmmmm?
Then a lot of stars were saying JESUS, GOD, ETC…just made me wonder more. thank you for your comment.❤️
Jesus is the only way to Heaven!
I believe exactly as you do as well! I’m looking for like minded people in my area. Thank you for sharing your heart about the TRUTH!!!!
Im so happy for you. Im struggling with my spiritual sense please email when you can stay blessed
Where can I get the Torah of Yahuah?
The Torah is the first 5 books of the Bible. So the most important thing is to actually read, don’t worry too much about the version. But, here’s a link to the resources page here on my blog where I mention a few Hebraic options.
Hello Banayahu,
I just began my journey understanding god’s true name. Thank you for your inspirations.
Since I’ve learned the true names of the Father God Yahuah and Yahusha the messiah. I have been using these holy names in my worship and studies of the Word of Yahuah. It has been aong journey but the Truth is worth searching for.
Shalom brothers and sisters do anyone who can baptize in Yahusha name we live small town columbus ga near Atlanta ga
Do members of the Seventh day Adventist praying in the name of Yahusha HaMashiach or Jesus Christ?
They use JC. That’s part of why I left because I wanted to use the Hebrew names. Looking back, i am so glad I did. Many more reasons, even more than are in this video. Maybe one day I’ll do a follow up. Yahuah’s will be done.
Shalum Ahkut. I thought this video
was compact with sound doctrine and wisdom. It was all done with love. Tudah for sharing.
Shalum Ushriyah – I appreciate the encouraging words so much… Yahuah is good… I pray those who have ears to hear would understand. Halaluyah…
What religion is this and what bible is used?
Hi! Wow! My name is Nicodimus Serunye Molefi, i’m from Madikwe in North West Province of South Africa and i speak Tswana.
I am so much in Love with the Most High and i have seen His Greaterness since i called out His name YAHUAH, but please, i want to know more truth please, send me the Bible that speaks of His real names YAHUAH and YAHUSHA.
I am so much interested.
Shalom. Great job sister.. Kp up the great work. All praise to Yahuah, through Yahusha, for your cross over to truth! Shalom 🙌
Todah Rabah blessed daughter of Yahuah! This was an excellent video that I will be sharing with my children. May The Father continue to bless you in your journey and I pray that you would consider doing that video on the Trinity.
Halaluyah… I will pray about doing that video… I don’t consider myself a teacher… I know for sure that Yahuah has called me to make music for His people and His praise…. there are so many great teachers out there… I’m just here to share my heart… But Yahuah’s will be done in all things. I pray your children would receive a special gift from Yahuah in what they discover on this blog and in the scriptures. All praise to Yahuah…. Thanks for your encouraging words!
You are so welcome Sweetheart! It’s always encouraging to see us young people on fire for Yah…HalleluYah!
Shalum Ahkut. I enjoyed your video. You hit all the right key point. May Yahuah ue it to turn many to righteousness.
Praise Yahuah… I appreciate your encouraging words so much! I’m praying the same prayer as you… May Yahuah’s will be done.
Shalum shalum! Achoty Yahuah barak u! For Yahuah chooses whom he chooses, barak are u amongst woman who bear His name! HallaluYah Aman!
Shalum Shalum Wade, All prasies to Yahuah… Let’s continue to make His name great!
Great post….. Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome! I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Yahuah’s name be praised!
HalleluYah, HalleluYah, HalleluYah! Great to see my people waking up to the real truth and spreading the word. I totally agree with everything you believe because I believe it as well. Proud to see someone else that’s on the same page as me, young, and passionate about this truth. I also grew up in the SDA church as well, so I can relate. Todah for the message and keep spreading the word!
Ah, you’ve encouraged me so much by your words today! Thanks for sharing that you identify and agree as well – Halaluyah indeed! Yahuah is so good!!
Shalum Achut Hadarah, Tudah for sharing your thoughts and spreading the message of our creator The Most High Yahuah. I too agree and is on this journey of finding Truth and understanding. I also have been trying to share what I have learned, I must say this video presents it so simple and easy, I will like to share it with others. All esteem goes to Yahuah, may he continue to baruk as you spread and esteem his name.
Halaluyah! It’s great to know you’re out there sharing too! Yahuah is good. I pray He will baruk you as well!!
Love it achuthy!!! Well said, all praises to Yahuah!
Halaluyah.. Thanks for the encouraging words Sherill!! Yahuah be praised always!!
Blessings Hadarah, In your video you said you “thought sharing your video would help someone who is watching out there and you hope that person is you”. Well as it turned out it was. In fact YaHuWah used you to bless the majority of my family. Over the past few years I turned from Christianity to a follower of the Torah and YaHuWah Believer. I had not be able to successfully reach my husband. I had come across your video and played for my brother on christmas eve. Not only did you become a tool of YaHuWah for behavior of my brother Dannie but my husband as well!! WOW! I surely did the encouragement too, I had been pretty beaten down. So thank you Hadarah! For serving YaHuWah, being a blessing to my entire blessing, and helping to storing my spiritual strength.You are an inspiration. Shalom
Praise Yahuah… I’m so happy to hear that this little video made an impact…. what a story! May you and your family continue to be encouraged!!! Halaluyah!!!! Sending lots of love!!!
I don’t even know where to start. I am a Christian but, I want take on this belief. I believe every word you said! Wow I’m speechless. Could you explain, what bible you read from, what days I should celebrate, how to correctly excute the sabbath day? I just want to know more, I feel as though I have been blind because, I am a very spiritual person but, I want a deeper relationship with Yahuah! Thank you!
Shabbat Shalum Taylor 🙂 Welcome in! I’m so glad you believe and you want to know more… Yahuah will see that you believe and He will guide you ALL the way. Check out this page for the answers to a lot of the questions you just asked… https://www.setapartheart.com/resources/ I hope it helps to get you started my new friend! And again – welcome 🙂 So glad to have you here! All praise to Yahuah 🙂
HalleluYAH!!! So happy for you. I’ve been following you for Years and was praying you would have your eyes opened to this walk…
Praise Yahuah 🙂 thanks for all the prayers!!
Wow! I, too, just had my eyes open to this glorious truth. However, I’m still filled with fear because this is going to be a big shock to my husband and Italian Christian family. Christianity totally changed my life for the better, but recently I have had a deep unrest in my spirit and began seeking. I found Yahua! I pray that He will begin to settle my spirit and my family will not forsake me. Thank you for this site. 💕
Hi Suzy! Sorry for the delayed response, sometimes emails get lost… I pray that you’ve been enjoying some of the music and motivation here, and that Yah keeps you close in the palm of His hand! Always remember that He is with you through all the ups and downs, even when you feel alone. Keep on looking up. And I pray the hearts of your family members will become softened by the word of Yahuah. 💕💕💕
I loved this! It’s an eye opener. Live been struggling with my religion for the past year or so and I finally come to the conclusion that I need to feed more into my spiritual life. Thank you for the knowledge <3
Hi Samantha! I’m so glad this was an eye opener for you! Struggling is sometimes good cause it causes to look deeper. I pray you will continue to see and receive more and more truth! May Yahuah lead and guide you all the way. Love and hugs to you! All praise to Yahuah <3
According to the Holy Scripture (Torah), the name of God of Abraham is…Yod Hey Waw Hey. This name depends more on the consonants YHWH than the sound, because every letter is an initial of a long word. Only God knows the meaning of each consonant.
One sacred letter is missing in the name YAHUAH that you use. This changes completely changes the meaning of the name of God of Abraham. It is clear that God cannot act behind a name which is different from his, another being must be operating behing YAHUAH.
The Name of God is a sacred name,we need to stick to what the Scripture says. Be blessed.
Hi there Masudi. This resource may be helpful for you in understanding more perspective of what has happened to The Name. Check out this video it’s only 10 mins long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRsfDS0yw6g And if you like here’s another blog post with more resources about The Name. https://www.setapartheart.com/the-name-of-yahuah-resources/ I truly hope this helps. And my apologies for not responding to your previous comment. I appreciate that you felt like sharing your beliefs. I do sincerely wish you all the best on your journey. And it’s ok if we don’t agree on every single point – if you choose to identify as a Christian that’s no problem at all.
In 2008 I was called out of organized religion and The Lord show many truths to me after that.
One was pertaining to the keeping of the feast days.
We are not to keep the feast days any longer.
If you do a complete study of what was the reason for the feast days you will see they were for to make sacrifice unto The Lord for sin.
Those sacrifices have been done away at the cross. The veal has been removed.
We now are able through the shed blood of our Lord and Saviour to come directly before God (Yahuah) for forgiveness.
Christ was the sacrifice for sin once for all. We no longer have to make those sacrifices year after year, offering the blood of bulls, and goats and sheep.
Being put in remembrance of those past sins each year.
Please study to know the truth of this matter and come out from under the bondage.
To keep the feast days, is denying that the sacrifice our Saviour made for us on the cross was insufficient not enough.
Maybe at another time I can try to address the Sabbath day, the day of rest.
May you be led to the truth that sets you free!
Hi there Grounded, Yahuah’s Feasts Days are moedim – Appointed times to commemorate what He has done and what He will do. They spell out the entire plan of Salvation and I believe there is value is paying attention to those appointed times as He commanded. I agree that sacrifices are done away with because these were added because of our transgressions. But celebrating the feasts at their appointed times gives me more freedom than i’ve ever had in my life. I praise Yahuah because I have an excuse to get off of work 7 times a year in the fall and spring just to focus on His plan of salvation and to worship Him! HalaluYahuah! You are free to believe as you choose of course. It’s ok if we disagree. May Yahuah’s will be done in all things.
The Trinity is not even in the bible. Yahuah is separate from his son I believe. I’m not a Christian either..I’m searching for what I believe.
We are all on this journey together Shia… Yahuah’s will be done. Let’s continue to seek Him in Spirit and in Truth 🙂
Ive been watching your videos on youtube and they have been very informative. I’m still trying to comprehend everything. I’ve been a christian all my life.Just had a question; should I be praying to Yahuah? So Jesus isn’t in the Bible?
Hi Alicia! Welcome to Set Apart Heart sis… glad you’ve been enjoying the videos and do take your time cause I know there’s a lot of info out there. I was a Christian my whole life too before this journey, so I understand how you must be feeling. To answer your question about Prayer. John 14:13-14 teaches us to pray to the Father in The name of His Son. As for the name “Jesus” That name isn’t His true name. But yes, His Son is in The Scriptures. The Messiah… The anointed one… The Son of The Most High Yahuah did exist but no body would have called him “Jesus”. He was Hebrew so that could not have been his name. I believe His name would have been pronounced “Yahusha” based on the Hebrew letters of His name. Some say “Yahushua.” You will see different variations of this based on other people’s interpretations. And that’s ok. I’m not here to tell anyone that they are wrong, just sharing a bit of my perspective. So i hope you won’t get too stressed over it because when Yahusha returns He will set everything straight 🙂 What’s most important now is that we learn about who The Messiah is, what He represents, and what He is calling us to do first and foremost. Pronouncing the name is a conviction that will come to you as you begin to walk in Spirit and in Truth. I hope this helps to answer your question. Shoot me an email if you want to connect 🙂
I am in agreement with what you are sharing. My daughters and i started praying asking the Most High questions we were never excepted in the churches we fellowshipped at. We love the Most High. We shared with each other as we read scriptures finding that we were not been taught correctly and this is the reason we are to study the word so w we want be deceived by the devil. My prayers was Heavenly Father who am I? Something is wrong who are we as a people we are the only race of people who don’t know who we. are and my daughters and I watched videos and researched. Comparing scriptures,there is one scripture I never read which is Genesis 15:12-17 I was really surprised to learn that God had already told Abram his descendants would be scattered, enslaved and mistreated, but come out with great possessions. Deuteronomy 28 was also an eye opener the blessings and curses. No other race fit the description but we as a people. The slaves on those ships was our ancestors. The bible is the history of the American Hebrews, which many are not ready to receive or believe, the Most High God is uncovering all that has been covered up and covering that which is not true setting his chosen people free. Praise the Most High God
Hadarah, I thank you for your youtube message on why you are not a Christian. I was wondering how you would answer the comments on this website http://www.eliyah.com/yahweh.html which states removal of ‘Daleth’ from Yahudah doesn’t necessarily correctly allow the pronunciation of Yahuah because, “you can have numerous words where there is one consonant difference and yet they are pronounced completely different.”
Shalum Nick 🙂 Yes I’ve heard that argument before… There are two other approaches. One is if you look at how the letters in Yahuah’s name are being used even today you will see it is pronounced Yahuah. For example look at the president Natanyahu. Compare how you spell his name with Hebrew letters and you’ll see what i’m talking about compared to the name of Yahuah. There is also another approach if you prefer to take a more scholarly route than simply removing the daleth. One of my fave Hebrew teachers Lamadyahu explains it thoroughly by going into the history of languages and how they are used today. I reference that teaching on another post that I did a while back on the name of Yahuah. Check out the third video reference on this post if you have the time https://www.setapartheart.com/the-name-of-yahuah-resources/ I hope this helps you Nick! Let’s all continue to look up 🙂
Shalom my sister,
Thank you for the web page with the 3 links explaining our Father’s name.
I believed In the truth of His name through the conviction of the Rauch HaKodesh yet had little knowledge to base my belief. Facing that arguement without knowledge was impossible. The videos are extremely useful and informative.
I will study further…..😌👍🏾
Praise Yahuah 😊
Honestly im still learning but i found out about Yah 3yrs ago an i do believe in his word and im starting to make changes in my life an its kinda hard to when im surrounded by the negativity and watching the devil do his works but overall i love what your doing an can learn a lot from you great video Shalom my sister
Shalum Roderick I’m so glad you’re on this journey as well… Keep looking up and trusting in Him!! May Yahuah be your guide in all that you do 😊
Thank you for this video. I am going through a spiritual change in my life and this really resonates with me. I believe it to be true and would love to learn more. Could you provide me with more info or maybe some links to educate myself further? Thank you so much.
Hi Peter, so glad to hear you’re on this journey! Yes absolutely. Have you checked out the resource page here on the blog? There are quite a few videos and links on that page for you. Here’s the link. https://www.setapartheart.com/resources I pray it helps you to get started 😊
Hi my name is Dynasty and i have been searching for the truth ever since 2013 when i ran across this church who were not christians they actually pronounce his name as yahweh and that is really wgat i thought his name was…i still do but just a little confused about the name…now i have been raised up as apostolic\pentecostal and so all i knew was the name jesus and god and lord untill 2013 when i was introduced to yahweh…i stayed in it for a little while untill my family found oyt and they thought it was an occult…now me i just wanted the TRUTH but i didnt want to be lost…so now im back in my religion….but i still have everything i learned still lingering around so i have been doing a little research but i feel like my eyes have been opened so i am still searching and everthing that i have seen so far is mind blowing to me! I really just want the whole truth and nothing but the truth and i know i need to educate myself more so where do i start? Its so much out there but as far as the name i call him I AM and abba and elohim i do have a bible called the names of god but it says yahweh in it idk if that is correct but i typed way to much lol im just looking for some guidance thank you thank you for reading!😊
Hi Dynasty, I totally understand your desire for the truth. It took years of seeds being planted in my heart for me to completely leave the church, but now time is much shorter than what it was when i was a child, so i’m glad that you are searching and I pray you’ll find the truth. There are some great articles and links to other resources that will help you on my resource page. Check out the article about the Name of Yahuah https://www.setapartheart.com/the-name-of-yahuah-resources/ And then you can spend some time of this page here https://www.setapartheart.com/resources/ and you’ll find links to my fave Hebrew Teachers, Lamadyahu from The Path to Yahuah and Medadyahu from Living Branch. I hope these resources help you on your journey! May Yahuah be your guiding light 🙂 <3
So glad I found this truth ! I was sooo confused I am currently attending Sunday church with my husband he isn’t awake to this yet after being installed Christian growing up. I’ve broached the subject with him but he can’t grasp the truth yet, any tips on how I can help guide him on yahs path
Every person is different. Some people can handle a direct approach and absorb changes quickly, others need more time to let things soak in. So let Yah guide you as you witness and just take your time. Remember that Yah was patient with you as you were and are still learning. So we can offer that same grace to others. If you all can continue to live peacefully even though you have differences, the scripture encourages you to do so. Because you can win people over with your conduct, quietly. Just by shining the light of truth. Remember, light doesn’t make noise, it just shines so people can SEE it. So walk in truth and you will be a quiet witness in love.
You are on the right path, keep up the good work YHVH is pleased
So what if you are a edomite? Can you still follow Yahuah and be accepted? I’m still seeking truth.
ABSOLUTELY! We are all to follow Yahuah. He is Creator of us ALL! Edomites, Israelites, and others are all to keep follow Yah and keep His commandments. 😊
Hey im struggling with the name YAH afraid i may be chasing the wrong name got metwisted need help i felt jesus how do i feel YAH
WoW! So glad to board. Though am a late comer… I clearly got called out of organized religion in 2018 December but I obeyed The Call sometime in mid January.
I want to learn so much and especially (or rather to start with, how to determine the Sabbath Day and the Feast Days.
for some years now i have been reluctant to use the word christian as the general teaching in those churches is not from scripture it is what my earthly father would have called reason as opposed to logic i.e. decided on emotional basis then reasons looked for. That of course leads to taking a lot out of context or misinterpreting much to justify yourself.
that is why i call myself unreasonable.
Yah is a short form of YHVH often used in the Tenach (Christians call that the Old testament0 it is n to as far as i can tell wrong all of his “names including those 2 have meanings and those are important. the Law as translated in the new Testament is one of 2 words Torah meaning instruction (more completely the flight of an arrow to the heart of its target. The other word refers to the Jewish traditions which have come to be more important to Judaism than the scriptures, the belief is that it represents the things YHVH told Moses but he did not write down (though he said he wrote it all down.
Blessed to have found your page. I am currently a member of a messianic apopstalic church which has improved my learning greatly and I totally agree with you about the pagan holidays and such. I have had some very interesting experiences lately one where a black Hebrew Israelite cursed me for being Edomite because I’m light skinned and told me I was damned but then another Hebrew brother from my church the elder said that man was not in keeping of the Messiah’s way. We talked about it and it just comes down to I cannot give up my faith in the Most High and his son. I rather live for Yah anyway that live without him. He is Creator and we are nothing without Him. So I had been wanting to learn more about the Hebrew name Yahuah and Yahushua and blessed to find your teachings. Peace and blessings to you.
Praise Yahuah… Amy I’m sorry to hear about the experiences you’ve had with some Hebew people. It’s true many are filled with pride and condemnation. I pray you will enjoy the music and motivation that you find here, may Yahuah continue to lead and guide you in His truth!!
Shalom! All praises to THE MOST HIGH YAHUAH!!
Shalom 😌 Yes all praise to Yahuah Most High…
Are you Ashley Brown of Atlanta,GA, Decatur specifically?
Praise to Yahuah i know the true name of our creator.
I mean i know. You are really his people. Now beside the name of Yahuah. People are learning the his originally sabbath day . Waktu up .now we need to know. The sabbath too
I agree with everything you are saying here. This is the first I’ve heard of the real names. Yahuah…wow! And I always think about the backwardness of most churches. This explains what I’ve been feeling for a long time. So if this is true, shouldn’t the people who know the truth make an effort to teach it to others within these churches? There are a lot of good people who need to wake up.
It’s refreshing to get the unadulterated truth on the internet. And this is as unadulterated as it gets! Thank you for all the information. Yahuah must be satisfied.
Hi Gary, I’m so glad you found this information… praise Yahuah! And I’m glad it resonates with you too! Yes of course we should be reaching out to our brothers and sisters but not everyone has the same calling…. I’m really not a teacher, just sharing a part of my journey 😌. And in order to go into churches we would have to be welcomed or invited, but the truth really isn’t wanted there by the masses. So as for me? I pray that Yah’s people will continue to be lead into truth and follow his ways. It’s all in the book if we take time to read it. Even the name. The introduction to most KJVs tells us that the name has been replaced 💗 So let’s continue to “each one reach one” and may Yahuah’s will be done!
What books do you read ? And what bibles has the name Yahuah?
Hi Ney, check out the resources page on this site. I know it needs to be updated, but it should help a little bit. https://www.setapartheart.com/resources
Hello again,
I just want to apologize and correct some mistakes in the above comment concerning the law of God YHWH and also concerning the confusion between Messiah and Saviour.
– God YHWH alone is the Saviour of the mankind through his word (Isaiah 43:11). However Yeshua (Jesus) is not the word, but he was the Jewish Messiah that God sent to his people (Israel) with the salvation word (Matthew 1:21, John 3:16)
– Secondly, the law of God is holy and eternal, it can never vanish away.
The only way leading to eternal life is obeying and practicing the commandment (law) of God (John 12:50; Deut 4:40).
I thank you in advance for good understanding.
I consider myself a christian. I argre with most of what you said. So what is the difference from a Pentecostal and a non christian. Doesn’t seem like much. If you have a personal relationship with him and experience him why is it such a big debate. Catholics change to Pentecostal. Seventh day is now not christian. Christian is a title not a relationship.It really does not make sense to me. You are quoting the bible we all believe and God give knowledge to diffent people at different times. If you are filled with the holy spirit you should know how to lead your church. If you don’t feel the spirit then that is the wrong church.In the Bible there are numerous names for God. I feel this is just another distraction than to just be with God. Mind you that could be your calling to look at the bible in different ways. I was also curious you talked about the trinity what your debate was with that also. I am just trying to understand what you are getting at with this and how you are not a christian unless you just do not like that title.
To answer your question… you said you are trying to understand how I’m not a Christian… In short, I believe Christianity is a one sided relationship. In general, Christians come to Christ and worship him how every they feel led to. I believe in coming to the Messiah to learn from Him and walk in all of His ways. Like I said in the video, His spirit leads us to worship him in spirit and in truth. He leads us back to His Father, to the truth, which has never changed 💗 So my relationship with Messiah is no longer about me and what I want, but about Him and what He wants. To spell things out clearly, things like Christmas, Easter, and other pagan holidays are no longer a part of my life because they are not pleasing to the Father. I want to walk in His ways so i choose to acknowledge His appointed times for worship, the seventh day Shabbat and the annual feasts. This is not a debate, it’s my testimony. And if you’re not comfortable with it, that’s ok 😁💗🤗 I hope that helps to answer your question a bit. May Yah continue to guide us all in His way. Shalom & Ahabah (Peace & Love)
Sister, I feel much of the same way you do. I do not celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday, nor the feasts, but I believe if we did there would be much value in it.
I cant stand Halloween, how Easter is about a bunny, and Christmas is so selfish and manipulated, however my concern is this:
If a believer chooses not to celebrate these holidays or celebrates the Sabbath on a Sunday, and also calls the Messiah by his English name, but loves the Lord, bears fruit, fears God, and has noticable change in his character from his walk, and seeks the Lord with all his heart, will he get a “well done my good and faithful servant” or will he be turned away because he did not follow your doctrine?
Thankfully I’m not the one who has to decide who will have the privilege of hearing The Master say “Well done.” I think the real question to ask is, if one can read and understand the bible, why not do what it says? May we all continue to seek to follow the truth, which is the Word of Yah.
GIRL……. If you think that God will keep me out of heaven because I don’t call Him by a certain NAME. I worship the one that is able to kill the body and soul. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. My reward is in His hand just like yours. You are really thinking too hard, so see you in heaven.
Hi Sharon, I don’t recall saying anything about you or I being in heaven… there’s a journey that I’m on that most people won’t understand. You see when your Father reveals something to you and shows you why it’s important, I’m sure you would want to listen. That where I’m at – no judgment on you for making your own choices. But I have to do what Yahuah tells me to do through His Word by His Spirit. I do it cause my goal is to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. And I shared my testimony here to encourage those who feel the same way. All the best to you and yours 🙂
I need some guidance on how to pray. Tnx in advance
Thank you for your blog it is much needed to wake the SDA people up who are trapped in believing that they are the Remnant church. I too was an SDA. I believe we are Israelites and if you want to enter the gate of the Holy City you need to go through one of the twelve gates named after the twelve tribes of Israel not Christianity or the SDA church. All those willing to study trusting in the Scriptures alone will find the truth and the message for today is 1 Peter 2;8,9 We are to be a royal priesthood after the order of Melkitsedeq just like Yahusha our Savior.
I have been observing Yahuah’s Feast Days and denying all of the Roman made holidays for eight years and have never been happier. Glad to know there are others out there like minded. We are few and far between. Since I do not consider myself Christian what do you call yourself when someone asks?
Learning and growing in the WAY,
Laura Hi, me and my family call us Yahuah Assembly Homage (YAH). oUR OBJECTIVE IS TO SHARE THE Sacred Name and his Commandments.
Hi Laura, I usually tell people I have no religion I believe in the bible and follow the creator. Depending on how much time I have I will expand…. glad to hear you’are keeping the feasts! All praise to Yahuah Most High.
Hi, its great to be a part of Yahuah family through this page. I am from Fiji Islands in the Pacific. I have 5 children and has been worshipping at home. We keep the Sabbath, 10 Commandments and this year we are going to start with keeping the right Passover, HalleluYah.
I wish to share a very important verse to you my friends and those who are still deciding to follow the Truth.
Luke 11.52 speake about the Key of Knowledge and hope that we can elaborate and share this woderfull verse to others. Vinaka and Thank you
Fiji, that’s wonderful… glad to hear your and your family are worshipping Yahuah and following his ways with Shabbats and Feasts too! Yes I pray Yahs Word and his commandments will live on in our hearts and in our lives for the world to see.
My 2 cents Halloween is not close to be something from christianity halloween is a witcherparty originaly.I understand your point of christmas and easter its just moneymaking by the economy. But if you celebrate the birthday of the son of god its jot a bad thing thats my opinion. Actualy i have no idea how your church was but my church is soing a lot of your points like you. With the name I think is different from person to person. In the bible god has a lot of different names calling him by one of this is for me not wrong.
Benjamin, a name is a powerful thing, even my name, imagine me, a World traveler somewhere in the World, in a crowded area hearing someone shouting out a name unknown to me, I may pay no attention,but if someone was to call out my Pete, I may turn around, that name would get me looking around to see who is calling out that name, because that name applies to me. soo much with our Abba (Father) He knows us by name and also call us by name, recently I was in South Asia, and I saw first hand hundreds of statues call gods or lords my further studies has led me to almost a million other gods and lords being worshipped the World over by almost 5.5 billion of the world population,(Please, no offence to anyone and their beliefs) in London there is a place called the house of lords a branch of the British Government in which almost all of their members are called lords, then we have here in America, the glamor called Hollywood, where they have propagated the lord of the rings, the lord of the flies the holloween lord and the cheap rated movies that glorifies the spirit of baal, if one turns on a tv or goes to a movie house today, almost everything points to a cult worship, the god of this world is in control of almost everything, We must never compare, equate or bring the name of the most High YAHUAH, YAHH of HOSTS to a lower standard we must educate and train our minds and hearts to the one and only true Father(ABBA) by faith, if we seek the truth we will find it out, we must always remember these words, The enemy comes to Kill, Steal and destroy, but HE Yahusha has come to give life most abundantly. Today, choose life and not death, “Shalom, and may His peace be with your and yours”
I never knew Christianity wer such wicked.For many years dat u ave been decieving us wit d name Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to Yahushuah
for bring us out from christianity
Even the New Testament refuses to use the name of your god.
This word used in the verses on that page show what you would consider a corrupted Greek rendering of Jesus’ name all throughout the New Testament. It is both written and spoken differently than your god’s name, instead it has the following phonetic pronunciation/spelling: ee-ay-sooce’.
Since you insist any translation from Hebrew (for instance into English) must maintain the phoenetic pronunciation, how do you account for the New Testament going against your understanding?
I take it you’ve never performed an exegesis of this part of scripture, only eisegesis?
Hi Hadarah. Thankyou for sharing your testimony. It has been a real blessing to me and has helped me and reassured me on what I have recently learned. During my intense search for the Truth, I have found I dont fit anywhere, in any denomination, including SDA, because I too am in agreement with all you spoke regarding man made religion, and will no longer be apart of it. It has left me confused & greatly distressed not knowing what is Truth and which way to go. It has left me utterly exhausted. I thought I had left christianity, but only learnt last week that the name ‘Jesus’ is pagan and that ‘Lord’ means Baal. I was utterly horrified all my prayers, Thanksgiving, and hope of salvation was being directed to an unknown & strange God all my life! I am grieved for Yahuah & Yahusha Mashyach, & horrified by the deapth of my ignorance! All praise & glory should only ever be given unto the only true Elohim! For He alone is worthy! I have wondered His name over the years as I have read in the scriptures many promises pertaining to those who know and love His name and are kept in His name. It seems this is critical for any who truly want to worship Him in spirit & truth!
I pray Yahuah soften the hearts of those who are seeking Him to recieve His name & His salvation, as salvation belongs to Yahuah! May his name be forever lifted up!
Hadarah, I am so happy to have been led to your testimony. It is reassuring & strengthening. I am only very new to this Truth and hence a new chapter of my journey, and alot of unlearning to do. I would sincerely appreciate to make contact with you and like minded followers of Yahusha. Please feel free to make contact if you feel led too. Much love and encouragement returning to you.
Hi Kylie – thank you for sharing your story…. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling exhausted and distressed. We have all been there at one point along the way – it’s really eye opening to come into these truths. It takes a lot of time and space to work through everything.The most important thing to keep in mind is that we have so much to be grateful for now! It’s truly a privilege to be able to unlearn the lies. Although it can be VERY uncomfortable at times, let’s give thanks because had our eyes not been opened, where would we be? It’s been 4 years on this journey for me… started in 2013… and don’t worry it’s going to get much better – just keep walking in faith. Sending love and hugs!! Shalom shalom 🙂
HI Hadarah i come from Uganda i have been on this journey for some time now … where i come from its all christianity/Islam so i might be the only one on this journey but i had doubts , left church (Sunday worship) like 2 months backs and i have been trying to find people like you. im glad Yahuah has confirmed to me his true name!!because i have been praying to Him.
I am finally awakened from my slumber a year now. Raised as a Seventh Day Adventist I always felt like something was missing. I cried out to the Most High to fill the void. This is where Yashuah brought me. I have never felt so alive. I am enthused and excited to trod on my new journey knowing that I am guided by the Most High who reveals nothing but the truth. The Christian world/lifestyle is a camouflage of the truth…but if one is hungry enough to know who they are the Most High is ready to open your eyes with hopes of you staying awake.
Praise Yahuah – I’m glad you’ve made the commitment to walk in truth! May Yah continue to lead and guide you all the way Marie!!
How do you came up with your Hebrew name?
One of my old Hebrew teachers prayed for 3 days for me and my name came to him for me. It’s from the psalms … passage that says to worship Yahuah in the beauty of holiness.. Psalms 96:9. The Hebrew word for beauty there is Hadarah and it reminds me to always worship Yah in the beauty of being set apart.
But to answer you directly, there are no rules for choosing a Hebrew name. You don’t even have to choose one. But if you feel Yah is leading you towards certain characteristics, or a certain name comes to you through prayer and meditation or study, then it could be a meaningful thing for you to have a Hebrew name. Either way I pray Yah leads and guides you all the way! Yah bless you Marie Kelly 🙂
Thanks for your blog we have spent some 50 years in a church started by Herbert Armstrotng like you in the SDA we have just learnt the name and just recently bought the cepher to study wow
Faith in God has always been the way to GOD. In the old and new testament. John16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
You threw me off when you said I am no longer a Christian. I would say you’re a true Yahshua believer and follower. I agree modern Christianity has been corrupted by man-made teachings and be derailed from what the original disciples of Yahshua walked and taught. It is hard to find truth in this sea of man-made teachings that is why we must cling to every word of Yah and lean not to our own understanding or others. By the way, I am in agreement with your belief statements.
Shalom Jason, it’s all semantics, but no I’m not a Christian. If you had to put a mainstream “religious label” on me, Messianic Jew would be the closest one. What’s important is that we seek to follow Yah in spirit and in truth and leave the ways of the world behind us. I’m glad we are on a similar journey. Yah bless you as you seek to follow Him 😌
Hi,I have got a question.
What is the best translation of the Scriptures you know so far,with of course the real names of the Father and the Son in it?
Hi Stoyan, there are a few links to different versions here on my Resourses page. Hope it helps https://www.setapartheart.com/resources/ Yah bless!
Good day:
Thank you for confirming what I have felt for many years, now…
All my life I was led to believe in Jesus. But, later-on in my life, I realized that my people have been fed so many lies…I read several articles and found out that the name of Jesus was originally YAHUSHA…I do not know a lot about YAHUAH/ YAHUSHA but my heart and spirit know this is the TRUTH…I know that the ELOH is in me and I am willing to learn HIS ways…until my forever…
Thanks again,
– Dean Munroe –
I was wondering where you got the YAHUAH and YAHUSHA from? What happened to Yahweh and Yeshua?
Hi Stanley. That question comes up a lot so in 2015 I put together a resource article to help those asking for more info. Feel free to have a look at it here: https://www.setapartheart.com/the-name-of-yahuah-resources/ I hope it helps 🙂 Yah bless!
You are in doctrinal error and have confused part truth with utter deception.
As a biblical Hebrew scholar you are perpetrating false teaching.
This is mere vain glory and cultist nonsense.
What are your qualifications?
I’d be interested to know how you came to believe this teaching.
Why Yahuah, not Yahweh or Yehowah ? I know it is not Jehovah.
Thank you so much
I am looking and praying for a church organization where me and my family can become better educated on the true name of our Creator and the Mashiach, as well as His relationship with his people. There is no such congregation where I live that I know of.
Could you help me with a church or body of believers I can look into?
Any help is appreciated.
Praise Yahuah! I have come to the same conclusion as you, and after repenting for my past choices, taking part in “religion” with pagan holidays and lack of knowledge, He led me to a Torah observant group to worship and celebrate Shabbat with. He is faithful when we humble ourselves.
Praise Yah 😌 I’m happy for you Jonna!
I know I am late, but this was a wonderful video. I started my journey a year and a half, and it has been amazing. I love this Truth. I plan on sharing your video so that others can see that I am not alone.
Todah for your testimony sister!
Praise Yah! Thanks for sharing. Forgive me for the terribly late reply – somehow I’m just seeing this. May Yah continue to bless you on your journey with Him 🙂
I would like to know if there is any assembly (church) that I can attend to fellowship with believers or any online group chat with 💬
Hi Paul, sorry for the late reply. We don’t have a large public group, but we do fellowship privately with a small group of close friends online every week on shabbat. We enjoy keeping it small so we can have scripture studies together and actually get to know one another personally. You can send me an email from the contact page if you’re interested and we can go from there. And if you have trouble with the contact page, just write to hadarahbatyah at g mail dot com. Yah bless!
Since I’ve learned the true names of the Father God Yahuah and Yahusha the messiah. I have been using these holy names in my worship and studies of the Word of Yahuah. It has been a long journey but the Truth is worth searching for.
When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several emails with the same comment.
Is there any way you can remove me from that service?
Hi there, Thanks for letting me know about the issue. Yah willing I will be able to have a solution next week. Will make a call to the web host and see if they can help me figure that out.
Hey Sis and Shabbat Shalom,
Just saw this page and wanted to comment. My experience as far as classifying or labeling myself is similar to yours. I also have the SDA background as well. I haven’t been to church in a few years and I hope there are awakenings going on in them but, I’ve been focused on learning, growing and mentally and spiritually preparing for what’s to come. My thoughts and reaction to your page? Nice.That’s about it. Keep the faith, Yah bless.
SDA teaches nothing, sorry to say. Nada!!
I’ve been praying to Yahuah about learning the truth, and just a day after knowing his name is yahuah, I somehow found this page. I honestly want to know more and be spiritually ready for what’s to come in this last days
Praise Yahuah Eyeta, I’m so glad you’re here. Feel free to reach out from the contact page if you have any questions 🙂 https://www.setapartheart.com/contact/
hey u 🙋♀️
i found this write up looking for a church, assembly, gathering of any kind that teaches in Yahua’s Name. this search was for sydney australia. honestly, anywhere in aus will do. i think the state of new south wales.
you wouldnt be in australia by any chance.. lol 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤷♀️
Hi Zoé, I’m actually in California 😌 so sorry! I pray Yah leads you to someone in Australia ❤️🙏🏾 May His will be done!