Make Yahuah GreatRaise your hand if you’ve ever needed some help!

*I’ve got BOTH my hands raised*

At one point or another, EVERYONE needs help. Regardless of age, gender, talent or level of skill. If you’re human like I am I’m sure you’ll agree, we simply can’t do everything on our own.

When you find yourself in that space: Feeling stuck, or maybe feeling lonely. When you’re hurting, or if you get angry…. What can you do? On whose name can you call?

“Our help is in the Name of Yahuah, Maker of the heavens and earth.” Psalms 124:8
Oh Make Yahuah great with me, and let us exalt His name together.” Psalms 34:3
“I have remembered Your Name in the night, O Yahuah, and I guard Your Torah.” Psalm 119:55
“Oh Yahuah, Your Name is forever, Oh Yahuah, Your remembrance to all generations….” Psalms 135:13

No matter what is happening in your life, you can ALWAYS call on The Name of Yahuah. He hears the prayers of His people and He will answer. You are NOT alone. Open your heart to Yahuah….Trust in His name.

The song in the video below is an original, It’s entitled “My Help.”  I wrote it on Shabbat, March 1, 2014 and the lyrics are based on the Psalms shared with you above.  I pray this music will inspire you to read more of the scriptures and come a little bit closer to Yahuah. For our help is in The Name of Yahuah.

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