Can’t do it on my own
Shalom Mishpacah, it’s Hadarah.
We can’t do anything Yahuah wants us to do without The Set Apart Spirit, Ruach Ha Chodesh. So I’ve been longing for more of Yah’s Ruach to fall on me.
Sometimes I catch myself trying to do things in my own strength, and those attempts always fail. I often get stuck in my head and start tripping over myself. Ever been there before?
Every day is new
Today, I choose to begin anew with Yahuah, by the power of His Ruach. Simply because I need Him more. You with me? His mercies are new every morning, so let’s just pause and reconnect to Yahuah through His Word, and ask for more of His Ruach in our lives.
Don’t be afraid to lift your hands and say out loud,
“Yah, please let your Ruach fall!”

“And I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. And I shall take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I shall give you a heart of flesh, and put My Spirit within you. And I shall cause you to walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and shall do them.”
“And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers. And you shall be My people, and I shall be your Elohim.”
Ezekiel 36:26-28
A new song in my heart
This morning, while out on my nature walk, some music came to me. It’s just a simple song, saying “Let Your Ruach Fall on me.” This new song is the prayer of my heart right now, so I wanted to share it with you. If you need more of The Set Apart Spirit, I pray you’ll join me in this prayerful song below and meditate on Yahuah. He is so good, and His mercy is new every morning.
Now יהוה is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of יהוה is, there is freedom.
And we all, as with unveiled face we see as in a mirror the esteem of יהוה, are being transformed into the same likeness from esteem to esteem, as from יהוה, the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:17,18.
Where Yah leads, I will follow
Is there anything in your life that Yah is asking you to do by His Ruach that you have not yet accomplished? If you feel comfortable, share it in the comments. For me, I need Yah to help me finish the next album. There’s just no way I can do it on my own. HallaluYah. I’m so glad that I need Him, and that I’m aware of how much I need Him. Let’s keep one another in prayer as we seek to do His will.

“And if we expect what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with endurance.
And in the same way the Spirit does help in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray, but the Spirit Himself pleads our case for us with groanings unutterable.
And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the set-apart ones according to Elohim.
And we know that all matters work together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to his purpose.”
Romans 6:25-28
Open your heart today
Above all, if you love Elohim, just open your heart and receive more of Yah’s Ruach today. I know you love Him; that’s why you’re still here. May Yah bless you and keep you. As you continue to walk with Him every day, say, “Yah, let your Ruach Fall!”
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You’ll get more music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Praise YAH for your sweet spirit and soul. I have love you from the very first time I heard your beautiful voice speak of YAHUAH’s promises. what a beautiful ministry YAH has given you to remind and uplift his people of whom He is and who we are to Him. You are doing an amazing service to the body of Yahusha in His name. I love this song YAH know just what I need and when.
I am in need and longing for more of his RUACH I can’t accomplish any task without Him.
I need my healing ❤️🩹 to manifest in my body and His power to overcome my fleshly desires when it comes to food. Please pray for me as I keep you in prayer 🤲 I’m on a three days fast started today Yah help me to finish the course these next two days. In Yahusha name. ❤️❤️❤️🫂 🙌🏾
Shalom Suzette, Praise Yahuah for your encouraging words! You’ll never believe this, but a few sisters and I also started a fast this morning. One of my friends has cancer, so we’re shooting for 5 days, for healing, for clarity, for direction… Yahuah’s will be done. So I’m with you 🙂 Will def keep you in prayer. Much love sis!
HalleluYah brothers and sisters <3
Shalom brother Marin, Yah bless you 🙂
I DO need more of the Ruach. I need Yah’s help with driving away foul, bad attitudes from me this week. Thank you for this pretty song. 🙂
HallaluYah! May Yah’s Ruach be in the midst of it all for you April. Let’s reflect His esteem today. In the name of Yahusha – Amein.
Beautiful gift to Yah. Thank you for Yah and his Ruach. Praise his name above all names. I started a fast too,on Monday for his direction in my life. And till Wednesday. Love , blessings and answer to prayers. Philippines 4
That is soooo cool Joyce. Praise Yahuah 🙂 we’re with you sister! May the clarity and direction be reveal. Let the Ruach flow. Strength and power be unto you. In the name of Yahusha! HallaluYah!
Lovely Sister,as always,I enjoy your songs of praise and messages.
Thank You for sharing them. I love you Sister of yahu’ah!
Sending love right back Sister Cynthia! Yah bless you and your family 🙂 (BIG HUGS)
I need to hear this song!! How beautiful!! Yah’s timing is perfect!!. I feel weak sometimes, like He is not with me. I get in my head and struggle with prayer lately and reading scripture. I’m clinging to Him . Your music helps me to focus on Him. I’m so baruk that Yahuah lead me to your music. That His Ruah continues to inspire you girly.
Thank you.
Praise Yahuah. I’m so glad to hear the music helps you Hope! And thank you for sharing your struggles. One of my teachers in university years ago used to always say, “Shared sorrow is half sorry, and shared joy is double joy!” 🙂 You’re not alone in the struggle. Just keep crying out to Yah, and open your heart to His Word. He will hear you sis. Let the Ruach flow 🙂
Once again Father has placed His gift upon you to share the heart of His children letting Him know we need Him in every way, every day. I can’t live move or have my being without Him, so I humbly confess I have to have Him all the time and it helps to know I’m not alone and a beautiful heartfelt, Holy Spirit-filled song is the strawberry on the top of the cake :).
Thanks for sharing sis.
Praise Yahuah sis Elisheva, thank you for sharing!
Shalum Sis! 🤗❤️ YAH, let your Ruwach fall. This is a beautiful uplifting song! Thank you for sharing. HalaluYah!!!🙌
Shalum Sis Kim! I pray all is well 🙂 May Yah continue to uplift you as you go through the rest of the week. Yah be praised. I’m so glad you enjoyed the song 🙂
🙂 Shalom Randall! Yah bless.
Hadarah, I was introduced to your music by my husband. We love your joyful spirit and beautiful love and peace that shine through your personality. You are a blessing to us and so many more. Proverbs 15:23
Praise Yahuah, I’m so glad you and your husband are enjoying the music Brenda 😌 Yah bless you both!!