Yahuah Acoustics Vol2 no textI was watching one of Lamadyahu Yashra’al’s teachings on The Original Covenant last week from thepathtoyahuah.com, and he quoted a verse that was so familiar to me, but for some reason, and it must have been The Ruach, the verse hit me hard like it never had before, and a song came over me all at once.

I had to pause his video teaching and record the song in my phone before I could pay attention to Lamadyahu’s lesson.Β The Verse is Philippians 2:5, and the song that hit me seemingly out of the blueΒ goes like this…

Let this mind be in you which was also in Yahusha Ha Mashiach. Phillipians 2:5

I would love for us to focus on this verse for the next 7-day scripture challenge. Let’s start tomorrow. You with me?Β With the world in the state that it’s in, we know that no one will save us but Him. So let’s keep our minds STAYED on Him. It’s that mind – or mindset, that pulls me through every day. And I’ll share more with you in another video for the scripture challenge itself. But for now, let’s all praise Yahuah and letΒ this song ring out in our hearts… “Let this mind be in you which was also in Yahusha.”

Leave a comment on the blog if you enjoyed the song, and I’ll see you back here at Set Apart Heart tomorrow for the next 7-day scripture challenge. Also keep the next recording in your prayers. The date is booked and i’ll be headed to the studio on October 28th. Thank you sooo much to everyone who has given love gifts from their heart to support this work. All praise to Yahuah Most High.


-Hadarah BatYah

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