Shalom Mishpacha,
Yesterday I recorded a little Interlude for a project that I’m planning to release around The Passover. It’s called “In Spirit and In Truth.” There’s a behind the scenes video of it for you to enjoy below.
‘“Elohim is Spirit,
and those who worship Him
need to worship in spirit and truth.”’
John 4:24
Did you enjoy that look behind the scenes? Your feedback is always welcome – even if it’s constructive – so I hope you’ll share your thoughts in the comments below about “In Spirit and In Truth.” Let’s praise Yah and give Him thanks!!

‘Give thanks to יהוה!
For He is good,
For His loving-commitment is everlasting.’
Tehillim (Psalms) 107:1
Join me here on Thursday Feb 27th, 2025 for the release of my upcoming single, “Todah YAH.” It’s a song of thanksgiving and praise to Yahuah Most High! You’ll be able to find the music right here once it’s out. I pray it blesses your heart. Have a wonderful day Mishpacha!
Shabbat Shalom when it comes.
If you haven’t already, sign up for email updates (it’s free).
You’ll get more music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
All praises to the Most High. Beautiful sister. Thank you
Praise Yahuah! He’s so good 🙂
All praise to our father. He has done a great works in us. Thank you for this song. It has blessed us.thank you
Praise Yahuah ❤️😌
Praise Yah, your releasing this beautiful song on my birthday! All Yahuah’s love sent to you and your family.
Sis! That is SO exciting! In case I don’t get to say it next week, may Yahuah be praised for your life! May you continue to live for The Most High and have many more years to worship and praise The Most High! Yahuah is so good! Live long and be blessed Pamela ❤️😆🎉
This is already polished enough for me lol!! SO,SO, melodious and uplifting! Thank you, Hadarah!!!
HallaluYAH! Sis April I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the music. May your heart continue to be filled with worship and praise to The Most High, Yahuah!!
Shabbat shalom Hadarah. Thank you for sharing. Your music is so beautiful. Have a barakah and peaceful Shabbat.
Shabbat shalom Sis Patricia ❤️😌 Yah bless you and give you His peace!
This lifted my spirit today. Absolutely Beautiful!!! Praise Yahuah and worship him in Spirit and in truth!! Thanks so much Sis for a special treat!!
May Yah continue to bless you Sis Kelley! Praise Yahuah 🙂 He is SO good!
Hi Hadarah, I have to head on over to UT as this is what I got when I pressed ‘play’
“Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot, this helps protect our community. ”
Australia is notorious for such b/s…!
Ok, heading on over to UT to have a listen.!
HalleluYah..! <3
Sorry to hear you’re struggling with the experience Brother. I pray you’re still able to enjoy the content and be blessed. Let me know if there’s anything you think I can do to help ❤️ Shabbat shalom Mishpacha 😌
So real and raw! Thank you Sister H for taking us along this musical journey! Enjoying every song…….
HallaluYAH 😌 I’m sooo glad you’re enjoying the music 🎶
Shalum Sis!❤️🤗
This song is so beautiful and uplifting! HalaluYAH!🙌
Shalum Sis! Yahuah be praised! ❤️🤗
Dear sis, as always is this so good!
Thank you so much!
Praise Yahuah Sis Sylviane!! I’m so so glad you enjoyed it. Yah bless you 🙂 Have an amaaaaazing day!! (BIG HUGS)