Shalom Mishpacha. I owe you an apology. I’ve bitten off more than I can chew this quarter. The video below explains it all.
‘But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by the heaven or by the earth or with any other oath.
But let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No, lest you fall into judgment.’
James 5:12 TS2009
I hope you can accept this apology. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. I pray that both you, and Yahuah will have mercy on me as I learn to curb my excitement, and stop talking about doing things before I do them. Instead, I just need to actually do them.
For those who couldn’t watch this video for whatever reason, I’m sorry that the next release won’t be ready before The Passover. It’s just not realistic right now. I’m so grateful to those of you who have already been supporting my two latest releases, “Todah Yah” and “I Need You Now.” AND for those of you who have been enjoying all the music I’ve shared since 2014, both on YouTube, and here on the blog.
In the future I will continue to share updates on what’s happening with music, life, and how it all relates to spiritual growth. That’s why we’re all here – to keep on growing in Yahuah together in spirit and in truth.
‘Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not look around, for I am your Elohim. I shall fortify you, I shall also help you, I shall also uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.’’
Isaiah 41:10 TS2009
Besides this apology, I just wanted to encourage you today. If you are struggling to find balance, and you find yourself doing too much, it’s okay to pull back and re-evaluate your goals. Yahuah is our helper, and He will help us all in His perfect timing, and His perfect way. Let’s keep on trusting in Him to lead and guide. He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Much love,
-Hadarah BatYah
I love your excitement. You’re OK in my book I love your humbleness and the depth of your praise and worship to Abba Yahuah.💜 thank you for all your inspiration. You’re truly a blessing..
Umm. What are you apologizing for? You’re only human. You will complete what you can in due time. Things will be done when they get done.
Shalom SD Lofton, I thought it was important to give full disclosure and be honest with the people who were looking out for the music around Passover. So that’s why 😌 May Yah bless us all as we consider His ways and follow His guidance.
All is well Sister!
No need to apologize at all. Yahusha is the ONLY perfect one. I look forward to hearing your next release.
I admire your accountability, but please go easy on yourself! Love and blessings!😉💜
You are correct Sis Vicki! Praying Yahuah continues to mold us in His likeness tho! That’s why we are here – to grow in His righteousness ❤️
TRUE‼️ 💜💜💜🙏
Thank you for your email Hadarah my sister and for your honesty. Truly, Yahuah is in control and not ourselves. Continue in your free agency as our Eternal Father has created you and in the process of time things will be beautify. Your garden is a great example… weeds often times sprang up and needs to be pulled up.
Blessed 🙏🏾
Thanks for understanding Brother Glendon! Yah bless you Achi 😌
Thank you Jayne for your encouragement! That means a lot 🥹 Yah bless you, and thank you for being here as a part of this community 😌
What Jayne said..! <3
❤️ Yah bless you Brother Martin! Shalom shalom Mishpacha 😌
Wonderful, love you in Christ Jesus ❤️. Shalom.
Shalom Sis Elisheva 😌 sending the love of Yahusha, our Hebrew Messiah, right back at you 😆 ❤️🤗
“No apologies necessary achoti Hadarah ..may all things be done in their DUE season “.. 😉 the most important thing is that you continue without ceasing.. and all things will be done in their own time “..perpetual blessings.. shalom
Shalom Achi Dajari, I really appreciate your encouraging words!! That’s exactly what was on my mind when sharing this post – if I don’t find balance now, it will lead to burn out. It’s better to do a little at a time so I can keep sharing all year long ❤️ Yahuah’s will be done.
Thank you for this forthright update, Hadarah- we get to keep praying for more musical inspiration to be sent your way in Yah’s perfect timing!:) As others have said – I too am so grateful for your humility in allowing Yah to use the talents He has given you to edify us and am so grateful for your zeal and dedication to that all these years. In this end time, our days can be viewed as mere stepping stones to the time when we all get to make a joyful noise in praise to Yah united in His Kingdom on earth. That’s the ULTIMATE goal and deadline, so to speak, that we all must strive not to miss and to be accounted worthy to be a part of. Shalom, Dear Sister and may you and your Husband have a deeply meaningful Passover season!
Sister April that means so much ❤️😌 Yah bless you and your family too. May Yah’s kingdom quickly come – I pray we’ll all be there!!
Shalom Mishpacha,
Hadarah, my dear sister,
not to worry; I admire your excitement, your over-zealousness as you say! ☺ You are such a beautiful woman of YAH, and I accept any apology you think you may owe!
Much Love! Hugs, and more Hugs! 🤗
Shabbat Shalom!
Rest Up! 🙏🏼
Praise Yahuah, thanks for understanding Sis Hedy 😌 Yah bless you!
Stay Encouraged! ☺
Yes! Yahuah is our strength. HallaluYAH 😌
Oh Sis I do the same thing, sometimes I add portions to my plate that Yah didn’t. I love you, thank you for all you do praise Yah 🧡🌻🧡
Praise Yah Sis Elizabeth. May His will alone be done in all our lives 😌❤️
‘Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not look around, for I am your Elohim. I shall fortify you, I shall also help you, I shall also uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.’’
Isaiah 41:10 TS2009 One of my favorite verses. Today I am with Yah. Thank so much for sharing. Many blessing for you today.