‘And יהוה Elohim said, “It is not good for the man to be alone…
Berĕshith (Genesis) 2:18a
It’s sad but true. Most of us on this journey are isolated from community, so we have to deal with loneliness. We spend too much time alone. Most of us have made the decision to leave friends, family, and churches behind for our new found beliefs. A lot of us spend most of our days just working and coming home.
We try to keep our lives in balance, finding ways to keep smiling as we “wash, rinse, repeat.” We function as expected, but deep inside we have a very real sense of loneliness, and it doesn’t feel good. Why? Because we were created to be in community. I pray the video below helps with ideas on how to deal with loneliness. If you’d rather read than watch, scroll down and enjoy the rest of the post.
‘And it is יהוה who is going before you,
He Himself is with you.
He does not fail you nor forsake you.
Do not fear nor be discouraged.’
Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 31:8
When I first wrote the song, I Need You Now, I was still living in Canada. It was 2019, and even tho I was already married, I was still waiting on my immigration so I could permanently live with my husband in California.
I felt really stuck. I could see the vision. We were married, we had plans to start a garden, and grow our own food. We just wanted to be together and live a quiet, peaceful life, but we couldn’t. The stark contrast between the time I spent visiting my husband in Cali, and the time I spent alone in Canada was huge. I’ll never forget what it was like. Even though I had friends and family within driving distance, I just felt so alone.
The whole purpose of writing I Need You Now, was so I could pause and just cry out to Yahuah. He understood me and all my pain. He could hear me when I cried out, “Abba, I need you now!” Trust and believe, Yahuah can hear you too. Whatever it is you’re going through right now, you don’t have to feel alone. Yah is with you right now. Just call on Him and He’ll be there.
Shift Your Focus to Yahuah

‘But seek first the reign of Elohim, and His righteousness, and all these shall be added to you.’
Mattithyahu (Matthew) 6:33, TS2009
The one idea that helped me the most when I was dealing with loneliness is all summed up in this simple concept: Shift your focus. That’s right. Pause, and shift your focus outside of yourself.
First shift your focus to Yahuah because He’s always with you.
-Call out to Him
-Read scripture
-Listen to music
We already know these things will help us connect to The Most High when we’re feeling alone. We know this because scripture says if we seek first the kingdom, everything else will fall into place.
Shift Your Focus to Creation

‘And יהוה Elohim planted a garden in Ěḏen, to the east, and there He put the man whom He had formed.’
Berĕshith (Genesis) 2:8, TS2009
Second shift your focus to Yah’s creation, the world around you. Go outside. Even in the winter. Get some sunshine. Let some of that crispy winter air rush up your sleeves. Nobody wants to be cold, but breathing in fresh air will remind you that you’re still alive. Yes! Even if it’s just for a short window of time on your lunch break. Every little bit helps. After all, when Yah created us, He placed us in a garden.
Observing and experiencing creation tends to remind us that Yahuah is in control. Plus, you might meet some new people outside. Remember to smile when you do. Maybe even say hello. Just see what happens 🙂 You never know where a simple introduction could lead.
Shift Your Focus to Your Fellow Man

‘“Therefore, whatever you wish men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Torah and the Prophets.’
Mattithyahu (Matthew) 7:12
Third, pause and shift your focus to your fellow man. Ask yourself, what can I do to help someone else today? Is there someone who needs something that I have to offer? A brother or sister who needs me to call and cheer them up? Does a stranger need help holding the door open, or crossing the street?
Maybe you can even do something as noble as fostering children, or go out and feed the hungry. Just shift your focus outside of yourself and you won’t feel so lonely anymore. When you move past the loneliness, you’ll be able to do more good work for The Kingdom of Yah.
Trust in Yah’s Plan

‘And let us be concerned for one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging, and so much more as you see the day coming near.’
Iḇ`rim (Hebrews) 10:24-25, TS2009
Finally, trust that Yah has a plan for your life. Even if you can’t see the vision yet, believe that He wants you to be in community (Hebrews 10:25) and that one day you will be. Keep your eyes and ears open. Yah has a plan.
Leave a comment below if you want to connect with others in this walk. Say what your general location is, if you feel comfortable. You never know, someone else may share the same.
That’s how my husband and I found fellowship in person here in Madera, CA. Turns out, there were three other Hebrew families who believe in Yahuah and Yahusha right in our area just within a few hours drive. It’s a huge blessing and you just never know who is in your area till you ask. So don’t be shy 🙂 I’ll also pin a comment to the top of the YouTube video for this post so whoever wants to share can share.
I really hope this helped a little, Mishpacha.
Just remember, if you’re feeling lonely, pause and shift your focus. Truly, you’re never alone.
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Once again Yahuah has heard my cry and responded. When I, months ago for worship and devotions that used His name I found you and from that many othered and now as I wait patiently alone Yahuah has provided a way out. Praise Yah.
I am in Westbury, Wiltshire England.
Praise Yahuah Sis Beverly! I know some ppl in the Uk. They are friends we have known for about 5 years. Not sure if they are close or far from you tho – Send me an email? We can talk more if you like.
Todah rabbah for this post Sis. You hit the nail on the head in speaking on the experience of inner loneliness when coming into true identity as a child of Yah, and missing the fellowship we were made for that’s not always available. I have been feeling this, it’s nice to know ‘it’s a thing.’
Thanks for the tips, they are super applicable and helpful.
My husband and I are in west Georgia, USA.
Praise Yahuah Sis Emily! I’m glad it was helpful. And I saw some Georgia comments on the YouTube video outside the blog, so hopefully you all will be able to connect, Yah willing! Stay blessed ❤️
Thank you sister, I really enjoyed your walk and talk in that lovely neck of the woods where you are..!
HalleluYAH..!!! <3
Praise Yahuah Brother Mart! Grateful for this country life! It’s a beautiful life 🥹
Blessings I have always been a loner, it’s truly never bothered me. I do have a spouse, of 42 years so I am not single. I have so many talents and gifts I am going to dedicate those to Yahuah. Seeking his peace and joy is all I need. I love your pic you two are just beaming.
Praise Yah
Praise Yah Sis Oglesby 😌 May Yah continue to bless you and your family ❤️🤗❤️
HalleluYah , this is very uplifting and you have comfort my heart this morning, something I’ve been dealing with calling on Yahuah name. Fort Worth texas
HalaluYah! We have some friends in Texas too!! Email me if you want to connect 😌
This hit the spot, I am a sojourning stranger and I do feel lonely here where I am. I try and tell others around me, just no one is receptive at all. Yah has pruned almost everyone out of my life I spend most my time in prayer and singing songs of praise to him. Thank you for this
Sis Elizabeth I’m so glad this was meaningful. We all go through this stage of being on our own for a time so don’t be discouraged. Just keep living your life and you’ll see as you walk in truth Yah will lead and guide you to others. Sometimes you don’t even have to say a word. I know a couple who met one another because of wearing Tzitz Tzitz 🥹 so don’t even worry Yahuah has a plan. Stay encouraged and may His will be done. 🙏🏾
Praise Yah thank you sis Hadarah I’m so grateful for him his love his Son and d his Ruach just so blessed by him halleluYAH
This is so uplifting 🙌 and encouraging. I have been praying to find a community to fellowship with. I have felt lonely and thought I will never find one community but am glad to be part of this one. Praise Yahuah. From UK – Dorset
Check out EWHAL located in the UK
Thank you Raine. I will check them out. Praise Yah 🙌
Praise Yahuah!! We have friends in the UK that we know in person 😌 send me an email let’s see how things go. But I am thinking they may just possibly be a little over an hour away from you. Just reach out when you’re ready 😌
Thank you Sis Hadarah. I have emailed you and praying Yah will lead accordingly. 🙌🙌
HallaluYah! Talk soon 🤗
Shalom sister thanks for this encouraging post. I appreciate you sharing this after having a bad day at work last week. Praise Yehovah for allowing you to share and uplift the brethren with your posts, videos, and music. May Yehovah continue to bless you and your family and give you the much needed physical and mental strength in these days 🙂 I am from Toronto, ON Canada! Hope we can connect soon 🙂
Oh you’re from Toronto, that’s awesome Katrina! Yes if you want to connect more just send me an email and we can go from there 😌 May Yah bless you and continue to lift you up during the times you need it most. 🤗
Shalom everyone, thank you for your encouragement Hadarah. You are such a beaming light with a smile that would dispel any darkness. There is a effervescence that flows through your voice and brings so much joy! HalleluYah! We are located in SW Florida .
🕊 You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fulness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. TEHILLIYM (PSALMS) 16:11 את CEPHER
HallaluYah 😌 Raine, I feel like I’ve seen some Florida comments on YouTube. I pray you’re all able to connect 😌 and that Psalm is one of my faves!! I have it printed out on my wall 😆❤️
Shalom Raine Adrienne near Palm Bay, Florida (ajackson0723@yahoo.com) Always a blessing to fellowship with Hadarah Batyah and others in the ‘Walk’. “Where 2 or more are gathered there I am also”. Blessings!
Good Day Sister Hadarah! ☺
You are right on point with your song, and your knowing that when we decide to follow Yah, sometimes the “Way” is lonely… I sincerely appreciate your wisdom, kindness, and transparency Hadarah; I REALLY needed this talk.
I am presently residing in Michigan, but I desire to relocate further South. So I would ask that you continue to keep me lifed up in prayer as far as this move; pray for direction, please!
You and your husband look so adorable together, it was worth the time, effort, and patience that you had to experience prior to being together as happily married!
Lastly I would like to say that I am most certainly going to refocus my mind, thoughts, and consider my “neighbor” Thank you Hadarah for reminding me to look to the Most High, change my thinking, and focus on help others when I feel lonely, and also just going for a nature walk and being surrounded by the Beauty of our Creator Everywhere!
Omnipresent is HE! All of these acts of love are a game changer for me!💯
I Love You Sis! 😍
Hugs and more Hugs! 🤗
Enjoy your day today! ☺
Shabbat Shalom! 🙏🏼
Sis Hedy I am so so glad you found so much meaning in these ideas. Yahuah is so good sis. I pray it all makes an impact in your life day to day ❤️🤗❤️ let’s keep on looking up!!
I enjoy reading and listen to music. spend a lot of time along since wife died. thank you
Shalom Brother Karon 😌 thanks for sharing! Those ideas are great tips too!! Reading and listening to music can be so soothing to the soul. HallaluYah ❤️
Shabbat Shalom dear heart thank you for sharing the sunshine and the words of wisdom I am alone 90% of the time and my time is spent in listening to my truth music some may call it life music or set apart music either way it is the music that glorifies our Elohim YAHUAH. I stream on Spotify and you’re definitely on my Set Apart playlist you and others helped me so much when I became fully awakened in 2018 much ahava thawadah for being there for me when I needed music that gave Abba all the glory and honor all praises to Abba Yah for he knew I needed to hear you and other voices that glorified HIM!!
Praise Yahuah! I’m so glad the music is helping you Sis! May Yah continue to bless you Nala ❤️🤗
Shalom Hadarah. Again your words are so comforting and gives me such perfect peace. My husband, Maurice and I, Patty live within 9 miles of London Ontario canada. We are devoted lovers of Yahusha Ha-Mashiach. We keep the feasts, and we don’t keep any of the holidays on the Gregorian calendar.
Praise Yahuah 😌 glad you’re out there living for Yahuah in Ontario! If you ever have the desire to connect with people in the Toronto area let me know, we still have friends there. Yah bless you Sis Patricia ❤️
Shalom Hadarah Yes, thank you so much for always sharing/caring via your platform. It can be lonely for singles/couples who are in the ‘walk with Yah’ yet Hebrew assembly with others isn’t as visible as Christian congregations, etc. Adrienne near Palm Bay, Florida for anyone who want to connect/fellowship. Blessings!
Shalom Adrienne, Thanks for reaching out! I pray Yah sends you some friends out there in Palm Bay sis. Stay encouraged. The best is yet to come! Yahuah’s will be done.
This was a beautiful timely message. Thanks sis. I love you in Christ Jesus. Shalom.