Hold On 2It’s been almost a year since I last recorded a Spiritual for you. This is the kind of music that can be compared to nothing else. Truly it was designed to help you endure. Here’s my take on the Traditional Negro Spiritual, “Hold On” -with a Hebrew Roots twist.

This song was made popular by Moses Hogan and Mahalia Jackson. As always, I changed the lyrics and used Yahuah’s name. I pray that this song will be an encouragement for you. No matter WHAT you are going through, continue to look up. Hold On. Hold On!

May Yahuah continue to give you strength. Enjoy the video below. Hold On.

If you can’t see the video above for some reason, feel free to use this link to view it on youtube.

“Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones. Here are those guarding the commands of Alahiym (Elohim) And the belief of Yahusha.” Rev 14:12.

Time is short my friend. Just keep holding on. Don’t forget to share this with someone who might need to be encouraged. You’re not alone in this walk – so leave a comment if you’ve been encouraged, share this with a friend, and lift your brother or sister up.

We’ll talk again soon.

Much love,

-Hadarah BatYah.

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