We all need healing, don’t we?

So many of us have issues that we bury deep inside. We cover them up because we just don’t have time or energy to move through them. Unresolved issues always come back if we don’t deal with them. So today I just want to admit that I still need healing.

To be completely transparent with you, one of the issues I’m dealing with is that I often feel like I’m just not good enough. I know that isn’t true, but it’s an area I currently struggle with. One of the ways I cope with this issue particular issue is by observing Yahuah’s creation.

“And Elohim saw all that He had made, and see, it was very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the sixth day.”

Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:31 TS2009

Created to be very good.

Outside of reading Yah’s Word and praying to Him, I find spending time in nature helps me to reset when I get in a negative headspace. Nature has this way of being perfectly imperfect. It just exists. Nature does what it was created to do, and that’s what makes it good. It’s so balanced that you can’t help but feel good when you find a little pocket of peace in nature to rest in. 

When I take time to observe the beauty that Yahuah’s made, and remember that He said in Genesis that His creation was very good, it reminds me that the same Elohim who created this world also created me. So even if I feel broken for a moment, or feel that I’m just not good enough, I’m reminded that just like the rest of Yah’s creation, I was created to be very good. 

My husband and I just got back from a trip to Yosemite National Park here in California. The moments we spent in Yosemite Valley by the water are the ones I wish I could freeze and experience all over again.

Neither my husband nor I are perfect. Like I said at the beginning of this post, we all need healing. But we love Yahuah, and just like you, we are created in His image. Every single one of us, I’m sure, can find cracks in our broken vessels. We all have issues to deal with. But in our weakness Yah is strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9.) Our Creator, our Elohim, can heal and restore if we let Him. His Word will teach us how to live and be made whole again.

‘Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Elohim, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. ‘

Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV

Healing in the stillness

Although there’s no real substitute for spending time in Yah’s creation, we can’t always get out into nature. So do what you can to pause and find stillness and balance in your every day life. Keep reading Yah’s word, it’s healing. Make time to pray, it’s healing. All these things keep you connected with Yahuah.

I’m sharing these moments at Yosemite with you in hopes that you’ll feel more peace and balance. Even if it’s just for a few moments in this crazy chaotic world. No matter what issues you’re struggling with – Yah willing, the sounds of nature and the visual of Yah’s creation will help to bring a little more healing to your soul. 

‘Heal me, O יהוה, so that I am healed. Save me, so that I am saved, for You are my praise.’

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 17:14

What are some of the issues you’re dealing with right now? 

In what areas do you still need healing?

If anything in this blog post resonated with you, leave a comment below and let me know.

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