We all need healing, don’t we?
So many of us have issues that we bury deep inside. We cover them up because we just don’t have time or energy to move through them. Unresolved issues always come back if we don’t deal with them. So today I just want to admit that I still need healing.
To be completely transparent with you, one of the issues I’m dealing with is that I often feel like I’m just not good enough. I know that isn’t true, but it’s an area I currently struggle with. One of the ways I cope with this issue particular issue is by observing Yahuah’s creation.

“And Elohim saw all that He had made, and see, it was very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the sixth day.”
Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:31 TS2009
Created to be very good.
Outside of reading Yah’s Word and praying to Him, I find spending time in nature helps me to reset when I get in a negative headspace. Nature has this way of being perfectly imperfect. It just exists. Nature does what it was created to do, and that’s what makes it good. It’s so balanced that you can’t help but feel good when you find a little pocket of peace in nature to rest in.
When I take time to observe the beauty that Yahuah’s made, and remember that He said in Genesis that His creation was very good, it reminds me that the same Elohim who created this world also created me. So even if I feel broken for a moment, or feel that I’m just not good enough, I’m reminded that just like the rest of Yah’s creation, I was created to be very good.

My husband and I just got back from a trip to Yosemite National Park here in California. The moments we spent in Yosemite Valley by the water are the ones I wish I could freeze and experience all over again.
Neither my husband nor I are perfect. Like I said at the beginning of this post, we all need healing. But we love Yahuah, and just like you, we are created in His image. Every single one of us, I’m sure, can find cracks in our broken vessels. We all have issues to deal with. But in our weakness Yah is strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9.) Our Creator, our Elohim, can heal and restore if we let Him. His Word will teach us how to live and be made whole again.
‘Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Elohim, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. ‘
Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV
Healing in the stillness
Although there’s no real substitute for spending time in Yah’s creation, we can’t always get out into nature. So do what you can to pause and find stillness and balance in your every day life. Keep reading Yah’s word, it’s healing. Make time to pray, it’s healing. All these things keep you connected with Yahuah.
I’m sharing these moments at Yosemite with you in hopes that you’ll feel more peace and balance. Even if it’s just for a few moments in this crazy chaotic world. No matter what issues you’re struggling with – Yah willing, the sounds of nature and the visual of Yah’s creation will help to bring a little more healing to your soul.
‘Heal me, O יהוה, so that I am healed. Save me, so that I am saved, for You are my praise.’
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 17:14
What are some of the issues you’re dealing with right now?
In what areas do you still need healing?
If anything in this blog post resonated with you, leave a comment below and let me know.
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This is so peaceful imagine beginning there singing and giving Yahuah thanks.
Praise Yahuah, I’m so glad to hear that Shantel.
I too have been struggling with the idea that I am not good enough. My defense mechanism engages and then it gets worse. Your blog has helped me when I am feeling negative. Thank you. This weekend I needed peace & I just sat in my garden. Bless you.
Praise Yahuah. I’m so glad these messages have been helping you Laura. Praise Yah for your time in the garden as well. Let’s keep on looking to Yah! He shows us who we are in Him 🙂
Victory Daughter of Sarai!
Praise YAHUAH and YAHUSHA for this blog because some ruakhal bleeding came forth recently from a wound I didn’t apply Balm (YAHUSHA) to. I struggle with condemnation in different forms and the desire to be accepted. But through YAHUSHA we will overcome! HalleluYAH
We can do all things through Yahusha who gives us strength! Philippians 4:13. Halaluyah Sis!
Praise YAHUAH for His faithfulness towards us all. I often struggle with the belief that I am Not enough or that I am Not doing enough to bring Father Glory…..Thank you for posting that particular Scripture and for sharing your struggles as well. It gives me hope and encouragement to know that Father YAH still loves me, even in what I think and feel may be displeasing in Me to Him. YAHUAH bless you for being transparent, which shows me that I can do that as well. That way, YAH will help us all. HalleluYah!
He surely will, DeBorah. Yah wants to make all of us over again. Jeremiah 18:4-6 is a beautiful reminder of that. So let’s trust Yahuah’s guidance, and allow Him to make us new. Let’s stay out of His way, so we don’t block the blessings He has in mind for us. May Yahuah keep us open to receive The Word He has for all our lives.
Hadarah, you may not see it sometimes, but you are so strong in your faith and i admire that so much about you. I’ve come a long way but still struggle from my divorce. I was a teenage parent, so I struggled on how capable I was as a teenager to be a parent and did it affect my son as an adult and lastly, I struggle about getting older and if my family will be good when I’m no longer here.
Thank you for being so real Angela, I appreciate you sharing. HalaluYah! Let’s trust that once we’ve done our best, Yah is more than able to handle ALL the rest. Stay encouraged sister. Yahuah is still in control. May He continue to hold us all in the palm of His hand.
Thank you so much for sharing this. It was beautiful and came at the perfect time. 😁✨
Praise Yahuah. I’m glad this came on time for you Daisia! Yah bless.
Baruk YAHUAH this is so beautiful and absolutely needed this today along with HIS word. ABBA makes us stronger day by day and I am absolutely still being healed as I just started this walk a few months ago. It’s been a beautiful yet trying transformation and I also feel like I’m not good enough sometimes although I know that is just the enemy trying to create doubt. Thank you for this beautiful post ❤️
You’re absolutely right Joie, it’s just the enemy rising up against us. As we grow closer and closer to Yahuah we start to recognize His voice more and more ❤️ HalaluYah 😌
Shalum Sis! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post! ❤️Yahuwah’s creation is so gorgeous, peaceful and relaxing. I’m learning to fully surrender to Yahuwah on a daily basis because He is truly in control of everything, even down to the littlest details. ❤️
HalaluYah sis! I’m with you!! Day by day we grow in Him ❤️🤗❤️
Shalom shalom! Praise the mighty Yah for the peacefulness and stillness in this video. It brings be great joy to watch and listen to the things that He has created. I am not ashamed to say that I am still healing as well. And there are several things that I find myself still struggling with. But I am and have been taking it one day, and one step at a time, and making sure that Yah is being acknowledged in ALL that I do. I thank and praise him for his mercies that are fresh and new every morning. If Yah commanded us to walk perfect before him keeping his laws, statues and commandments, then it’s not an impossible thing to do. HalleluYah!
Praise Yahuah! That’s the truth 😌 Keep on looking up Jazz.
Thank you for sharing that little pocket of peace to remind me I am not alone in the walk with Yahuah. He is always with me guiding, protecting and ready to lift me up.
HalaluYah! He sure is 😌 You’re never alone Charmaine ❤️ Yah is with you through it all.
Praise Yah for this as I start my day. I struggle in many areas of life, and as I read this I recognize that you cannot cover them up and just expect that they will go away. In time the issues just fester and get worse! I pray that all who are here receive the healing that Yah has for us.
HalaluYah – praise Yahuah 😌 let the healing flow ❤️
Hello sis, we all indeed need His healing! I recognise the same issues that I have. Thank you for sharing this beautiful nature! We all need to stay in His peace.
Shalom sis! ❤️😍🙏
Shalom Sylviane 😌 it’s no problem at all sis. Yes, let abide in His peace, healing, and love ❤️
He has giving me forgiveness and wisdom in understanding others. He has amazing love for us thank you for reminding me of this. Praise Yah. His Yoke is easy. thank you for sharing this. Blessings Joyce
Shabbat Shalom blessings in YAHUAH🙌 Brothers and Sisters. I had come to know the truth of YAHUAH during Covid. Before knowing the truth I felt so unworthy, troubled, so persecuted, I felt like I was at war within myself and the world. I never felt enough – anyone going to the Adventist church or any church will tell you that. Also, it felt as though I had to consistently prove myself — so many rules to follow, and I had to do it to appease myself and those around me. I self persecuted all the time, everything had to be perfect, I would cry on my knees and I found myself begging in prayer. I have never felt such peace as I have the day I found the truth that YAHUAH is my ABBA – my GREAT I AM. You see, I was searching for years. I would not feel comfortable in My RUACH whenever I used the other names. The morning I found the truth (bet 2-3 am) The first time I ever said YAHUAH — my RUACH lurched within me and I clearly heard “Yes, that is my name “. tears involuntarily flowed, I had no control. I had such joy. From that day onwards I have been growing in so many ways. I feel so free – so free. My Shabbats are relaxed and peaceful. I have received so much of healing. I converse all day with YAHUAH – and I love singing Hadarah’s song – Baruk Haba Bshem, YAHUAH. A whole weight has been lifted off me. I am at peace 🙌🙌 with myself – that’s such an amazing feeling. I take everything to YAHUAH – in my daily conversations. For the first time in my life – no self persecution. I don’t follow any rituals, no fasting, no routines, no rules — I let RUACH lead and guide me. Have a blessed Shabbat 🙌🙌 YAHUAH BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU – YAHUAH SHINE HIS FACE UPON YOU AND GIVE YOU PEACE 🙌🙌🙌 ALL GLORY, HONOUR AND PRAISE TO YAHUAH
Thanks for sharing Sindy. May Yah continue to bless and keep you in the palm of His hands!!
I am very greatful, that Yahuah showed me your music and blog. Is a reminder that there is hope and calms my mind. I struggle with so many things, that have weakend my spirit and prayer life. Yahuah inspires me thru your music and reminds me that He is in control and that i need to be still and know that He is Yah. Thank you. HallaluYah!
Praise Yahuah 😌 Hope I’m so so glad the music helps 🤗
May Yah continue to give you strength and encouragement and lead you in the path you should go ❤️
May He continue to lead us all!