How often do you take the time to make sure that what you are putting out into the world is in sync with what’s actually happening on the inside? Do you post smiling pictures on social media when you’re actually struggling inside? When people ask “How are you?” do you say you’re OK – when the truth is you’re actually not?
There’s a time and a place for everything. I firmly believe that. And the reality is, most of us are wearing band-aids over our pain. For one reason or another, the band-aids keep getting torn off before we can fully heal. Sometimes we even tear the band-aids off ourselves, pretending like we never got hurt in the first place. I don’t know about you, but pretending to be happy is not good enough for me.
Life is more than digital. Have you taken time to heal? It is so easy to fool ourselves into believing that making videos, blog posts, and being present on social media is our sole purpose this digital world. It is not. Yes, these things can be used for good, but they are not the end all be all. Yahuah is looking closely at our hearts. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been living life with band-aids on. I’ve been doing so for a VERY long time. If I can be honest, likely since childhood. I’ll share the lessons I learn while I’m away when the next album is complete. But it’s going to take time. A significant amount of time. So I want to share this one song with you before I go. It’s called “Healing Me.” Leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post if it’s meaningful for you.
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.” Malachi 4:2a
Life is not a race. Healing takes time. Living and learning takes time. And if we just keep running through life, we’ll reach the end and realize we’ve never actually lived. It’s the moments we spend living -breathing, praying, connecting, seeking – that become moments filled with meaningful lessons that we can share with the world.
I’ll be gone for a while, but I’ll be back. And while I’m gone I pray you will seek Yah’s healing in your life as well. As a nation we need healing, but first, as individuals, we MUST learn to submit to the will of Yahuah and walk it out by faith. We must look at the seeds in our heart that should not be planted there, and uproot them. Be it physical healing, or spiritual, whether we realize it or not, we all need Yah’s healing touch in our lives.
Let’s remember one another in prayer as we go through this life. There is healing in His wings, Mishpacha. Let’s keep on looking up and trusting in Him.
Let’s stay connected.
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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
Yes healing only comes when we can admit there is hurt and pain. So many times i would be wounded and act as if nothing happened only to realize the sadness cannot be covered. Yes at age 66 i can say it takes a lifetime and only Yahuah can do it His way His time
I hear you Zamaryahu… Thanks for sharing part of your testimony. May Yahuah continue to heal us all.
Zamaryahu, I am 68 if you would like to meet me Ahdaiyah email @
Amen praise be to Yahuah he is worthy of all praises. Hadayah i am so blessed with your Music it realy motivates me in my spiritual walk May Yahuah bless you.
Yes! Yes! We must heal. Your very sensitive my sister to the needs of us….Yisrael. And you know it it starts individually. PRAISE YAHUAH/YAHUSHA!!! AS LONG AS IT TAKES FOR US ALL. HALLELUYAH! I LOVE SISTER HADARAH.
Sending love back at you Delisa – All praise to Yahuah Most High…
I so needed this message. I admit that my life is so challenging right now. I am a mother of adult sons with special needs and lately one of them has been mistreating me badly which has been really affecting me and I’ve wanted to run away. I know that our Ab Yahuah knows our struggles and only He can help us. Thank you sweet achuty for sharing this message.
All praise to the most high. Shalom to you Loudest as all my Sisters.As mothers we protect and nurture our sons & daughters only to have th r my come back and inflict deep deep wounds upon our hearts. Abba knows. Abba Cares and sees. Let that bring you comfort & Shalom. My prayers and heart are with you. I lost my son in September and my heart breaks everyday for him. It takes my breath away when I see his picture and then I here Abba say…in Me live.
Thank you for sharing Lourdes and Karen. Yes – Yahuah sees and hears it all. Let’s keep our eyes on Him!
Kan I definitely need to take time to heal!!! Only YAHUAH in YAHUSHA name so be it HalaluYAHUAH!!! Can provide true complete healing! Only when we submit ourselves to allow him too! Word of advice for myself also!!! RumamuYAHUAH another great one to meditate too!!!
All praise to Yahuah Most High… Thank you for sharing Edlyn…
Well Hadarah, you did not disappoint, Good job dear one.
Yah be praised. Let’s keep on looking up!
Shalum and HalaluYahuah!! Healing is needed for all of Yah’s people. May Yah continue to use you and barak you always!!
May Yahuah barak you as well Malak Yah and thank you for the encouraging words…
Loving the new song and this is right on time, as I am healing from several things at one time in this season. So baruk to see you back I still listen to you daily as my Praise/Worship music. Much ahabah, barakutha and shalum to you always!
May Yahuah continue to heal you Pala’Yah… may His love comfort you through it all…
Shalom Sis Hadarah! The song, as always, Beautiful!!!
All praise to Yahuah Most High, I’m so glad it was meaningful for you Chephzibah.
Another anointed and beautiful heart felt song, Sister Hadarah, the message and music that Yahuah have given you are Truly a blessing to us. Shalum may Yahuah continue to smile upon you!
I pray Yah continues to smile on you too Elaine 🙂 All praise to Yahuah Most High…
Shalom sis the song is beautiful. Yes we sure need healing which brings me to matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Take your time making your next album because when YAh is involved it says in JAMES 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Love you shalom
Diandra thank you for the encouraging words and for sharing scriptures… I’m glad you enjoyed the song… May Yahuah’s name be praised
Thanks again beloved achut Hadarah batYah. You’re such a talent and your blogs are a blessing to me. You’re exceptional. The healing song yes really sobering and very softly speaking to the soul. Yahuah baruk you and keep you in good health. Shalawam
Yahuah baruch you as well Cosie… thank you for the encouragement. Yahuah all esteem…
Oh how blessed I am to hear from you again, my sister! I want to buy all of your music because it speaks so deeply to me!!! (Eventually I will have someone who is techie help me figure out how to do it, but in the meantime I keep playing the ones you have sent me).
About healing… I have been healed of soooooo much and I am soooooo thankful that Messiah Yeshua doesn’t go halfway with us. He took EVERYTHING to the cross with Him, carrying it ALL for us so we can walk free!!! Bless you as you continue healing and sharing your praise and I will do the same.
Shalom with love,
Tonight I look forward to listening to this new song.
All praise to Yahuah Most High, Tanya… I’m so glad this music is meaningful for you… may the peace and blessings continue on in all our lives. (big hugs)
Thank you Sis for the uplifting Work that you do, do you ever send music to the Hebrew 1 Radio Network? You inspire me in so many ways, speaking of which any updates on your indoor garden, mine doesn’t want to bloom or bear (tomatoes and peppers) any tips? also Do you offer any classes on how to do headscarves. Thanks Sis For All you do.
Emah Elisheba
All praises to the Most High, “Healing Me” is a beautiful song, thank you for sharing it with us. It was a blessing for me to receive. I will miss hearing from you while your gone and will be awaiting for your return.
Shalum achuty
Thank you, I have to remind myself daily but it didn’t always work. I feel myself getting bitter because at 51 I definitely am still feeling pain from fear of being alone, 2nd divorce. My 1st husband my children’s father was abusive mentally and physically, then had a child during our marriage. 2nd husband couldn’t love himself how he gonna love me and after 11 years that is over.
Unlike my mother she divorced my father from adultery, she tried to kill herself then never remarried and was alone in multiple relationships and one of them ended her life…now I live and love in that fear of being alone & lack of love. I watched my mother go through this and I know God loves me I’m a minister I know this, however as Jesus questioned God’s presence during his pain and suffering I question the suffering and pain as well. God sees, He knows so I say why.
I am full of bandaids and masks but it’s hard the more you cover the wounds the deeper they get infected.
Are you familiar with Huldah Dauid? @herroyalroots. She teaches, ministers,and shares. Life changing. Her husband, Moreh Dauid, is a man after Yahs’ own heart. google The Ark.
I do know them – personally. May Yah’s will be done in and through us all 🙂
Hi Karen, thank you for sharing your story… I pray that Yahuah will fill you with his comfort and love and that the healing will not only begin but continue on and run deep. Let’s stay connected. Regardless of your age – Yahuah’s not finished yet 🙂 <3
Shalum Sis! Healing Me is a beautiful song and it’s what Yahuah is doing in my life. I totally agree with you that we need healing individually and then as a nation. He is purifying my heart and healing me spiritually… I seek to be made whole mind, body & spirit. I agree Yahuah will complete what He started in each of us. May Yahuah continue to bless you, keep you and shine upon you! Big hugs and much love Beloved!💕
All Praises to the Most High. Yes healing, I can definitely relate. Yes; I say I’m fine when I’m not. This is not by chance that you have posted this achoti, I believe Yah is divinely calling us to heal.I recently put a you tube video (my first ever)up called “I Fine”. I also have started a journal along with one other acotium that helps us Express in writing how we are really feeling. And to be honest about how we are feeling and why. We also of course incorporate Yah’s word to help in finding the source of our feelings. So far it has been extremely helpful to me.
Todah Rabah for sharing; as always you are a blessing. All Praises to Yahuah.
Shalom & Ahavah 🌻💜
Yolanda, It’s so wonderful that you’re making videos and journaling to express yourself… Yahuah be praised. Let’s continue to be real with Yah. Sending love!
Tudah rabah achuti. Very timely and well put, it is something I needed to hear personally but also as a nation. HalaluYah.
The song is beautiful and came just when I needed it, thank you! There are many things I am trying to heal from emotionally, mentally and spiritually! I need Yahuah now more than ever, may Yah heal you sweet lady completely and may He shower you with His blessings!! Shalom & Ahavah
Praises to all my sister’s in YAHUAH. Whether we are mothers, wives, singles,older or younger in this journey we will have battle wounds. Praises to Yahuah he gave us the Torah and promises to comfort us. I to have hurt and pain,but through song, prayer, and his word I take it day by day and when that’s too much hour by hour. Hold on sisters our Elohim has us in his care. Toda raba leah Batyah for your soothing music. Will miss you and will rejoice your return.
Thank you Hadarah, your words are always so encouraging and uplifting. Know you are much loved, even here in South Africa.
Thank YOU Hadarah, for blessing me with this song
Thank you sweet Hadarah. I have been so oppressed, and burdened with so many negative thoughts that have robbed me of joy and peace, practically my whole life. I am now 64 years old, and have spent most of it in a state of anxiety, afraid to be happy because somewhere I learned that to be happy would surely in turn bring unhappiness through something tragic happening. So, to ward off tragedy, I do not allow myself joy or happiness. I need the healing of Yahuah. Seeing your post about the time to heal is very timely for me. It was just last night that I cried out to Abba for help in dealing with this lifelong struggle.
I truly believe He led me to check in on your website after many weeks of not having heard from you.
I am so glad I did. Thank you so much, and may our Father continue to bless you as He heals you and the many sisters who are in need of His loving healing touch.
DeBorah Yashra’al
I’m glad the song came to you at the time you needed it most… all praise to Yahuah Most High… keep on trusting in Him!
HalleluYah 🙏🏾 He is healing me!
“Healing me” broke my heart in the best possible way. I felt a tear and the biggest, most genuine smile compete with each other. I felt every lyric grab me and hold me tight preparing me for the next line….Thank you so much for sharing your journey and your love for our Father Yahuah. Shalom shalom.
I’m so glad the song was meaningful for you… Yahuah all esteem… sending love!