I had a dream the other day. At the end of the dream, I was flying.Β Have you ever been flying in your dreams before?Β It was SO cool.

The clouds were all around me, I could see the rolling hills, and the water below me and it was so beautiful. Everything was bright and clear. I’ll tell you more about this dream in the video below. It ties right in with our scripture challenge.

ThatΒ morning when I woke up from the dream, I told aΒ close friend aboutΒ it. They mentioned that flying often symbolizes faith.Β We all know that we should haveΒ faith, but I admit, sometimes it’s hard to believe.

Do you ever feel so low, that you barely have the energy to get out of bed, much less to “think positive” or dream of what it might feel like to fly?Β I’ve been there before. I think we’veΒ all been there before.

If you could use a little encouragement,Β IΒ challenge you, for the next 7 days, shift your focus every morning to this scripture challenge passage and see what it doesΒ for your heart and mind.

If you’re new hereΒ I’m glad you came.

We have these challenges during the last week of the month so we can focus on spiritual growth as aΒ community while developing our own personal relationship with Yah.Β SubscribeΒ so that we can stay connected.

This scripture challengeΒ is focused on 1 Corinthians 2:9.

WatchΒ the 5 min video below and leave a comment here on the blogΒ if you’re in on the challenge!

β€œEye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things that Alahiym has prepared for them that love Him. β€œ

I Corinthians 2:9

7 day Scripture Challenge.

  • Take 5 mins every morning to repeat 1 Corinthians 2:9Β  to yourself.
  • Say it out loud and memorize the words.
  • Internalize the words.
  • Take your time and let the words run deep.
  • Allow the Word of Yahuah to come inside of you and overflow to the rest of your life.
  • You will have more peace of mind, more calmnessΒ and assurance…
  • You willΒ move from feeling low, to feeling more balanced and level, so that you can prepare to fly.

Want a little extra challenge?

The ideas in 1 Corinthians 2:9 come from Isaiah 64:4, and that passage is about Yahuah coming through for us, not because we deserve it, but simply because we chose to wait on him. If you want an extra challenge, you can read or meditate on that passage too. The text is just below.

Isaiah 64:4

“Since the beginning of the ages they have not heard no perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any ElohimΒ besides You, who acts for those who wait for Him.” Isaiah 64:4, The Scriptures.

REMEMBER:Β There is a parallel between loving Yahuah and waiting on Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 speaks about Yahuah preparing the unfathomableΒ for those that love Him, and Isiah 64:4 talks about Yah preparing the very
sameΒ for those thatΒ wait for Him. We must have faith and WAIT on Yahuah to see this thing He has prepared for us.

Read the whole chapter ofΒ Isaiah 64 if you have time. You’ll be so glad that you did.

No matter what is happening in your life right now I challenge you to find just 5 min to shift your focus. For eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has enetered into the heart of man, the things that Alahiym has prepared for them that love Him. I pray you continue to enjoyΒ the musicΒ & motivation here on the blog, and that the word of Yahuah makes an impact in your life.

If you’re in on this challenge, let me know and say “i’m in!” Share your thoughts down in the comments below. Have you ever been flying in your dreams? I’ll be praying for you this week and everyone who reads your comment will know thatΒ we’re all in this together too. I pray you’ll join us!

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