Hadarah BatYah Special GiftHey! It’s me, Hadarah. Super quick blog post for you today…..I’ve been busy in the recording studio and I have something special to share with you. For those of you who are currently subscribed to my blog at setapartheart.com, you and I have already been in touch via email and you know that there’s a special gift waiting for you inside your inbox!! YAY.
If you are NOT yet subscribed to the setapartheart.com blog, then THIS is actually the perfect time for you to do so, BECAUSE…. I have a very special gift to give to you, but it is ONLY for my blog subscribers. The gift is a free mp3 or wav file download of “Let my people Go!” You may have heard me sing this song on youtube. My current blog subscribers told me that it’s one of their faves, so I took the time to record the song as a special gift.
How do you get this special gift?
Watch the short 3 min video below to hear all about it, enjoy music samples and find out about what’s coming next.

Now even though everything on youtube is free for you to enjoy, going to the studio and recording quality audio like what you will enjoy inside your free gift, is not actually free for me to create. I don’t have my own professional equipment so there are costs involved when recording, but I’m doing this because I know that the music will make an impact in your life. All praise to Yahuah!
If you’re already subscribed to the blog, remember, there’s an email already waiting in your inbox that you can open up to download the song. If you haven’t subscribed yet, just fill out your name and email in the box below and the free music will be sent to you! I pray that you will enjoy it.
Sending peace and love,
-Hadarah BatYah
YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.1 Hadarah BatYahPS. If you haven’t heard the news yet, next week I’m releasing an EP! If you’ve never heard of an EP before, it’s basically a short little album. It’s going to be a digital release on iTunes. 20 mins of Acoustic Set-Apart Music for you to enjoy.The EP is called “Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1” And all the original songs you’ve grown to love here on the blog and youtube will be featured on the recording. So look out for that next week- Yah willing. We’re Just waiting on iTunes to finalize some details.
But until then, you can enjoy the free download of “Let My People Go” as a special gift for being an email subscriber here at setapartheart.com. Just fill out your name and email in the box below.
And if you have two or three friends who might like to have more music and motivation on their spiritual journey, share this page with them so they can sign up to get a free download too.
Keep looking up my friend! We’ll talk again soon. Enjoy the music!! Leave a comment on the blog when you get your free download to let me know your thoughts 😉

Let’s stay connected.

Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.

You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.