Sometimes I struggle with feeling overwhelmed. When that happens I know I need to find balance. If you ever struggle to find balance in life, and sometimes, you start feeling overwhelmed too, the most important thing to do is pause and get your mind right. I’ve got 3 practical tips that I use in my everyday life that really help me to keep moving forward. I hope they will help you too.
You can enjoy the video below, or just read through the blog post. Either way I hope this content will bless you.
‘He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Isaiah 40:29
3 Practical Tips to Help with Overwhelm
1) Don’t panic. Prioritize.
Remember. You are a child of The Most High. King of the universe.
So there’s no need to panic. When it feels like stress is rising up, and you’ll never get everything done, remember:
Yahuah is in control.

“When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,
Then You knew my path.”
Psalm 142:3a NKJV
Yahuah knows the end from the beginning, and He knows the path you need to take right now. Ask Yahuah to impress upon your heart what’s really the most important thing for you to accomplish today. Listen to The Ruach Ha Chodesh, The Set Apart Spirit, and just focus on walking where He leads you to go.
Shift out of your emotions and into decision-making mode. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, emotions can cloud your judgement. Emotions, and decision-making happen in a completely different part of the brain. We use our frontal lobe for making decisions. So you literally have to breathe, calm down your emotions, and trust that Yah is in control in order to make a sound decision about anything.
Today is Monday April 10th. There’s a lot on my plate this week. In fact over the next 3 weeks there are 3 major areas I need to focus on. Recording music, Gardening, and creating content for YouTube and Set Apart Heart. Within those 3 major areas there are so many details to be concerned about that it’s easy to become overwhelmed, but I have to make a conscious choice to prioritize what’s most important in the moment and just take action. Which brings me to my next point.
Approach life with this attitude:
Everything is going to get done, you just have to start with one.
2) Stay focused on one thing at a time.
Once you prioritize and decide what you’re going to do first, stay focused on that, and see it through to completion. Get one project or task to a place where you feel it’s in balance before you move on to the next task.

Multitasking is not going to do anything but slow you down. And sometimes that will need to happen. If you’re a parent of small children you’re going to have a lot of interruptions, and there’s a time and a place for that.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re constantly multitasking, and you’re not actually finishing any of the tasks you started, you may need to pull back for a bit. Find a way to stay focused on one thing at a time. You may have to get up early, or even stay up late. Either way you’ll feel much better once you’ve accomplished what you set out to do.
If I have the energy, waking up early is the best time for me to make music. Then I can move on and continue to help others. So be real with yourself. If multitasking slows you down, just try to stay focused on one thing at a time.
3) Be patient with yourself.
The third and final reminder I have for your today is to be patient with yourself. In this world of AI productivity, and hussle-culture, everyone is trying to do everything so quickly. Everyone wants to produce more and more – to be fast and faster, and better and better, and there’s so much pressure to get things done. I choose not to participate in that kind of life. I may be left behind in some areas, but I really appreciate slow living, and true creativity.
I’m learning to recognize the signs of what it looks like when I’m doing too much. I may start talking really fast and spinning around in circles. I might start snapping at people, getting short tempered – or being unfair to the people that I love. This is not good. Not at all. So when I see that happening in my life now, I just stop.
Just stop. Breathe. And learn to recognize if your expectations are too high. Sometimes we are just not being realistic, and we’re trying to accomplish too much. If you learn to be patient with yourself, you’ll be able to have more patience with others, and this will help you if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

We are human beings, not machines. Yahuah is our Elohim. The only person’s opinion that we really need to be concerned with is His. So don’t beat yourself up if you don’t finish everything you wanted to accomplish in a week.
Last week I didn’t get a new video out, and you know what? That’s okay. I got to spend extra quality time working in the garden, and with my husband, and all of that was much needed.
The world is not going to fall apart if we don’t accomplish all of our goals when we plan to. We just have to keep moving forward. And sometimes moving forward means you choose to take time to rest, or to build with your family. If we allow ourselves to keep feeling overwhelmed, that will lead us to burn out, then nothing will get done at all.
‘“Come to Me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I shall give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your beings “For My yoke is gentle and My burden is light.”’
Matthew 11:28-30
It goes without saying, but I can’t leave without mentioning this. Remember to keep Yah’s Word in your heart. It will help you to do all the things we mentioned today. I hope these 3 practical tips will help you as you go throughout the rest of this week.
- Don’t panic. Prioritize.
- Stay focused on one thing at a time.
- Be patient with yourself.
Everything is going to be okay. You will get everything done, even if it’s not when you had planned. Let Yahuah, The Most High, continue to lead and guide you as you walk with Him. Let’s represent Yahuah in all we say and do. The feeling of overwhelm will start to go away as we continue to rely on Yahuah, and take life one step at a time.
Let me know your thoughts about feeling overwhelmed in the comments below.
See you there,
-Hadarah BatYah
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Prioritizing and remaining Focused on one thing at a time. These words were profound to hear and be edified in my Ruach today. Quote: “Everything is going to get done, you just have to start with one”. And last but least: Be Patient. I Exalt! Praise! Magnify! With Thanksgiving for the various gifts and talents in The Ruach HaQodesh amongst US YASHAREL. YAHUAH True and Only Chosen Nation and People! Gifts given as it has pleased HIM. Harsh The Joy that Our ALUAH has given you dear heart is such a calming! Peaceful! Shalom that exudes in your countenance and smile blesses not only me but all those whom YAHUAH grants in HIS Infinite Great Mercy to behold. TMH continue to bless you and your whole house as you continue to cleave and remain in YAH presence. I was blessed today in this blog. Todah Rabah.
I’m so so glad you were blessed Sis Dana. May Yahuah continue to be with you, and all those who seek to follow Him 🙂 Much love!
Shalum Sis! ❤️🤗
I love all three of your tips, and I enjoyed watching you work in the garden and love the beautiful music!🎶
You’ve blessed me once again! ❤️HalaluYAH!🙌 There’s so much of Yahuwah’s truth being revealed at this time and I was feeling overwhelmed as I was studying because there’s a few extra books that I read along with the scriptures that give more details, insight and understanding. So I had to stop and ask YAH to prioritize everything for me and help me to focus on one thing at a time, and to help me be patient as I learn. He did, Todah YAH!!!🙌 I enjoy getting up early now while things are quiet. I’m also trying to restart an indoor garden with microgreens, baby lettuce and herbs, something simple to try to grow my own food at this time. I don’t have a balcony, but I do have big windows and lots of sunshine comes through them.
Have a wonderful week! ❤️
That is SO awesome Sis!! I’m super happy for you – especially for the indoor garden. You can do it! Sunshine, water, and love is all you need 🙂 May Yah bless you as you continue to study His word, and in all you put your hands to do!! May the blessings overflow 🙂 Much love!!