We all have ups and downs in life. If you feel discouraged at times, I promise you’re not alone. Just the other day I was feeling discouraged too.
Today’s blog post has 3 practical tips to help you move through the feeling of discouragement. There are also some personal stories from me in the video. I decided to share, not only because this story is a huge part of my life, but also because I know there are others who may be struggling too. I hope this message helps someone who needs to hear it. I especially hope that someone is you.
‘“And I shall lead the blind by a way they have not known – in paths they have not known I lead them. I make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These matters I shall do for them, and I shall not forsake them.’
Isaiah 42:16
If you’re used to feeling discouraged a lot, trying these ideas might feel new. I’m really looking forward to the day when Yah makes ALL things new. Until that day, by The Ruach Ha Chodesh, The Spirit of Elohim, let’s do what we can to apply the principles in Yah’s Word into our lives.
“Do you not know
that you are a Dwelling Place of Elohim
and that the Spirit of Elohim
dwells in you?”
1 Corinthians 3:16 TS2009
Let’s kick discouragement to the curb, and keep on moving through it.
Here are the 3 practical steps to take if you’re feeling discouraged.
Don’t struggle Alone.
Silence and isolation is a tool that can be used by The Enemy, Ha Shatan, to keep us down, and make us feel even more discouraged than we normally would. So don’t struggle alone. If you feel discouraged, reach out to someone you can trust. A friend, family member, or even an online community like this one. Sometimes allowing yourself to become a little more vulnerable is worth it. Opening up and sharing is the very first step.
Get to the root of the problem.
It’s easy to stay and wallow in discouragement. And for some of us, sharing how we feel is not the most difficult part either. But actually pausing to consider why you are feeling discouraged, and what is causing the problem you have, is a whole different story. If you’re feeling discouraged I encourage you to really ask yourself why that is. How can you move through a problem if you don’t even know what caused it?
Ask yourself the following:
Have I always felt discouraged about this?
When is the last time I remember feeling good about this situation?
What has changed since then?
Do I know of anyone else who has successfully overcome this?
What can I learn from the success of others?
Once you have uncovered the root of the problem, start moving towards a solution.
Take action.
None of us are perfect, but we know that we can do all things through Messiah who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13.) So whatever it is you’re feeling discouraged about right now, take it to Yah in prayer, look for scriptures to lift you up and give you direction, then choose something tangible and practical to do based on the principles in Yah’s Word.
I would love to hear some of your story. Would you share in the comments below? If you’re feeling discouraged, let me know what you plan to do to move through it. If you’ve already overcome, share your success! We can all learn from one another’s experiences.
I’ll see you down below in the comments.
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That’s what I get when I click play..! 😉
Which means I have to go round in circles to find you on youtube…
… see you there..!
HalleluYah..! <3
Thank you for letting me know Brother Martin 🙂 I think I posted the link before it went public, so it was unlisted. I fixed that now so hopefully it works for others. Yah bless 🙂
Bless you Hadarah!!
Yah bless you too Brother Scott 😌 May Yahuah bless us all!
Hey H!
While I agree that we all have times of discouragement, I like the scripture in 2 Timothy that tells us to be sure to not deny the power of Yah in us! When we allow the adversary to get us down, we are denying the power of Yah in us. With Yah, ALL things are possible! Like the beautiful song says, “Be still and know that He is Yah”!😉
Yah’s blessings upon you!!!!
Exactly 😌 I totally agree Brother Bob. Praise Yah – and may He continue to give us all strength and power by His Ruach Ha Chodesh living in our hearts 🥰
Shalum Sis! 😘🤗❤️
Keep trusting in Yahuwah, his timing is perfect! He will heal you! I love the sounds of the sheep and all of YAH’s beautiful creation in ythe background of your video!☺️❤️🐑🦅🐸
Yahuwah healed me in 1997 from painful rheumatoid arthritis that I had since 1987. None of my medications worked, and he sent me Back to The Garden to start the healing process and to cleanse my body from all toxins and waste in my joints by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, turkey, fish and I had to eliminate cow’s milk and whole wheat flour, and sugar which I replaced with date sugar. In three days the inflammation, and stiffness in my joints was gone and I had no pain. I also went to water aerobics which was so therapeutic to my whole body and I lost thirty pounds. HalaluYah, Yahuwah is a healer of all things!!! 🙌🙌🙌
Abba Yahuah will always renew our strength when grow weary.
Yahuah always bless you sister.
Yah bless you too Brother Eric!! Yah bless you too 😌
Praise Yahuah Sis Kim! Thank you for sharing your story 😌 it’s beautiful that you’ve been able to make changes and to overcome!! I pray Yah continues to bless 😌❤️💪
Hadarah Shalum , you are always a blessing and inspiration . Yes sometimes when we feel not well in our body we feel there must come a change in . Praise Yah , all right what you say , todah for ,our transparency . I hope its helping us .
Shalum Eder 😌 praise Yahuah! I hope you’ve been blessed as well!
Dear sis, thank you so much for sharing your testimony! Yes we are all struggling with the same things. You are such a blessing to us with your video’s and your songs. He will certainly heal you, yes on His time!
Sometimes we have to learn something true sickness or pain.
I always say: I may share in His suffering! He knows where we are going through . He suffered so much for us, our redeemer, our helper, our comforter, our everything! What a love! I keep praying for you and your family, that His will be done, for all of us His children! HalleluYah , He is so good! Have a blessed day and Shabbat!
“Sometimes we have to learn something though sickness or pain.” I love that. Yah has SO much for me to learn. I definitely agree!! Let’s all keep looking up to Yahuah – He’s our all in all 🙂 Shabbat Shalom Sylviane!!
Amen, thank you, Shabbat Shalom 😍❤️🙏
Hi Hadarah, thanks for your message of encouragement. I to have experienced dealing with fibroids as well. Diet is something that I’m still working on. I was once completely plant based and I’m trying to not only get back there but to also try eating raw foods a couple times a week.
Three supplements that target fibroids are:
1 Myomin to reduce the estrogen and balance the hormones in the body
2 Chaste berry “Vitex”
3 Systemic enzymes, the one I use is Neprinol AFD by Arthur Andrews. 4-6 capsules per day. This breaks down the Fibrin that cause scar tissue and fibroids.
May Yah continue to bless you along your journey of healing
Thanks for sharing Sister Autumn 🙂 I’m sorry you have to deal with fibroids too. I know it’s not fun. A lot of us are really going through it!!
But praise Yahuah – changing my diet & exercise plan has had the biggest impact on me. Believe it or not, my last cycle was literally PAIN FREE! Almost ZERO inflammation!! So I’m going to keep going with the raw foods. I can tell it’s working.
I also take a supplement called “My Happy Flo” It’s basically a multi-vitamin, but there are a few extra goodies in there to help with balancing hormones naturally. DIM and Indole-3-carbinol. Those are concentrated plant nutrients that come from brassicas – the kale/cabbage/cauliflower family.) It works so well for me, I already purchased a 6 months supply lol 🙂 So I’m just gonna stick with it – especially since pretty much all my symptoms are gone now. By Yah’s strength and power I’ll be consistent with the diet & exercise too 🙂
Let’s both keep going climbing and enduring till the end!! Yahuah’s will be done in all our lives.
Shalom Hadarah, I will keep you in prayer. When I’m struggling, I take it to Yahuah in prayer, and read scripture.
HallaluYah sis. That’s beautiful 🙂 Praise Yah. We’re nothing without His Word! Let’s keep on looking up!!
Thank you for the loving work that obeyed Yah. Praise and blessing I give to Yah. This means soo much to me. I am still studying them. You are a sweet blessing. Thank you so much.
Shalom Sister Joyce, I’m so glad that you were blessed by this video. Praise Yahuah. May He continue to lead and guide as you trust in Him!! 🙂