Not everyone knows what they want in life… Understandably so. At a young age, we graduate from high school and rush off to college and university. There, with little to no real-world experiences, we are expected to choose the direction that we will take for the rest of our lives. I don’t know about you, but I changed my major 5 times in university, and finally settled on doing a BA in Journalism – just because I liked writing and I had to pick something. The truth is that all I really wanted in life was to be a good wife and a mother some day.

We may think we don’t know what we want in life because society often tells us that what we want “isn’t enough.” Well-meaning parents and loved ones will often steer us away from choosing a career focus based on anything that isn’t predictable. So we are often guided to follow paths that are not authentic to our true selves.

But let’s be real – we are not children anymore. What do you really want?

In the last blog post, we started talking about your life purpose and reconnecting, at least on a surface level, to the spiritual gifts that Yahuah has blessed you with. Let’s go a little deeper today. If you don’t know what you want in life, or what Yah’s calling you to do, let’s try the reverse. What is it that you don’t want. If you’re in a job that you despise – I’m sure you can list all the things that you don’t like about your job. If you’re in a relationship that was never right to begin with – I’m sure you can list all the problems with your relationship. So why not take some time to consider what you don’t want? What are the things you are really tired of… What are the things you wish that you could change… And what do those things say about your values? What do they say about who you are?

Understanding the things you don’t want in life can help you figure out what you actually do.

Last weekend I asked people on my Instagram and FB page if they had any prayer requests. The responses people shared got me thinking… although making music is powerful and prayer changes things, there are specific needs in our community that need to be addressed; needs that often simply just go ignored. It’s almost like, as a community, we want to believe that if we are spiritual enough, all of life’s problems will go away on their own. Yes, Yahuah still works miracles – but there isn’t enough discussion around the practical steps that we can take as individuals in order to reach the place where we can find healing. When we find healing, it’s then that we will find ourselves ready to fulfill our purpose in life.

So many of us are struggling with relationship problems, family dysfunction, financial issues, depression, anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem, emotional, and even physical pain… Leave a comment below if you’re going through any of the above. I’m just coming out of a season of depression myself, and the healing began when I started to get real about what was really going on, and taking practical steps to change my situation. Although we may not be able to fix every problem in a single blog post, or heal every wound with a set apart song, the least we can do is start talking about what’s really going on. I’ll be sharing more about this topic in the future, but let’s all start by being open and authentic about our problems. That is where true healing beings.

Sharing the struggles that we go through in life not only brings us closer as a community, but it helps us to wake up and realize that it’s time for change. If we want more meaning and purpose in life, if we want to be a light in our local communities, how can we do so if we are overwhelmed, stressed out, burdened with past problems, and struggling with present pain?

“Blessed is the man who does endure trial, for when he has been proved, he shall receive the crown of life which the Master has promised to those who love Him.”

Ya‛aqoḇ (James) 1:12

I invite you to leave a comment below and share what’s on your mind. Maybe you’ve had some really tough experiences that taught you more about what you don’t want in life. Let’s discuss and share together in the comments below.  If you do know what you want in life but something is holding you back from getting it – you can leave a comment about that too. And if you’d rather just send me an email or a DM instead, that’s cool. I may not be able to reply to every email, but I will always read them privately and pray for you. Let’s stay connected as a community of believers and be authentic so we can lift one another up.

You are here on purpose, and Yahuah has a plan for your life. I keep saying that again and again because we need to remember that it’s true. Life can be overwhelming when you’re swimming in problems and pain, but believe it or not, those very same problems, once you’ve overcome them, could be the very things that fuel your purpose and direction in life. 

So tell me in the comments, in one or two words, or twenty-five lol – What is getting in the way of you pursuing your purpose in life? What problems are pushing up against you right now? What is it that you’re tired of dealing with? What do you wish you could change about your life, your community, or your walk with Yah? What is blocking your healing and causing you pain?

I’ll see you in the comments below.

-Hadarah BatYah.

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