In the Studio. Heavenly Things. Philippians 4:8

In the Studio. Heavenly Things. Philippians 4:8

Hadarah BatYahHey… This week I was in the studio recording music for the new album “Peace of Mind.” Would you like to take a look behind the scenes? I’ve also got a scripture to share with you and I pray it will encourage you today.

10 of my original songs have been recorded for you on this new album. I’m super excited about releasing it. It’s coming straight from the heart. The album will be ready late Dec 2016 so let’s stay connected here, and you’ll be the first to know when it’s ready.

Enjoy the 7 min video below, you’ll catch a sneak peek of one of the new songs entitled “Heavenly things.” Let me know your thoughts down in the comments.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”

Philippians 4:8 KJV

I hope this video was not only a little bit fun but also meaningful for you… Let’s keep our minds stayed on Yahuah, and on heavenly things. Share this with a friend who needs encouragement, and leave me comment below. It’s always so good to hear from you.


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Scripture Challenge & New Album. A look behind the scenes.

Scripture Challenge & New Album. A look behind the scenes.

Hadarah BatYahHi there. It’s Hadarah. Welcome to the next 7-day Scripture Challenge.

This month’s 7-day scripture challenge is to focus on how important it is to love YAHUAH. To love him FIRST and with everything that is in us. We learn this all through the scriptures but especially in Deuteronomy 6:5. It’s time we shift our focus and stop looking for love in all the wrong places. Let’s give our hearts back to Yahuah and learn to love Him and receive true love.

Watch the video below for inspiration. Let’s focus on our giving our love to Yahuah for the next 7 days, for 5 min every morning until His love permeates deeply in our hearts and overflows. Ou. You’re also going to see a sneak peak of what’s been happening at the recording studio in the video below. Getting ready for the next album to come out. Enjoy!

“You shall love Yahuah your Alahiym with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” Deuteronomy 6:5

7 day Scripture Challenge.

  • Take 5 mins every morning to repeat Deuteronomy 6:5 to yourself.
  • Say it out loud and memorize the words.
  • Internalize the words.
  • Visualize the words.
  • Allow the Word of Yahuah to come inside of you and overflow to the rest of your life.
  • You will have more love and more power in your life
  • You will have comfort in knowing your heart belongs to Him.

Leave a comment below to show that you’re committed to participating.

Share this scripture challenge with a friend and let’s continue to grow spiritually as a community together as we focus on the love of Yahuah and giving that love back to Him.

And thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has sent love gifts to help with the studio recording. I sincerely appreciate your prayers and your support.

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“Let This Mind Be in You.” Hebrew Roots Music. New Original Song.

“Let This Mind Be in You.” Hebrew Roots Music. New Original Song.

Yahuah Acoustics Vol2 no textI was watching one of Lamadyahu Yashra’al’s teachings on The Original Covenant last week from, and he quoted a verse that was so familiar to me, but for some reason, and it must have been The Ruach, the verse hit me hard like it never had before, and a song came over me all at once.

I had to pause his video teaching and record the song in my phone before I could pay attention to Lamadyahu’s lesson. The Verse is Philippians 2:5, and the song that hit me seemingly out of the blue goes like this…

Let this mind be in you which was also in Yahusha Ha Mashiach. Phillipians 2:5

I would love for us to focus on this verse for the next 7-day scripture challenge. Let’s start tomorrow. You with me? With the world in the state that it’s in, we know that no one will save us but Him. So let’s keep our minds STAYED on Him. It’s that mind – or mindset, that pulls me through every day. And I’ll share more with you in another video for the scripture challenge itself. But for now, let’s all praise Yahuah and let this song ring out in our hearts… “Let this mind be in you which was also in Yahusha.”

Leave a comment on the blog if you enjoyed the song, and I’ll see you back here at Set Apart Heart tomorrow for the next 7-day scripture challenge. Also keep the next recording in your prayers. The date is booked and i’ll be headed to the studio on October 28th. Thank you sooo much to everyone who has given love gifts from their heart to support this work. All praise to Yahuah Most High.


-Hadarah BatYah

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New Song. “Strengthen Your Heart.” Hebrew Roots Music.

New Song. “Strengthen Your Heart.” Hebrew Roots Music.

your heartShalum shalum, it’s Hadarah…

How are you enjoying the scripture challenge so far? I pray those of you who joined in are allowing the message of Yahuah to make an imprint on your heart. For myself, Psalms 27:14 turned into more than just a scripture challenge.

Yahuah gave me a new song to share with you, and it’s called “Strengthen Your Heart.” I pray that you will allow the message to resonate inside your being. As you wait on Yahuah, let his Word run deep so that He can strengthen your heart. Enjoy the new song in the video below.

Wait on Yahuah, be of good courage, and He will Strengthen Your Heart. Wait, I say on Yahuah.” Psalms 27:14

I’ll be heading into the studio this fall to record my 3rd album since launching Set Apart Heart. If you’d like to make a donation to the project, your love gifts are always welcome. I know some of you do give from time to time even without me asking, and I appreciate you all so much. May Yahuah continue to make you glad and may He forever strengthen your heart. If you enjoyed this song, leave a comment below. Talk soon!

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True Liberation (Audio Stream) YAHUAH Acoustics Vol.2

True Liberation (Audio Stream) YAHUAH Acoustics Vol.2

YAHUAH ACOUSTICS vol.2This song is for the broken hearted. For the one who has to push through the pain. I pray “True Liberation” from Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 will truly reach deep into your heart. This song is for you, my brother, my sister, and for all that you’re going through.

To be honest, this song is for all that I’ve been going through as well. Six Days ago my relationship with Yahusef ended. I finally learned to listen. I learned that being in love with the idea of love is a very dangerous thing. We must take our time and pay attention to the wise counsel that is given from the start. All too often we ignore red flags and caution signs, simply because we just don’t want to see them.

Even though my relationship has ended – a new journey has begun. Yahuah knows – He ALWAYS knows what’s best. After 11 months with Yahusef it won’t be easy to be on my own. But I know I’m never alone. And neither are You.

Yahuah leads and guides us into all truth. He is the only one who can give us true liberation. So let’s lift our voices and say HALALUYAH! Enjoy the audio stream of “True Liberation” below. Trust and believe, Yahuah’s truth will make us free.

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:26, The Cepher

Let me know if this music is making an impact in your life. Leave a comment below if you need true liberation.

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New Song “Uahabtah et Yahuah.” Plus Immersion pics.

New Song “Uahabtah et Yahuah.” Plus Immersion pics.

Shalum! There’s a new song for you in the video below.  It’s based on The Shema, Deuteronomy 6:4-12. It’s called “Uahabtah” which means “You shall love” in Hebrew.  I hope that it inspires you and lifts you up. Let me know what you think in the comments below. I also just recently got immersed as some of you may have already heard 😉 That’s My Yahusef and I in the pic to the left. I managed to squeeze a few more immersion pics into the video with the new song below.

Special thanks to Medadyahu Yashra’al from for coming all the way from Virginia to help us do the immersion in Canada.  Huge shout out to Ardean Peters, my pro photographer friend from for capturing the special moments pictured in the video and supporting this significant marker in my journey. And i can’t forget Lamadyahu Yashra’al from, who teaches us Hebrew and Torah lessons every single week.

Although these moments in time were beautiful, I know the journey ahead is going to be hard. Life in this Hebrew walk is NOT going to be easy simply because we are set apart. Time is short and life will only get harder for us until Yahuah comes to take us home. But through it all, we will follow Yahuah, because we know His instructions are true. Let’s all choose to serve Him with everything that is within us. And May we never ever EVER look back.

“Let your eyes look forward, and your eyelids look straight before you. Consider the path of your feet, and all your ways are established. Do not turn to the right or the left, turn your foot away from evil.” Proverbs 4:25-27

Leave a comment on this blog post if you’re committed to Yahuah!

Let’s be ready for Him to come and take us home.


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