I Feel Glad. Hebrew Roots Music.

I Feel Glad. Hebrew Roots Music.

Hadarah Batyah I feel gladHi there.

It’s been quite a while since making a new blog post and video for you. I’ve missed you! Hope that all is well.

With all the craziness that’s going on in the world today, it’s easy to get bogged down with the cares of this life, isn’t it? I’m sure we all have our own reasons to feel down or upset, and rightfully so. But once and a while, isn’t it good to be able to shake all that off and just rest in the arms of Yahuah? Isn’t it awesome to know that we’re in the truth and walking in the light? If you’ve got no other reason to be happy, those should be reasons for you to feel glad.

And on that note (no pun intended) I just wrote a new song today – thought I’d share it with you! It’s called “I feel glad” You can enjoy it in the video below. The lyrics are based on Psalms 118:24 and John 12:36. Hope you enjoy the song… Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Thanks for spending time here with me… I pray that the music has lifted you up! May Yahuah’s will be done.

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Halaluyah Now I Live (Audio Stream)

Halaluyah Now I Live (Audio Stream)

Hi there,

I made something special for you. Hope you like it. It’s the audio stream version of Halaluyah Now I Live from the EP Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 I hope the photos and the music inspire you and lift you up.

Enjoy the audio stream in the video below.

If you liked this audio stream, leave a comment on this blog post and let me know. I’d be happy to do more of these for you! You can support this work by downloading this music on iTunes, Amazon, or GooglePlay.

Hope you have an amazing week. Remember, Yahuah is your strength!

Peace & Love,

-Hadarah BatYah

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Yah is Love. Hebrew Roots Music.

Yah is Love. Hebrew Roots Music.

Hello there!

I’ve got a new song for you. It’s a simple little song about Yahuah’s Love. There are times in our lives when we look for love in all the wrong places. When we do that, all too often we have to learn the hard way. The scripture says in the Song of Solomon “Do not awaken love until it so desires” for a very VERY good reason 😉 So let’s all slow life down a little, breathe in and breathe out, and bask in Yahuah’s love.

I hope you enjoy this song in the video below. It’s entitled, Yah is Love.

Thanks for taking the time to listen, If this song was meaningful for you, leave a comment below and let me know. And feel free to share this with a few of your friends who need a little love in their lives 😉

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Hold On. Hebrew Roots Music.

Hold On. Hebrew Roots Music.

Hold On 2It’s been almost a year since I last recorded a Spiritual for you. This is the kind of music that can be compared to nothing else. Truly it was designed to help you endure. Here’s my take on the Traditional Negro Spiritual, “Hold On” -with a Hebrew Roots twist.

This song was made popular by Moses Hogan and Mahalia Jackson. As always, I changed the lyrics and used Yahuah’s name. I pray that this song will be an encouragement for you. No matter WHAT you are going through, continue to look up. Hold On. Hold On!

May Yahuah continue to give you strength. Enjoy the video below. Hold On.

If you can’t see the video above for some reason, feel free to use this link to view it on youtube.

“Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones. Here are those guarding the commands of Alahiym (Elohim) And the belief of Yahusha.” Rev 14:12.

Time is short my friend. Just keep holding on. Don’t forget to share this with someone who might need to be encouraged. You’re not alone in this walk – so leave a comment if you’ve been encouraged, share this with a friend, and lift your brother or sister up.

We’ll talk again soon.

Much love,

-Hadarah BatYah.

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Words to Say. Hebrew Roots Music.

Words to Say. Hebrew Roots Music.

words to say hadarah batyahWhen you’re in the presence of Yahuah… do you ever run out of words to say?

That’s what I’ve been experiencing lately… I just haven’t had many words to say… I used to feel like maybe that was a bad thing… that I couldn’t find words to say when in prayer… after all, prayer is communication, kind of like a conversation right? But then I remembered the scripture that says…

“Do not be hasty with your mouth, and let not your heart hurry to bring forth a word before Alahiym (Elohim) … For Alahiym is in the heavens, and you are on earth, therefore let your words be few.” Ecclesiastes 5:2

I have SO much to be grateful for… and sometimes my heart wells up with tears of joy before Him… It is SO humbling to be walking in truth and living in His presence… If you’re struggling right now, please know that Yahuah really does hear your prayers. He understands exactly the feelings that are on your heart. Even if you don’t have the words to say… all you have to do is just find yourself in His presence… that special place where it’s just you and Him… just being there even if you just remain silent before Him… still, it’s beautiful…just being in that place… so beautiful…

The song in the video below is called “Words to Say” I wrote it many years ago when I was a Christian Recording Artist. The song came back to me in my worship time this morning… so I changed some of the lyrics to make Yahuah’s name shine through. I pray this song will meet you where you are and lift you up….

Enjoy the video below.

Keep pressing through and stay encouraged my friend! Yahuah has you on His mind. Though this blog post was short, I pray that it was sweet enough to guide you to the place you and I both need to be… in the beautiful presence of Yahuah. If this blog post was meaningful for you, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You, O Yahuah, my rock and my redeemer.”  (Psalms 19:14) Halaluyah.

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Need more time for Yahuah? Try this. (It’s Finally here!)

Need more time for Yahuah? Try this. (It’s Finally here!)

Man Listening to Yahuah Music from Set Apart HeartRaise your hand if you would like more set apart time for Yahuah… Would you like more time to focus and meditate on who He is? Do you sometimes feel defeated and distracted and wish you had more time to focus on His Word? Just a few weeks ago, I sent out a survey to my my email subscribers, and I asked them what they found was lacking most in their worship experience and their personal devotional life. Two things came up over and over again in their responses.

The first thing that people mentioned was lacking the most in their devotional life was set apart music. The second thing was set apart time. Set-apart Music, and Set-apart time. Two things we need a lot more of. If you agree with those sentiments and wish you could have more of either or both, leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post. I’m sure that you are not alone.

Many of you lead very busy lives. With work, school, family, or all of the above and more, it can seem like there is always SO MUCH going on. Praise Yah for the Shabbat, but apart from that special day, do you feel like you have everything you need to continue growing on our spiritual journey from day to day? Or do you just wish you could have some more time to sit down, recharge, and refocus.

A wise person once said to me, time management is a fallacy. You can’t manage time, you can only manage what you choose to do with it. There will always be 24 hrs in a day- you can’t add any more no matter how hard you try. So how much of that time will you choose to spend with Yahuah?

YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.1 Hadarah BatYahIf you’re struggling to keep everything in balance, sometimes it can help to have support.  Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 is FINALLY here. I recorded this set apart acoustic music for you so that you can get access to music and motivation any time you need some encouragement.

If you’re stressed at work, taking a 5 min break to listen to the music on this recording can help to bring you back to the place of peace where you need to be. Or if you need to unwind after a stressful day and you can’t find the words to pray, this recording will help you do that. This music is a tool that you can easily fit into your schedule, anytime, and anywhere you choose. The end result is that this music will bring your heart back to a place of worship.

If you’re an email subscriber and you’ve been waiting for this, you know exactly what to expect. Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 is 20 mins of acoustic set apart music to help you focus on Yahuah and keep your mind stayed on Him. Many of the lyrics come straight from the scriptures, and as you go through your day, those lyrics will come right back to the top of your mind so you can live them out through your heart.

If you’re new to the blog click the following link to subscribe so you can get a free music download or just fill out your name and email in the box at the bottom of this blog post.

If you’re already a subscriber and you know you need more set apart music in your life, Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 is now available on iTunes just for you. Go get your copy today.  I pray this recording makes a huge impact on your life.

Sending you peace and love,

-Hadarah BatYah

Wanna Preview the Music on iTunes? Click the screen shot below.

Hadarah BatYah on iTunes

PS. The price you see on iTunes today will not be the same forever. Take advantage of what you see there now and download the EP today. Consider this your early bird special <3

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