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music & motivation for your spiritual journey starts here.Making new music. A look behind the scenes.
I’ve been making new music for you! It’s been quite the adventure cause I’m doing things a little bit differently this year. You’ll hear all about it in the 3 min video below. There’s also a sneak peak of my new single “Heal our Land” which will be released in February, 2018. I pray it will be meaningful for you and that you’ll enjoy.
After you let go. Life Lessons.
Have you ever made the decision to let go of things in one area of your life? And then Yahuah challenged you to take things to the next level?
Learning to let go and let Yah lead. Life Lessons.
It’s not always easy to let go, but if we can truly learn to slow down and let Yahuah lead, surely, He will lead us all the way Home.
Spring is Here. What’s in Your Garden?
The most important thing we need to do is ask ourselves what seeds we’ve allowed to be sown in the garden of our own hearts.
See Myself. Poetry. Reality. Scripture.
I wasn’t going to share this, but sharing the reality of vulnerable moments like these gives others permission to do the same. An original Poem. See Myself.
Have Faith. Prepare to Fly. Scripture Challenge. 1 Corinthians 2:9
We all struggle at times. Pain is real for everyone & faith can pull you through it. If you need a little encouragement, join us for the scripture challenge
He will make a way. New Hebrew Music. Audio Stream
I pray this reminds you that no matter what season of life you are in, Yahuah, by His almighty powerful hand, surely can, and will, make a way
New Hebrew Music. Heavenly Things. Audio Stream.
It’s my prayer that this song will help focus on heavenly things. As you go through this life, with the world-wind that is happening around you, always remember, Yahuah is in control.
Set your affection on things above. Colossians 3:2 Scripture Challenge
Do you ever feel anxious about all the crazy stuff that’s happening in the world today? If so, I don’t blame you one bit. Join the 7day Scripture Challenge.
Good Morning Yah. New Hebrew Music. Audio Stream.
New song for you from the album “Peace of Mind” called “Good Morning Yah” I hope it helps to makes your morning worship with Yahuah even sweeter.