Shalom Mishpacha, I hope this message find you well. I have some new music for you! I finally finished the full arrangement of a song I wrote several years ago called, Be Still. And just in time for the feast of Atonement which is coming up soon. Yah be praised. I hope this music will help you to focus on Him.
“Be still, and know that I am Elohim; I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth!
יהוה of hosts is with us; The Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ is our refuge. Selah.”
Psalms 46:10,11
A lot of my heart, mind, and soul went into the arrangement of this song. And I’m SO happy that it’s available for you now. Not only to enjoy on YouTube, but offline as well. I pray that the message in this Psalm will lift your heart so that you can worship. In the midst of your trials, you can focus on the power of Yahuah. Be still and know that He is Yah!
The lyrics are based on Psalms 46. Especially Psalms 46:10. I encourage you to read the whole chapter. It’s powerful. As you spend time in Yah’s word, just pause and meditate on His power. His power not only formed this world, but His power can mold our hearts. Will you let Him mold your heart today?
I hope you enjoy the music in the video below.
Yahuah knows you. He’s calling you Higher. There is more work for you to do. Continue to trust in Him, and let Him lead.
Be Still is available now on iTunes/Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and soon everywhere else that music is available for streaming and downloads. I thank you SO VERY MUCH for all of your support over the years!! I pray this song will minister to your heart and become a part of your life offline and off YouTube as well. All praise be to Yahuah Most High. Be still and know the He is Yah.
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Spring of 2013 is when I first came to know Yahuah. I spent 3 months working on an organic farm with a group of people I didn’t know. They weren’t religious or spiritual at all. The farmer was just some random, regular guy. The group of young people who were working there were all just random people too. Regardless, I believe Yah led me there – away from all the people I knew, away from all the busyness, and the noise of city life; to a quiet place where I was essentially alone, surrounded by nothing but sheep, cows, vegetables, and a great big beautiful sky. Being in that environment allowed me to slow down and be still enough for Yahuah to reveal Himself to me. I learned His name and started to understand more about who I was in Him. Creation always reveals His handiwork. (Psalms 19:1) That’s how I know Yah is still in control.
Pics above are from the Spring/Summer of 2013 on a farm just outside of Ottawa, Ontario, in Canada. Loved it so much.
Ten Years Later
It’s been 10 years since the day I came to know Yahuah on that farm. There is still no doubt in my mind that Yah is in control. Over the years, Yahuah has always been my peace of mind, but in the last year or so, I’ve been feeling a special kind of peace. I feel rooted now. Like a tree. (Psalm 1:3) Now that I’m living out in the countryside with my husband, and we’ve planted our own garden, watching the garden grow constantly reminds me that Yah is love, and that He’s still in control. Spending time alone with Him, especially in nature, brings a peace and sense of balance that I have yet to experience in the same way anywhere else.
It’s not just a bed of roses
There are a million and one things that could go wrong. Attacks on every side.
If you’ve ever tried to grow some of your own food, you already know this. There are a million and one things that could go wrong. Attacks on every side. Literally, It’s not just a bed of roses. A gopher could start munching on your beets and potatoes – burrowing unsightly holes in your garden and stealing from your crops from below the surface. A deer could stroll by and decide your lettuce looks delicious. Snack snack snack. Another attack. That same deer might tell his friends, and then sneak in at 3am to munch on your peaches. (Yes, we actually waited up one night to scare them away lol). Wild turkeys could waddle into your strawberry patch and peck at your juicy little fruits. Squash bugs, tomato horn worms, cabbage moths, and grasshoppers are just a few of the pests that might start to snack on your stuff. And what are you supposed to do when all these things happen? Pause. Remember this – Yah is still in control. By His mercy and His love, Yah provides the harvest.
What do YOU do?
Our belief in Yahuah is what brings true peace of mind.
What do you do in your everyday life when attacks or challenges come your way? Trials may come at home. Stress levels may rise, pushing your family to the edge. Trouble may start at work. You could be forced into making a choice that could cause you to loose your job. Spiritual attacks may test your belief. You may feel depressed or get really anxious. So how do you handle it all? Pray? Fast? Meditate on Yah’s word? All of these practices are simply designed to remind you that Yah is in control. So if you ever feel helpless, it’s okay. Pause. Remember this. Yah is still in control.
You’ve been there before. Or maybe you’re going through some trials and tribulations right now. If you can identify with what I’m saying today, leave a comment and say, “Yah is still in control!” Our belief in Yahuah is what brings true peace of mind. I pray the video I made for you below brings you the same. By His power, and His love, you’ll see the sunshine, the hummingbirds, and some of the first Summer fruits from our garden. Yah gives us all we have! He’s still in control. I’m just here to remind you of this, and give Him praise.
Look at the birds of the heaven, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father does feed them. Are you not worth more than they?
Matt 6:26
The song featured in the video is above is called “Yah is Love” from my album, Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 I hope the song and the video above brought you a little more peace of mind today. Always remember, Yah is in control. His promises never fail. And yes, I am still working on the next album 🙂 Song by song, I’m recording here at home. Really happy with how it’s going so far. Hope you can be patient with me until it’s done. If you’re already subscribed, you’ll be the first to hear about it when it’s ready.
Leave a comment below if you enjoyed today’s post. I really love sharing little moments in the garden with you, and I hope you enjoy them too. Thanks for spending time here with me at Set Apart Heart.
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Rain. A blessing from Yahuah. Too little can lead to death and drought, too much can lead to utter destruction. Without any rain at all, where would we be?
“Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow upon the mountains…” Psalms 147:8
Throughout history our people always relied on Yah to send rain. Today is no different, Yahuah is the one in control. Just like a typical Mediterranean climate, here in California, we go through about 6 months of extremely hot, dry weather, and about 6 months of cool, cloudy weather with rains. For the last several years, California has been in a state of drought. The rainy season hasn’t been so rainy. This year, it rained so much that the drought seems to be coming to an end. Praise Yah! Yahuah is the one who sends the rain in its season. It’s a blessing to all those who are ready to receive it.
The question is, when it rains, will you be ready to receive it?
Many parts of California are actually flooding right now. In many places, the soil was left uncovered for so long that now it’s no longer porous and is unable to receive the rain. In our garden, we use wood chips as a covering layer. You may have heard of “The Back to Eden Method” made popular by Paul Gautschi. The wood chip mulch helps to soak up and absorb the rains when they fall, and slowly release the water and improve the soil underneath it. All praise to Yahuah, we haven’t seen any flooding here. The wood chips as a covering layer really works. We also use berms and trenches like you see in permaculture gardening. This helps the rain to sink deep into the garden, and be stored underground down near the roots of trees and other plants where water is needed the most.
Just like my husband had to work hard to build those trenches, we have to let Yah do His work in us.
My husband dug the trenches in our garden when we first moved into our home last year. Before we moved in, the ground was hard and compacted. You could visibly see lines of erosion where the rains were running away from the property down into the main road. This year is our first year seeing the berms and the trenches we dug in action. For us, the rain is a beautiful thing! As it rains, the trenches fill up, then the water sinks down into the ground where it’s needed. It makes me think of how much Yahuah wants to rain down blessings on us all.
Yah wants to pour out His Ruach, His Spirit in us! But first, just like my husband had to work hard to build trenches so that we would be ready to receive the rains, we have to let Yah do His work in our hearts so that we will be ready to receive His blessings. The Word of Yah can form our hearts into the shape of an open vessel, so that we can be filled by The Ruach Ha Chodesh, and bear much fruit.
“My Word that goes forth from My mouth – it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for.” Isaiah 5:11
If you’re going through a dry season in life, don’t just let your heart wither up and become barren. Don’t let the distractions of this world pull you so far from Yah that your heart is unable to receive the rain or even hear His Word. The Spirit of Yah, The Ruach Ha Chodesh, wants to fall on you just like rain. And when it does, you will bare much fruit. So let’s keep our minds fixed on Yah; stayed on heavenly things.
‘“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares יהוה. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
Read Isaiah 55:8-13
The song featured in the video above is called, “Heavenly Things.” It’s from my album called, Peace of Mind. I hope you enjoyed it! If the music and the message on today’s blog post was meaningful for you, leave a comment down below and share your thoughts. It’s always good to hear from you, Mishpacha.
And thank you all so much for your support. Especially with the release of my latest single, Living Water Flow. Every download and every stream, on every platform, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and even on YouTube, it all makes a huge difference, and I’m truly grateful for your support. Let’s continue to keep our minds on heavenly things. See you down in the comments!
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Shalom Mishpacha. I have some good news for you! After much trial and error, I can finally officially say that there’s a new recording coming out next week. (Edit: it’s actually available now 🙂 I feel SO relieved to be in this phase of creating music again. It’s been a little over 3 years since I released any new recordings. Can you believe it’s been so long?
The reason I push myself to keep making music is because we ALL need more motivation on this spiritual journey.
With all the noise and stressful messages that surround us, we all needgentle reminders of scripture playing in our hearts and minds. That’s the reason I push myself to keep making music. We ALL need more motivation on this spiritual journey. So as long as there is breath within me, I’ll continue to use my gifts for Yahuah, and make music that helps us meditate on His Word so that we can endure till the end.
‘But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. ‘
Matthew 24:13
The reason I’m SO excited about this single is because it signifies a new chapter for me. I’ve finally reached the place where I wanted to be back in October 2020 when I first moved to California from Canada to permanently be with my husband. Back then, I thought I would just be able to push out new music and record the same way I did back in Toronto when I was still single. But if you’re married, you know! Everything changes when you get married.
When you find that balance, and you finally let go, and push perfectionism aside, it’s worth it, so worth it.
My husband has always been super supportive, in fact, he’s always wanted me to do my music full time. But maintaining a healthy marriage while immigrating to a new country, fully coming to understand my new role when I arrived, then moving out to the countryside after we purchased a new home, learning to record and mix my own tracks in the new space, not to mention planting new gardens and finding balance in life – well it all takes time – A LOT of time! For me, it took about 3 years! And the truth is I’m STILL learning. But when you find that balance, and you finally let go, and push perfectionism aside, it’s worth it, so worth it. All praise to Yahuah Most High!
So finally the phase of life my husband and I have been working towards is finally here. Everything is settled. It’s time for me to create, record, and share more and more inspiration with you. Again, I say ALL PRAISE TO YAHUAH MOST HIGH! So next week on Thursday March 2, 2023, you can click here to get the new single, Living Water Flow, based on Revelation 21 and 22. For now, you can enjoy a short little sneak peak of the final track in the video below.
If you’re looking forward to this new release, and all the music that will come out after, share in the joy, celebrate this new phase with me, and drop a comment down below! I’ll see you back here next week for the release of Living Water Flow. Your feedback means a lot, so thanks for coming on this journey with me. I’ll see you in the comments below!
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‘And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of Elohim and of the Lamb.’
Revelation 22:1
It’s the rainy season here in California. While some parts of the state have been flooding and experiencing terrible sink holes, by Yah’s mercy my husband and I have been blessed to see our garden soaking up all the rain. Yah has been really good and I have to give thanks.
We also spent some time away in Jamaica since last catching up with you. I’ve been feeling so renewed since coming back from our trip! While we were away, we spent most of our time swimming, snorkeling, watching sunsets, and just staring at the waves in ocean as you can see in the photo above. All that time by the water made me think of The Water of Life – The Living Water in the book of Revelation. That’s what inspired me to write this new song called “Living Water Flow.”
The focus of this scripture song comes from two of my favorite chapters in Yah’s word: Revelation 21 and Revelation 22. These chapters bring us to the end of the story, when all our troubles are over, and everything is beautiful and renewed. Scripture teaches us that Yahuah’s word is trustworthy and true. One day He’s coming back again to make everything brand new!
I pray the music and the message will motivate you to keep on walking in truth. Let’s look forward to that day when all will be renewed! Leave a comment below if the music makes you feel more peace, more hope, and a little more renewed. Enjoy the video below.
‘And I saw a renewed heaven and a renewed earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.’ And I, Yoḥanan, saw the set-apart city, renewed Yerushalayim, coming down out of the heaven from Elohim, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a loud voice from the heaven saying, “See, the Booth of Elohim is with men, and He shall dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and Elohim Himself shall be with them and be their Elohim.
“And Elohim shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying. And there shall be no more pain, for the former matters have passed away.”’
And He who was sitting on the throne said, “See, I make all matters new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and trustworthy.” And He said to me, “It is done! I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Taw’, the Beginning and the End. To the one who thirsts I shall give of the fountain of the water of life without payment.’
Revelation 21:1-6
“Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.’
Revelation 22:14
Be encouraged Mishpacha. Let’s keep on walking on this journey together! This new song hasn’t been recorded yet, but the other music that I’ve previously recorded is right here.
After you hear “Living Water Flow,” let me know if you would like me to release this song as a single down in the comments below. Or if there’s another one of my songs from YouTube or the blog that isn’t on an album yet, and you’ve been waiting for it to be recorded, let me know. My goal is to have a new recording done before the Spring feasts this year. I’d love to start with your faves! Okay, see you in the comments. Talk soon!
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Hi there, I’m Hadarah Batyah. I sincerely believe that in order to have a spiritual walk that is authentic and true, the Word of Yahuah must be written on the inside of our hearts. That's why I write scripture songs and set apart music. Although I don’t have everything in my spiritual life all figured out, I know that Yahuah gave me the gift of music to serve Him and encourage your heart. I pray you'll be inspired by what you see on this blog. If you're curious and wanna know more- I tell it all on the About Page.