This week for scripture meditation, I decided to start recording a new series of videos called “Rest and Relax.” It begins with the first few chapters of The Book of Proverbs, along with some of my favorite time-lapses from our garden.
“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels”
Proverbs 1:5
I don’t know about you, but this time of year always seems to get a little more busy than usual for me. I find myself doing a WHOLE lot of work in the garden. As much as I love it, sometimes I just try to do a little too much all at once, and then I REALLY feel it. I think we can all get like that sometimes. We just push ourselves to reach our goals, and that’s a good thing, but we also need to balance that out with time to rest and relax.
There is so much wisdom in The Book of Proverbs. Soaking that in, and meditating on Yah’s Word is what it’s all about. I pray this audio recording of Proverbs will bring you a little more peace of mind, so you can draw nearer to Yahuah, as you rest and relax in Him.
“My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.”
Proverbs 3:1,2
I pray this “Rest and Relax” series will be a blessing to you. If it is, I hope you’ll share it with a friend. We can all use a little more encouragement to rest and relax in Yahuah. I’m planning to do the entire book of Proverbs, Yah willing. So subscribe to my scripture meditation YouTube channel @setapartheart if you’d like to see more.
Also, my latest blog post features Proverbs 3:1,2 as a spontaneous scripture song.
Click here to enjoy my little Proverbs 3 Song. I pray it blesses your heart.
If you have any scriptures you would like me to read for meditation in the future, let me know. Your feedback is always welcome 🙂 My husband has requested The Book of Ecclesiastes once Proverbs is done. I LOVE Ecclesiastes. And Proverbs was actually his idea too lol. Okay, I’ll see you in the comments section below. Would love to hear your thoughts.
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This week, the meditation I have to share with you is a new song called “Have Mercy on Me” based on a scripture requested by one of the Mishpacha on YouTube. Shout out to @Freebru112 for his request: Luke 18:35-45.
“And it came to be, that as He was coming near Yeriḥo, that a certain blind man was sitting by the way begging. And hearing a crowd passing by, he asked what it meant. And they reported to him that יהושע of Natsareth was passing by.
And he cried out, saying, “יהושע, Son of Dawiḏ, have compassion on me!” And those going before were rebuking him that he should be silent, but he was crying out much more, “Son of Dawiḏ, have compassion on me!”
And יהושע stopped and commanded him to be brought to Him. And when he had come near, He asked him, saying, “What do you wish Me to do for you?” And he said, “Master, to receive my sight.”
And יהושע said to him, “Receive your sight! Your belief has saved you.” And immediately he received his sight, and was following Him, praising Elohim. And all the people, seeing it, gave praise to Elohim.”
Luke 18:35-43, The Scriptures 2009
Praise Yah, the story of the blind man crying out to Yahusha really resonated with me. There are so many things I can’t see in my life. I can’t even see tomorrow! But I’m grateful Yahuah has the power to reveal all mysteries. Not only can he make a blind man see, and calm story seas, He still allows music to flow through a broken vessel like me. It’s not every week music flows like this. So right now I’m truly grateful.
This song is like a prayer. I pray that as you listen, you will ask Yah to have mercy on you as well, for none of us is perfect. May Yah open your spiritual eyes to see whatever it is that He wants you to see. It could be something Yah has in store for your life, or maybe it’s a deeper understanding of His Word. Perhaps you have a decision to make, or you just need confirmation or more clarity. Regardless of what it is, may Yah have mercy on us all as we put our trust in Him.
Enjoy the music below.
‘Let thy mercies come also unto me, O Yahuah , Even thy salvation, according to thy word. ‘
Psalm 119:41
Let us all give thanks and praise to Yahuah our Elohim for His mercy endures forever and His truth to all generations. Oh how we all need His mercy and love!
Please share this post with a friend if it was meaningful for you. We all need more of Yahuah!
l’ll see you down in the comments below.
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Yahuah put this new song on my heart while my husband and I were awake keeping the watch during The Passover. It really resonates with me now as we are in the midst of The Feast of Unleavened Bread. I pray it will lead you to a place of worship through The Shabbat, and the days to come.
The scriptures below were on my heart when this song came to me: Psalm 141:2, and 1 Corinthians 5:7-8.
“Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Messiah our passover is sacrificed for us:
Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
1 Corinthians 5:7-8
No matter when you decided to keep the feast this year, I pray this song is a blessing to you, both now, and through the years to come. Let’s allow Yah to remove the scales from our eyes and show us the leaven in our hearts, cleansing us, so He can make us new again.
Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; And the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. ‘
Psalm 141:2
I pray you are having a blessed feast, Mishpacha! Have a wonderful Shabbat as well 🙂
Let me know how The Passover has been so far for you!
Ok, l’ll see you down in the comments below.
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Shalom 🙂 It’s Hadarah. I have some new music for you today! But first, a few thoughts to ponder.
How many times have you felt like your prayers have gone unanswered? Does it ever feel like it’s taking too long time to hear from Yah? When this happens, you might start to feel more and more alone. The new song I wrote this week reminds you that you’re never alone. I pray it brings you closer to Yahuah.
Having unanswered prayer is not an easy pill to swallow. Especially when you’re living what seems like a righteous life, or praying for things that seem to be in line with the will of Yah. But can we really know the will of Yahuah?
We can assume that we are praying according to what we think He wants for us, but sometimes, as humans, we can be a bit narrow minded. Wouldn’t you agree?
‘“For who has known the mind of יהוה? Or who has become His counsellor?” “Or who first gave to Him, and it shall be given back to him?” Because of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all, to whom be esteem forever. Amĕn.’
Romans 11:34-36
Personal Testimony.
My husband and I want to have children, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Every year as we get older, I start to wonder if it’s going to happen at all. Is Yah not opening my womb because He hasn’t heard my cry? Does it mean He doesn’t care? Is there something in my life that still needs to change? Is there some unconfessed sin?
“The righteous cry, and יהוה heareth,
And delivereth them out of all their troubles.”
Psalm 34:17
Yah’s timing is perfect, and He always hears His children cry (Psalm 34:17). If it’s His will, for my husband and I to have children, it will be done. When it happens, Yah will surely get all the praise. But this week I started to consider the fact that just because Yah told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, doesn’t mean that is His plan for me personally.
Maybe Yah hasn’t given me children yet because he wants me to be free to write more songs to comfort his children before having to comfort my own. Maybe He wants me to finally finish the next album before I get even MORE distracted, and it doesn’t ever happen at all. Maybe Yahuah just wants me to be faithful in the few things He already gave me before He gives me more (Matthew 25:23). I pray Yah continues to mold my heart and allows me to fully submit to His will. The truth is, making music is still being fruitful, even if it’s not in the physical realm.
“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy servant. You were trustworthy over a little, I shall set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ ”’
Matthew 25:23
Have you considered how Yah’s plan might look different for you than what you expected? If you’re struggling with the same issue as I am, I know a lot of people do, and you’re not a musician or you don’t know your gift, there are still other ways for you to be fruitful. Maybe you can foster a child, or consider adoption. Maybe you can become a Big Brother/Big Sister, or just support the children in your extended family or friend group. Whether you’re a musician, teacher, doctor, lawyer, trash man, or tax man, Yah has a purpose for you life. He’s never going to leave you alone. He wants you to reason with Him so everything can be sorted out and settled. But we have to humble ourselves to hear His guiding voice.
‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith יהוה : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. ‘
Isaiah 1:18
Instead of making a scripture meditation this week, as I mentioned, I wrote a new song for you 🙂 The new song is called “Never Alone” and it’s based on a several different scriptures. Hebrews 13:5-6, Psalm 139:9-10, Deuteronomy 31:8, and Isaiah 1:18. They all came up in my personal scripture reading time, and praise Yah, a song came out of it! Yah willing I’ll still have time to make scripture meditation videos this weekend. I want to try some shorts. Subscribe to the scripture meditation channel for that. For now, I just want to share this new music with you. I know there’s someone out there who needs to hear it.
‘ If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. ‘
Psalm 139:9-10
I hope this blog post was meaningful for you, and that it leads you closer to Yahuah.
Leave a comment below and share your thoughts! If the message resonated with you, you can say “I’m never alone!” Share this with a friend if you know someone who needs to be encouraged. No matter what you’re going through, or what questions you have about life, remember, you are never, not ever alone.
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It’s easy to become complacent. At least, I know it is for me. After more than 10 years of walking with Yah, I sometimes find myself getting a little too comfortable. Whenever I think I have it all together, Yah sends me a reminder that I don’t. And I’m grateful for that cause it prompts me to reach out and rely on Him. I need Him to unite my heart to fear His name.
Scripture says in Psalm 53 that there is none who does good.
“Elohim looked down from the heavens on the children of men, to see if there is a wise one, seeking Elohim. They have all turned aside; They have together become filthy; No one is doing good, not even one.’
Tehillim (Psalms) 53:2-3
Even Yahusha himself said, in Mark 10:18,
“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim.”
So how can we ourselves ever come to the point where we feel we have arrived? Yes, Scripture calls us to be perfect, (Genesis 17:1; Matt 5:48), and I don’t believe Yah would ever instruct us to do something that couldn’t be done – by His strength. I do believe we can become perfect, or complete in Yahusha (Colosians 2:9,10), but we have to be careful not to ever think that we already know it all. It’s in those moments where we can sometimes become prideful, rely on our own strength, and fall. If our actions, our words, or our thoughts show that we are becoming puffed up, or even just double minded, then we have to examine ourselves.
Jeremiah 17:9 reminds us about the true state of our hearts. It says,
“The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it? ”
This is why I believe meditating on Yah’s Word is so important. We need His word to overwrite the sin that is naturally in our hearts.
Psalm 86:11 was the focus of my scripture meditation this week. It’s a prayer to Yah to unite our hearts to fear His name. In this day and age, it seems most have lost the fear of Yahuah, especially His name. So I put Psalm 86:11 together with excerpts from various scriptures in a meditative form for you below. The video footage is all from clips that I filmed on my nature walks this week. You’ll hear sounds of nature, and also me playing the soft acoustic guitar. I pray the message of this scripture meditation calls you higher. It certainly did for me. Let’s continue to seek His face, and worship Him!
‘Teach me thy way, O יהוה ; I will walk in thy truth: Unite my heart to fear thy name. ‘
Psalm 86:11
Leave a comment below if Yah has been calling you higher. We can only reach those heights if our heart is united, not double minded, but singly focused on this walk of truth. Thank Yah for His mercy and forgiveness. Where would we be without Him?
Let us learn to fear the name, the character, and the reputation of Yahuah, so we can reflect the same to all those who have eyes and ears to see and hear it. May Yah bless you as you continue to meditate on His Word.
If this scripture meditation was meaningful for you, share it with a friend. It may be meaningful for them too. Okay, I’ll see you in the comments section below.
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Hi there, I’m Hadarah Batyah. I sincerely believe that in order to have a spiritual walk that is authentic and true, the Word of Yahuah must be written on the inside of our hearts. That's why I write scripture songs and set apart music. Although I don’t have everything in my spiritual life all figured out, I know that Yahuah gave me the gift of music to serve Him and encourage your heart. I pray you'll be inspired by what you see on this blog. If you're curious and wanna know more- I tell it all on the About Page.