Special Announcement. Free Gift for YOU.

Special Announcement. Free Gift for YOU.

Hadarah BatYahHello there. I have something very special to share with you today. It’s a free gift! If you’re up to speed with what’s been happening here at Set Apart Heart then you’ve seen my behind the scenes video in the last blog post, and you know that I just finished doing some work in the recording studio.

I recorded 7 songs for you. 6 of them are for the new EP, YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2, which will be released in just about 2 weeks on November 22nd, 2015. The 7th song is one that i want to share with you right now as a special gift.

The song I chose for your special gift, was chosen based on the comments and the shares from you all on on youtube and other social media. I think this song may just be one of your faves 😉 The special gift is “Trust in Yahuah” and the recording is available now – and it’s free for all my blog subscribers.

If you’re already subscribed to Set Apart Heart, check your inbox cause the gift is there waiting for you. If someone shared this post with you and you haven’t subscribed as yet, you can subscribe right here. Just sign up with your email address and you’ll get the free song. You’ll also get “Let My People Go” the free song I gave out last year when I recorded Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1. Subscribing to Set Apart Heart also means you’ll hear from me on a somewhat-weekly basis with encouraging words, more music, and motivation for your spiritual journey.

YAHUAH ACOUSTICS vol.2This special gift in song is just my way of saying THANK YOU! It costs quite a significant amount of money to do professional quality recordings like what you will hear on YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2, and I appreciate your support so much more than words can express. The community here at Set Apart Heart has doubled in size over the past year, and it’s all because YOU are sharing the music & motivation you receive here with each other. Whether it be via email or on social media, I know you’re out there cause I hear from you, and i see you tagging and sharing my videos and blog posts. So THANK YOU! Very much. All praise goes to Yahuah. I pray this recording of “Trust in Yahuah” will be one that you enjoy over and over again as an encouraging word in song.

So I’ll see you back here on the blog for the release of YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2 on November 22nd. Until then, subscribe in the box below and enjoy your special gift! Sending you all my love and hugs.

-Hadarah BatYah

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You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.

New Studio Recording. Behind the Scenes.

New Studio Recording. Behind the Scenes.

Hadarah at MetalworksHey! It’s Hadarah…

I’ve been in the Studio recording new music for you.

YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.2 is coming out Early November 2015. I praise Yahuah for the opportunity to make this available for you. There’s a video posted below with highlights from the studio so you can listen in on what is yet to come 😉

A lot of heart and soul (not to mention funds) went into this recording. The investment in making projects like this is worth it for me, because I know how much of an impact this music makes in your life. It’s so meaningful to hear back from you all in comments here on the blog, so do let me know your thoughts after you watch the video below.

My prayer is that watching the video above was a real encouragement for you. Vol.2 is on the way. If you somehow you missed out on YAHUAH ACOUSTICS Vol.1 you can get it here. It’s also iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play. Soon you’ll be able to enjoy the new music on a whole other level- anytime and anywhere you want.

If you enjoyed this video, leave a comment below, and remember to share with a friend who might enjoy it too!

Sending love and hugs…

-Hadarah BatYah

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Trust in Yahuah. Hebrew Roots Music.

Trust in Yahuah. Hebrew Roots Music.

image How many of you remember listening to The Clarke Sisters? I grew up with their albums on repeat in my house. Thanks mom 😉 Some of their music has stuck with me till this day and I just wanted to share it with you.

Below you’ll see a video.

I pray you enjoy the song as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. I pray it inspires you and motivates you to keep moving forward on this spiritual journey. Trust in Yahuah.

If for some reason the video above is not displaying for you click here to view it on my youtube channel.

Trust in Yahuah with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Know Him in all your ways, and He makes all your paths straight. ” Proverbs 3:5-6, The Scriptures.

If you enjoyed this music leave a comment below and share this with a friend who needs to be lifted up.

Sending love to you,

-Hadarah BatYah

Let’s stay connected.

Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.

You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.

The Name of Yahuah. Three Resources.

The Name of Yahuah. Three Resources.

Hadarah BatYahHi there -it’s me, Hadarah. I have some resources for you about the name of Yahuah. You’re going to see links to three videos below.

Do you remember several months ago when I shared my testimony in a blog post entitled, “Why do we call on The Name?” Since sharing that post, I’ve gotten a lot of follow up questions sent to my email inbox about the name of Yahuah.

People often ask me, How come you feel so sure about the name of Yahuah? How do you know it’s not Yahweh, Jehovah, or one of the other names that people say? I’ll start by saying this. There is a lot of confusion out there. There is also a lot of tradition that can often get in the way of the truth. I always say -I’m not a teacher, but if I know that something is true, I’m happy to share why I believe it. So I’ll share some resources with you below on why I choose to believe our Heavenly Father’s name is Yahuah.

Disclaimer: This is not an attack on any one group or individual. We are all seeking to get to the same place. The Truth. There are many different interpretations of how to pronounce letters and sounds in Hebrew. The most important thing to remember is that Zepheniah 3:9 reminds us that when Yah comes again, He Himself will restore a pure language to His people. All we can do until then is our best. This blog post is simply a way for me to share with people who are curious about why I believe the Father’s name is Yahuah. I hope it helps those who are seeking to know.

OK here are the three videos you can use as a resource.

The first video is from one of the Hebrew teachers I used to learn from many years ago, Medadyahu, from Living Branch Hebrew Assembly. 18-20 mins into the video you’ll see some great resources as he compares pronunciations of the letters in Yahuah’s name inside of the concordance with other words that have the same letters. I hope this helps you on your journey! He mentions several sources. It’s 30 min long. Here’s video 1.

The second video is from Lew White from Torah Institute. He goes into the ancient Hebrew, and where letters like W came from in English too. This is actually a video that I saw early on in my journey and it was so simple that it convinced me the most out of all the videos that I had seen at that time. This video is about 10 min long. Enjoy watching Video 2.

And finally, I wanted to share a more current video with you from Truth Unedited. It’s 30 min long. Here he explains “The Ineffible Name” doctrine and why people even say “THE LORD” today. It’s not just out of reverence or respect. If you’d like to hear some of the historical info he presents, Here’s the link to video 3.

The Name YHUH YHWH YahuahI pray these videos will be a spring board for you on your spiritual journey. I pray that you will use them to do more research and to continue to seek after the truth.

If you have already seen these videos – you can still share this post with a friend. There are so many people who still don’t know the truth about Yahuah’s Name. And yes, it matters.

If you are Buddhist, you call on Buddha, if you’re Hindi, you call on Krishna, if you’re Muslim you call on Allah, and no you would not use another name.

Micah 4:5 speaks on this idea. It’s one of my fave texts.

“For all the peoples walk, each one in the name of his mighty one, but We walk in The Name of Yahuah our Elohim forever and ever.” Micah 4:5
You’re welcome to share your comments and feedback in the comments below. And if you missed the music from my last blog post click here to enjoy it now, Praise be to Yahuah. Let’s all keep looking up!!
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Praise be to Yahuah. Hebrew Roots Music.

Praise be to Yahuah. Hebrew Roots Music.

Hadarah BatYahLately I’ve been going through some things in my life… Don’t let these smiling eyes fool ya. If you know me well, you know that I’ve been kind of quiet lately. But I haven’t forgotten the reason why this blog was started in the first place: To provide music & motivation for the people of Yahuah. Life is rarely as smooth sailing as we expect it to be, I’m sure that you have been going through your situations too, but through it all, we find reasons to give praise. And that’s what this blog post is about. Yahuah truly has been merciful. We can’t allow ourselves to ever forget that.

Before sharing some new music with you, I have to testify about the piano you’re gonna hear in the song below. I started writing this song a few months ago, but I couldn’t find the chords I wanted to play on the guitar for some reason. The song just came to me like a melody all by itself which isn’t usually how music happens for me. So I put the song off till later thinking I’ll work it out another time. When later came around, I decided to try it on the piano, cause that’s my first instrument. Mind you, I hadn’t touched the keys since I wrote “Yah is Love” for you all a few months ago.

IMG_8744Well… As I touched the keys and tried to play this new song I was writing, I quickly realized that the middle C  key and all its octaves no longer made any sound. At first I was upset! How could my keyboard be broken!!??? I’ve had it for SO LONG!!! But then I realized something… I’ve had the same keyboard since I was 4 years old lol. It lasted me almost 30 years – that keyboard doesn’t owe me anything lol. So I changed my mindset and decided to be happy cause I had an excuse to buy something new. Praise be to Yahuah I had enough in my little savings to go ahead and make an investment in a Roland F-20. Nothing left in my savings now – but praise be to Yahuah anyhow lol. I LOVE the new digital piano. Getting ready to go into the studio to record again soon, and I’ll have a beautifully inspiring instrument to practice on as I prepare for volume 2 of Yahuah Acoustics.

So in your life- when things happen that you don’t expect, trust that Yahuah has a plan. Maybe Yahuah’s getting rid of something old in your life to make space for something new and improved. The scripture below is a symbol in my life on so many different levels, I know it will apply to you too. Isaiah 43:19 says…

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”

OK it’s music time. Praise be to Yahuah! Enjoy the video below.

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