Praise be to Yahuah (Audio Stream) Hebrew Roots Music

Praise be to Yahuah (Audio Stream) Hebrew Roots Music

Hadarah BatYahHi there. It’s Hadarah 🙂 I made something special for you. It’s an audio stream of Praise be to Yahuah, from Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2.

It took me several hours to find just the right photos and put them together in the audio stream for you below. So I pray it makes a positive impact in your life and leads you to a place where you can worship our Heavenly Father. I know mid week sometimes you just need a little help to get away from the cares of the world. Sometimes you just gotta throw up your hands in praise and let it all go. Hopefully the audio stream below will lead you there. Watch it as many times as you need to, it’s a special gift.


Hadarah & MomBefore you watch the audio stream below, I gotta give thanks. Last week I left for Florida to visit my mom for 5 days. That’s her next to me in the pic blowing kisses lol. She lives out there on her own and I hardly get to see her. While I was there I was just SO GRATEFUL to Yahuah for the warmth and the sunshine. I just got back home to Toronto yesterday and wow…. I had to face the snow HEAD ON lol. Although my trip was short I truly am grateful for the time I got to spend with my mom and in the sun. Do you have anything to give Yahuah thanks for? Let me know in the comments below.

I know winter is a hard season for a lot of people. It gets so cold and lonely and It’s hard for me too, TRUST ME. That’s why I ran away for a little while. Praise Yahuah for random cheap tickets too! Found my round trip from Toronto to Florida for only $250!!! The last time I went out there was two years ago – so I praise Yahuah for being able to have a short escape away from my day job and all the cold. I pray Yahuah sends you a special deal so that you can run away too 😉

Praise be to YahuahBut If you can’t get away, and you’re stuck where you are, I hope the virtual sunshine in the audio stream below will help. If you live in a cold climate, or if you need some spiritual sunshine in your life, let this music lift you up!  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and share this post with a friend who needs some something sunny to smile about 😉

Let’s all sing Praise to Yahuah.

Enjoy the audio stream below.

Thanks again for watching. I hope to see you in the comments, tell me something that you’re grateful for. You can support this work by downloading the music on iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play. And if you already downloaded the music, Thank you! Share this video with a friend!  Let’s make Yahuah known in all the earth. I’ll see you in the comments below Mishpacah, talk soon.

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Psalms in the Night. Hebrew Music. Psalms 84.

Psalms in the Night. Hebrew Music. Psalms 84.

Hey, it’s Hadarah,

Hadarah BatYahI’m thinking about starting a new feature on the blog here called “Psalms in the Night”

After you watch this video, let me know your thoughts. I used a little app called Acapella to put it together for you.

The lyrics in this song are from Psalms 84:1 and Psalms 86:3,4. I wrote this song last Shabbat night. It came to me when I had no words to pray. I just opened the scriptures and prayed the Psalms. This music is what came out. I hope this song can be a prayer for you as well.

Enjoy the video, and leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts.

If you can think of two people who would be encouraged by this song, please share this post with them! Sharing is caring 😉

I’ll see you in the comments.

-Hadarah BatYah

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What’s your biggest obstacle to spiritual growth?

What’s your biggest obstacle to spiritual growth?

Hadarah BatYahHey guys, it’s Hadarah.

Most of you have seen my video on Why I’m no longer a Christian. When I recorded that, I never expected the video to get the 22,000 plus views that it currently has. All esteem goes to Yahuah.

When I started Set Apart Heart, it was just a place for me to share my testimony, and the music Yahuah had given me for Yashra’al (Israel). It’s been almost two years of blogging here and there are a lot more people coming into the truth. So many people are finding out who they are though favour of Yahuah. He’s opening people’s eyes and they are longing to reconnect to their Hebrew Roots and follow His ways. HalaluYahuah.

This is a small community but it’s growing. And I REALLY want to take some time out to get to know you. When I first released Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 there were about 200 people on the mailing list here at Set Apart Heart.

YAHUAH ACOUSTICS vol.2Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 came out just about a month ago, and at the time I am writing this, there are currently 590 people on the list. All esteem goes to Yahuah’s name. I know there are more people who will come, but before they do, I want to understand how to serve you better.

Your heart is what matters to me the most.

This blog is NOT just about my personal testimony, it’s about you, and your need for spiritual growth. We all have a need for spiritual growth. If we’re not growing, we’ll all be slowly dying. Set Apart Heart is about us growing as a Hebrew community together. So is it ok for me to ask you a personal question, so that I can get to know you more?

I’d love for you to answer the following question about yourself in the comments section below. You can also shoot me an email with the answer (but it REALLY helps me keep every thing more organized if you comment here on the blog.)

So here’s the question to answer in the comments.

What is the biggest obstacle you face when it comes to your spiritual growth?

In other words, what frustrates you the most about your spiritual journey?

Is it finding time to pray?

Is it the fact that you’re alone?

Not enough time to study the scriptures?

No energy to be able to focus in prayer?

No support from your family and friends?

In all honesty, I’ve struggled with ALL of the above. For you, maybe it’s none of the above, and you have some other obstacles that are getting in your way. If you would be so kind as to share that with me in the comments below I will be sure to read what you say. Sharing your thoughts will help us ALL to grow.

Spiritual growthThank you so much (in advance) for being willing to open up. Even if you don’t have much to say, every word you share will be treasured. And if you’re not struggling with your spiritual growth right now, you can share some of the things you wish were happening in your spiritual life that are not. Your honesty makes such a big difference. We’re all human so don’t be afraid. I want to share some of my struggles with you and the journey of spiritual growth that I am on too. You’re not alone in your journey and in addition to the music I share, you can expect me to start sharing more content about my own spiritual life as well. We’ll be growing on this journey together. Heart to heart. We’ll stay set apart.

I look forward to reading your comments below.

So don’t be afraid to share. Here’s the question to ask yourself and answer in the comments section again.

What is the biggest obstacle you face when it comes to your spiritual growth? Or What frustrates you the most?

I’ll see you in the comments! Talk soon.

Let’s stay connected.

Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.

You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.

Need More Set Apart Music? It’s Here.

Need More Set Apart Music? It’s Here.

If you’ve been waiting for more set apart music in your life, it’s finally here. Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 has JUST been released!

You can use this music to bring your mind back to a place of peace so you can worship your Creator in Spirit and in Truth. Yahuah’s name is lifted high on every single track. Enjoy the music in your car, at home, running errands, anywhere, anytime.

Click here to preview and download Yahuah Acoustics Vol.1 & 2 by Hadarah BatYah. It’s available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and pretty much everywhere else that people shop for music online.

Share the good news about Yahuah Acoustics vol.2 with your friends so that you can and enjoy the music together! You can share this page on social media or email the link to your friends.

Hadarah BatYahLeave a comment below if you’re excited about the music, I’d love to hear your thoughts! A lot of love, time and effort went into this new release, and i hope and pray it will make a positive impact in your life. So don’t be afraid to tell me about what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling down in the comments below.

Sending big hugs to you! See you in the comments 😉

Let’s stay connected.

Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.

You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.

Trust in Yahuah (Audio Stream). Special Gift.

Trust in Yahuah (Audio Stream). Special Gift.

Hadarah BatYahHey, it’s Hadarah. Just wanted to share this video with you.

It’s an audio stream of Trust in Yahuah. As the pictures came together with the music & lyrics in the song, I actually shed a tear a time or two. Yes, I know, I’m a total sap lol. I tear up pretty easily lol. But lately I’ve been thinking about everything that our people have been going through…. and will go through. So much on my mind. Too much to share right now. But through it all we learn to trust in Yahuah. We know that He’s coming for us soon.

The pictures in this video remind me of how everyone has a story. And I know that you have one too. There is so much more happening behind the surface of what we all see. Whatever it is you are going through in life, I hope the video below inspires you to continue to Trust in Yahuah.

Oh and remember, this song is available as free gift in an MP3 Download. It’s for every person who subscribes here at Set Apart Heart. It’s my way of saying thanks for all the support.

YAHUAH ACOUSTICS vol.2And yes, my new EP Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 is coming out on November 22nd, 2015. That’s next weekend. So I’ll see you again here on the blog real soon! Until then, enjoy the audio stream of Trust in Yahuah. If you enjoyed the music & the message in this post, remember to share this with a friend who needs to be encouraged.Someone you know could very well be feeling alone, so share this post directly with them.

Leave me a comment below cause i like to hear your thoughts! Sending love and hugs your way. See you in the comments…

-Hadarah BatYah

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