Seasons Change. Psalms 1:3 Song.

Seasons Change. Psalms 1:3 Song.

“The flowers have appeared in the earth; The time of singing has come,

And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.” 

Song of Solomon 2:12.

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE when Springtime rolls around. Nothing beats the fresh, blossom-filled breezes, and the sweet sound of birdsong in the air. It’s exciting to see the fruits and nuts that are beginning to appear on the trees out here in Central California. This is the time of year where all of Yah’s Creation gives Him praise! It’s truly inspiring.

Just before Springtime came, my husband and I moved out to the countryside. Yah blessed us with a little piece of land to call our own – HallauYAH! It’s just between the mountains and the valley. Truly a beautiful, inspiring place! We’ve been planting seeds, clearing weeds, growing gardens and watching the buzzing bees as our flowers bloom. We’ve just been living a nice quiet peaceful life. There’s still a lot of work to be done on our property, but we are enjoying every minute of it – truly grateful!

Being constantly surrounded by nature has inspired this new little song. I made a video of the song for you below. As usual, it’s just a simple song. None the less, I pray that it lifts your spirits, and inspires you to keep on growing – spiritually, mentally, physically – to be all that Yah is calling you to be. The song is called “Season’s Change” and it’s based on Psalms 1:3 and 1 Corinthians 13: 11,12. If the song is meaningful for you, leave a comment below that says, “Yah please help me grow as seasons change.”

Blessed is the man who shall not walk in the counsel of the wrong, And shall not stand in the path of sinners, And shall not sit in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the Torah of יהוה, And he meditates in His Torah day and night. For he shall be as a tree planted by the rivers of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and whose leaf does not wither, and whatever he does prospers.

Psalms 1:1-3

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned as a child. But when I became a man, I did away with childish matters. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know, as I also have been known. 

1 Corinthians 13:11,12

I hope that the music and these verses inspired you today. No matter how long you’ve been on this set apart journey, there’s always room to keep growing. There’s always more levels to experience with our Creator, Yahuah. I pray Yah helps us all to continue growing closer and closer to Him, especially as season change. I’ll see you down in the comments.

-Hadarah BatYah

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Forever Reign. Psalm 113. New Music.

Forever Reign. Psalm 113. New Music.

This song is far from perfect. Just finished writing it yesterday. But it’s been SO LONG since I’ve shared any music, that I decided to go ahead and put it out there. This song is called Forever Reign, and it’s based on Psalm 113. I pray this song leads your heart to worship Yah! This is why we are here after all – to worship and lift our hearts to praise to His set apart name. Through the good and the bad, the ups and the downs, from the rising of the sun, to the setting of the same, the name of Yahuah is to be praised.

From the rising of the sun to its going down, The Name of יהוה is praised.

Psalm 113:3, The Scriptures

I pray this song was meaningful for you. Feel free to leave a comment below if you enjoyed it. I’ve recently made some major adjustments to my schedule and shifted my priorities so that I can devote more time and dedicate my mornings to making music. I admit, I have been going though a bit of a weird phase with music, and I know that it’s a spiritual thing. My husband, and all my friends and family have always been supportive of me making music, but I realize that even after all these years, I’m still growing. I have a tendency to run away from being devoted to the call. Even after all this time, I’m still learning exactly how to be all of the woman Yah is calling me to be. I don’t want to make any promises, but I do pray that this is just the beginning of more music to come. I definitely missed making music, and connecting with all of you. So I hope to see you in the comments below 🙂 even if it’s just to say hello!

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Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song.

Be Still and Know. Psalms 46:10 Song.

Sometimes things happen in life that we don’t understand. It’s in those times where we get the opportunity to learn to be still and simply trust in Yah. Before I get into a little personal story, I wrote a new song based on Psalms 46:10. It was actually written back in 2019, but I never shared it until now. I hope that it adds meaning to your life in this time, especially with the way the world is going right now. If the music prompts you to be still, leave a comment below and say, “Yah, help me be still.”

Be still, and know that I am Elohim; I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth!”

Psalms 46:10, The Scriptures

So here’s the story. 3 studios. 3 times. No new recording. I reached out to 3 different recording studios about recording my next album, and believe it or not, none of them worked out.

The first studio was a little sketchy, for reasons I won’t get into here. The second, for no apparent reason, completely disappeared. Literally – the recording engineer spoke with me on the phone one day, verbally confirmed he was excited about working together, and then the next week, and for weeks after, he was no where to be found. No phone, no email responses, no nothing. Totally weird. And the third studio – well? I actually had a solid date booked to go in an work with them, and they completely forgot about my appointment and went out of town. Believe it or not, they forgot about me twice lol. I know, crazy, right? Needless to say, I moved on.

With 3 completely different studios not working out, I started to wondered if Yah was trying to tell me something. Was something supernatural going on? I’ve never had problems recording my music with studios in Toronto, why was this so hard in California? Blaming this all on the state of the world just didn’t sit well with me.

I went through a period of doubting whether I should even be recording at all. If I can be candid here, I don’t always feel like making music for public ears. Sometimes I really have to push myself to make space for it. It would be easy for me to say, “Well, I tried.” Or to throw my hands in the air and say, “Oh well, it didn’t work out.”

Be still and know…

Sometimes the idea of just living my quiet peaceful life without posting anything online seems really nice. But I know Yah gave me the gift of music for a reason. It’s meant to be shared with all of you. It’s in the stillness that Yah reaffirmed that to me. When things don’t work out the way we expect, instead of forcing it, or quitting altogether, just sit back for a while and be still.

Right after the third studio situation failed, Hubby and I just so happened to be moving into our new home. Praise Yah – we love it! The way we found this home was a miracle in itself. We were praying for a place that we could grow into, and just be peaceful and settle down for the next few years. Yah literally dropped this place in our laps, and we are so grateful. It’s more than we could have ever asked for.

Make Space.

In the physical.

And the spiritual.

So as I paused to be still, and considered the blessing of our new home, I started getting the impression that Yah was trying to lead me in a new direction. Maybe Yah just wanted me to start learning how to record at home? We finally have the space to do it. So why not? For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love Yahuah, those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

The only challenge I’m facing now is myself. I’ve made the investment in some new equipment, now I just need to learn how to use it all. Thankfully the same recording engineer I worked with in Toronto in the past is still available to mix and master my tracks once they’re recorded. BUT I still need to get the actual recording done myself since I’m in California. Yah is stretching me in this area because I need to learn how to use new software to get this done, and making time for that is the most challenging part. I just want to be real with you about all of this. At this time, I really don’t know when the next recording will be done. Please pray for me as I learn new skills!

Be happy in real life.

Not just on social media.

To help me stay focused, and for many other personal reasons, I’ve deleted my Instagram and Facebook pages. I still have my Youtube and Twitter (for now). Making music means more to me than being present on social media, and at the end of the day I want to remove as many distractions as possible so I can focus on what matters the most. There’s a lot of pressure to share and sometimes over share when we’re on these various platforms. Not to mention, they just lead me to waste a lot of time. In the end, I’ve found that I just enjoy my life a lot more without most forms of social media. I still value my connection with you all here at Set Apart Heart, so thanks for still being around!

Between now and my next post, may Yah keep you and continue to guide you as you practice being still. Sometimes, it’s the only way to make it through in this crazy world. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments below. Let me know if you too are feeling the need to be still. Just type out, “Yah, help me be still” And feel free to leave a testimony or prayer request so the community can read it and pray for you as well. Always remember, you’re never, not ever alone. I’ll see you in the comments below!

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Thank You Yah. Psalms 95 Song.

Thank You Yah. Psalms 95 Song.

2020 has been crazy. In a world where isolation, pain, and suffering is all around us, we still have a lot to be thankful for. We know that Yah is on our side and He is fighting for us. I’ve seen this in my own personal life time and time again. Not only did He bring me across the border to be with my husband in the midst of a global pandemic, with every document and piece of paper that I needed arriving exactly on time, but weeks after getting here, Yah provided me with a full time job – working from home! What a blessing in times like these! Praise Yah that my husband and I can work together as we move toward our life goals one step at a time. And next Sunday, Yah willing, I’ll FINALLY be back in the recording studio making more music for you.

Right now, I’m tired as I learn to balance all that’s new in my life – but my heart is full, and I’m grateful. So I wanted to share this song of Praise to Yahuah. I hope it inspires you to give thanks, regardless of your circumstances. Praise Yah through the good and the bad, because He is our Creator, and He never ever fails.

Come, let us sing to יהוה! Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. For יהוה is a great Ěl, and a great King above all mighty ones. In whose hand are the depths of the earth; The mountain peaks are His also. His is the sea, for He made it; And His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down and bend low, Let us kneel before יהוה our Maker.

Psalms 95:1-6 (Read the whole chapter when you have some time)

Leave a comment below if you believe Yah is your almighty Power. If you have nothing else on your heart to say, just say, “Thank You Yah!” Don’t let the mess of 2020 harden your heart. For Yah inhabits the praises of His people. We need Him to dwell in us now, to prepare us to endure till the end. If you have a testimony to share, or a prayer request, you know you’re always welcome to share that below too. Let’s encourage one another in the comments below, and give Yah all the honour and the praise.

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A New Chapter Begins. Praise YAH!

A New Chapter Begins. Praise YAH!

Shalom! Long time no see 🙂 Just wanted to share the good news with you! I’ve officially moved to the United States from Toronto, Canada in order to be with my husband FULL TIME. Praise Yahuah! We are SO GRATEFUL to FINALLY be together FOREVER. The process has taken almost two years! So now that the stress of uprooting myself every few months to either visit or go back to Canada is over, I can finally relax and focus more on music. My goal is to get the next recording out to you all before the end of 2020. Yah willing, as soon as possible. Let’s see if the world keeps on turning lol. If I can get into a studio that works for me before any potential shut downs happen again that would be ideal.

I pray that you all will stay encouraged as we continue to endure till the end. Remember no matter what you’re going through in life, Yah has a purpose and a plan for you. So just try to be patient and continue to stay in the Word and press on. If you’re reading this and you’re going through a similar situation as I just did, or if you’d like to have special prayer for anything else that’s on your heart, feel free to do so in the comments below. It’s always good to reconnect with you!

I’ll let you know how things progress the new music when the recording is almost ready. Until then, let’s continue to keep our hearts set apart. Yah bless you Mishpacha 🙂

Much love,


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