Shalom! Long time no see 🙂 Just wanted to share the good news with you! I’ve officially moved to the United States from Toronto, Canada in order to be with my husband FULL TIME. Praise Yahuah! We are SO GRATEFUL to FINALLY be together FOREVER. The process has taken almost two years! So now that the stress of uprooting myself every few months to either visit or go back to Canada is over, I can finally relax and focus more on music. My goal is to get the next recording out to you all before the end of 2020. Yah willing, as soon as possible. Let’s see if the world keeps on turning lol. If I can get into a studio that works for me before any potential shut downs happen again that would be ideal.
I pray that you all will stay encouraged as we continue to endure till the end. Remember no matter what you’re going through in life, Yah has a purpose and a plan for you. So just try to be patient and continue to stay in the Word and press on. If you’re reading this and you’re going through a similar situation as I just did, or if you’d like to have special prayer for anything else that’s on your heart, feel free to do so in the comments below. It’s always good to reconnect with you!
I’ll let you know how things progress the new music when the recording is almost ready. Until then, let’s continue to keep our hearts set apart. Yah bless you Mishpacha 🙂
Much love,
Let’s stay connected.
Sign up here with your email and we’ll stay in touch.
You’ll get music & motivation for your spiritual journey.
I pray you continued success in your family and your music ministry.
HalleluYah!! That’s Awesome to hear you are finally here in the U.S. with your Ish. Praise be to YAHUAH.Thank you for all your motivation through your music it helps me more then I can put into words.
Kristen, I am SO SO glad the music has been helping you. Stay encouraged and keep on looking up!! All praise to Yahuah Most High 🙂
Blessings I am so happy for you. As we delight ourselves in Him, He gives us the desires of our hearts. I am so happy for you. We are blessed we pray with you for those that are in needl
Thanks for joining in prayer Denise – Yahuah be praised 🙂
Wow! Cant believe you sent this message to me . My husband and I are going through same thing I have been travelling to Turkey for 2 years to see him and we are just wanting on an answer about his visa. I believe your message is confirmation that we are starting a new chapter together ♡♡
Oh I’m so glad this was an encouraging word for you! I pray that your visa comes through quickly! Yahuah’s will be done. Have a wonderful Shabbat Carol 🙂
Shalom and thank you for the update dear sister. Congratulations and Welcome to the USA. We are blessed to have y’all. Stop thru Michigan and chat any time. From Tehillah
Yahuah is great! I’m so happy for you! May He keep blessing you.
Thank you ever sooo much for your email. It is always encouraging to hear from you❣️Great news about your move to the US!!!
Please pray for me, as I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am looking to the Father for my healing and am beginning a diet of herbs and other foods from the Bible to help strengthen my body as I await His healing.
May He bless you and your husband as you continue to share His beautiful music with others❣️
Shalom Tanya, I’m so sorry to hear about your struggle with breast cancer. Will be keeping you in prayer for sure. I’m so glad you’ve made the choice to change your lifestyle as well. May Yah keep you strong and encouraged in Him! Blessings all around sis. 💕🤗💕
Congradulation Hadara
What a beautiful blessing from YAHUAH.
Praise Yahuah! Thanks for the encouraging words Hadassah!! 🙂
HalleluYah!! I selfishly wish you were moving to the East Coast, but nevertheless I am so happy for you and hubby!!
Haha 🙂 Shalom Deja Belle! Thanks for sharing the joy 🙂
You look so happy, Yah has truly blessed you and your husband to finally be together. Praise Yah.
I am waiting for my King and I know in Yah’s timing it will truly happen…you said it…patience, it is definitely the key.
Be well and many blessings and prayers go out to you and your husband!
I pray your Prince will come Della 🙂 If not now, Yah willing, in the millennium! I always told myself that if Yah didn’t send my husband now, I’d trust that He knew what He was doing! Cause I would rather be single than with the wrong man. Plus, it will be wonderful to have children in a peaceful world won’t it? A thousand years of peace 🙂 That’s what I’m looking forward to! If we don’t have kids now, Yah knows why. A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I Yahuah will hasten it in his time. (Isaiah 60:22) Stay encouraged sis 🙂 Yah’s got the whole world in His hand.
Rejoicing with you Hadarah!!! Praise Yah for bringing you both through!
My husband and I are desiring a season of change as well… We are requesting prayer for Yah to bless us with the desires of our heart for ministry.
I hear you sis, may the change you desire soon come! And may Yah lead you and your husband to the place He is calling you to be. Keep on looking up Benito!
Thank you very much for all the lovely songs and I really enjoy to hear those songs because they make the name of our father YAHUAH TSVAUT to be known.
All praises and glory be to YAHUAH TSVAUT & His beloved king YAHUSHA HaMashiach forever.
ABBAH YAHUAH protect you wherever you.
So glad you’re enjoying the music Maluil 🙂 Yah bless you!
Praise Yah! I am so happy that you and hubby are now together in one place! Looking forward to your new recording.
YaHUaH Barak you Hadarah and your marriage… May I ask where in USA you are? Just so you know I’m in South Africa and you have plenty fans here… Much AHaBaH akhuthy..
ShaLaM ❤️
Hi Rudy, I’m in Fresno California 🙂 Feel free to share the music with your friends in South Africa and beyond!! I pray they will all be blessed 🙂 Shalom shalom 🙂
Great!! I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it. I pray it will be a blessing to you and all those who will hear it. Stay encouraged Princess Edna!!
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news! Love, health and blessings for many years to come!
Same to you Amanda! Love Health and Blessings are around 🙂
Congratulations!! Praising Yah for this wonderful blessing!! Have a beautiful day!
Thanks for sharing the joys Noelle 🙂 You have a beautiful day as well!
Hi Hadarah. It is great to hear that you and your beloved doing well. HalaluYAH. Here in Ireland is lockdown level 5, no traveling more than 5 km from your house, you can’t visit your friend or relatives and this sort of things. YAHs Word is calming me down always. His helping me big times as I have a tumors in bladder and two other illnesses and Hi is keeping the pain out of me for all the time ❤. There is non like Him, non like Him. HalaluYAH for ever and ever and ever. I’m so glad that He allowed me to know His name and the name of His Son YAHUSHA. Baruk haba baschem YAHUAH, HalaluYAH.
May YAHUAH ALOHYM pour always His ahab on you and your beloved. Shalum❤
Shalum Miroslav, I am so sorry to hear of your illness and I pray that Yah’s healing hand will remove them as you continue to turn to Him. Lockdown in Ireland sounds VERY serious. I know the whole world will soon be facing things we have never seen before. May Yah be with us all as we endure till the end! Don’t loose hope and keep on looking up. May His love and peace surround you through it all <3
So happy for you! Keep looking up.(smile) HalleluYah!
🙂 yes let’s keep on looking up!! haha. Nice to see you as always Deborah 🙂
Praising YAH I miss you! Glad that you are with your husband and that we will get to hear your beautiful voice again! HALLELUJAH!
Yes! Yahuah’s will be done 🙂 Praise Yah.
Shalom, welcome to USA. Nice to hear from you again. Very happy for you!!
Thanks for sharing the joy Veronica! 🙂
Sooo happy for you both!!
While being an expat Canadian I’ve been living in the USA for more than 40 years: SW Michigan (AU), suburban Maryland (GC) AW Michigan (AU, again) and now retired in the Pacific NE state of Washington!
I pray all the best for you and your husband and of course wherever the Lord leads you!
Much ❤️ !!
LARRYYYYYY 🙂 my mercy it’s nice to hear from you old friend. I pray you are well and that life has been good to you all these years!! Yes, once you’re here in the US it’s not so bad to move to other states. We know Cali may not be our forever home. My husband was born in California, but what with all the fires that take over this state, we shall see. But so far the Central Valley has been safe over the years. It’s super HOT and VERY expensive though, so we will see if Yah leads us to stay here for the long run or not. But thank you for the prayers and I pray you’ll stay blessed and keep in touch 🙂 Really great to hear from you! (BIG HUGS)
HalaluYah!!! Congratulations Sis, that’s awesome news and I’m so happy for you and your husband! Yahuah continue to bless you beyond measure! Your garden is beautiful, enjoy it! Much love & hugs sent to you Sis!
Thanks Kim! The garden has been super fun! Hubby kept it going quite well while I was away 🙂 Praise Yah. Stay blessed sis! And thanks for sharing the joys!!
Congrats May The Most High bless you and your hubby. I remember watching a video where you were discussing how it had been difficult for you and your husband being distant. I am happy to know you and your hubby get to be together now. YAH’s timing is always amazing. Praise Yah 🤗. Have a great rest of the day
Yes! His timing is perfect. We just have to keep on trusting in Him 🙂 Nice to hear from you Ahjenae!
IT’S SISTER JOY am writing through my husband’s account on your blog. Wow! YAHUAH be esteem for indeed his mercies endures forever. His purpose for us in life is always mysterious. But in all patient is our guide to our destination. I also finally joined my husband after one year and some months of our marriage. These are all the fulfillment of abba YAHuaH’s words concerning us. For HE said surely it will tarry but wait for it,for it shall surely come to pass.That’s what really Happened, my hubby sends His regards to you and your family.
Thank you for sharing Sister Joy 🙂 Happy for you and your husband as well! Praise Yah! His mercy endures forever 🙂 Say hello to hubby for me and may you BOTH be blessed 🙂
I praise Yah with you!! Welcome to America!
May it be blessed home for you and a place of
A”miracle” for all of us!!
Yes! Yahuah’s will be done. Let’s see what He will do 😉 Stay blessed Karen!
Congratulations Hadarah! Happy, that you are with your husband.
If you can pray for me, I sincerely thank you!
Hi Oscar, absolutely. May Yah be with you in the midst of your silent request to Him. Stay encouraged through it all, and keep trusting in Him.
Shalom Hadarah! All praises to our King of Kings Yahusha for your progress and now leveling up to move to the US, and to finally be one (physically) with your husband!!! You’re already one spiritually🙌🏽
I can only imagine you alls excitement to finally be one one place! HalaluYAH!
We praise Yahuah for the trials as well. For trials produces patience. And may patience continue to have its perfect work in you😄 🙌🏽
Looking forward to more AMAZING and Spirit filled music. Your music have blessed my life tremendously, since leaving Christianity over a year ago.
Todah. Blessings. And much love♥️
LaShonda, thank you for sharing the joy and for your encouraging words! Means a lot. And I’m so glad the music has been helping you in your life. I pray that will continue to be so 🙂 Yah bless and keep you and your family! <3
I am so happy for you and your hubbie How marvellous are the works of our mighty Elohim, you have been patient and diligent and you have been greatly rewarded. This has made my day. All praises to the most high Yah, may he bless you both continually in all that you do.
Yah bless you too Fumi! Yah bless you too 🙂
Yaaaaay sis! This made my day! Yah is soo good! All things in His perfect timing. HAL LE LU YAHUAH! Love to hear what you’ve been creating in your down time. Shalom and Ahavah ..
His timing is truly perfect! Yah knows what He’s doing 😌 let’s keep on trusting in Him! Stay blessed Toni!
It is so wonderful to see you. Although I am older than you, you taught me so much since I woke up in August 2016! Please pray for me as we all maneuver throughout this maze. So happy that you are with your hubby again. My husband was used by the Ruach to awake me!
Take care,
Praise Yah! That’s wonderful, thanks for sharing Char! Yah bless you and your family 🙂 Shabbat shalom!
Praise YAH!! You’re finally are in the States and are permanently united with your husband! It’s wonderful hearing from you and to see you’re well and gracing us with your sweet spirit. Will continue to pray for you on your journey! Blessings!
Thanks for the prayers Bonita! I pray Yah continues to bless you as well 🙂
Praise Yah! Welcome to the US. I hope for you, that it’s everything you prayed for. wish you and your husband joy and happiness in you new residence.
Thanks Zena – May Yah bless you and your family too 🙂
Praise Yahuah for answering your prayers. You are home where you belong.
Thank you for your music, your music with Yahuah’s Word makes everyday beautiful.
Praise Yahuah – I’m so glad the music is meaningful for you, Michelle! Keep on looking up 🙂
So happy for you!! May Yah continue to bless and keep you guys!!!
Yah bless you too Deanna! Shabbat shalom 🙂
I am here rejoicing with goosebumps for you, Hadarah! All the best to you and yours! Praise be to YAHUAH for this awesome blessing!
Thank you for sharing the joy Adele! BIG HUGS to you sis!! Praise Yahuah 🙂 All the best to you and yours as well!
Praise Yahuah Hadarah
Remember you have referred me to Path To Yahuah & My Living Branch so you will always be in my heart, i am growing in The Walk.
Shalum Shalum
Stay Blessed you and your family!
Praise Yahuah – I’m so glad to hear that Kagiso 🙂 May we all continue to grow in Yahuah! Shabbat Shalum and may Yah bless you and yours as well!
I am very happy for you and all this best in this new chapter!
My prayer request is that YAH will open my womb and grant us a righteous child.
Thank you for helping us pray!
May you be blessed with in Yah’s perfect time with a beautifully righteous child 🙂 I know many have the same request on their hearts – myself included, sis! Yah’s timing is perfect so let’s continue to trust in Him, Camille 🙂 If not now, then in the millennial reign during the thousand years of peace. That wouldn’t be so bad, now would it? Probably even better 🙂 We shall see but all in all Yahuah’s will be done.
That’s great Hadarah! I am very happy for you and your husband. I am also selfishly happy that you will be back to making wonderful music praising Yahuah.
Haha that’s not so selfish – that’s why we’re all here, for good music and fellowship. Yahuah’s will be done! Shabbat shalom Tom 🙂
So happy you have been reunited with your beloved husband. The best of everything in creating great music for us all!
Thanks Anna! All the best to you too! Yah bless 🙂
Praise YAH for your successful transition to the US. Happy for you and your husband. Looking forward to hearing new songs of praise.
Praise Yah! Good to hear from you Tzuri. Yahuah’s will be done through it all 🙂
Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! Love and be happy!
Thank you soooo much!! BIG HUGS 🙂 We are grateful for all you’ve done 🙂 Sending love to you and the fam!!
That’s is so great 😌. I have been enjoying your songs lately and it’s have been helping me. My favorite song from you is Praise be to YAHUAH. May YAH keep you.
May Yah bless and keep you as well Jennifer! I’m so glad the music is helping you. Let’s stay encouraged and keep on looking up!!
I want to say to you my sister welcome to the USA , and may Yahuah keep on blessing you , your music , and his people!
Stay safe!
Thanks for the encouraging words Yahuda Yisrael. May Yah bless and keep you as well! In all you say and do 🙂 Shabbat shalom!!
Shabbat shalum my beautiful sister! Praise The Mighty YAH! I am delighted to hear the good news. I just know that we would meet one day. I am in Florida. I hope you and your beautiful family are too. Can’t wait for the new music to come out!🤗
Much ahab to you my dear achuty and your beloved husband,