Pause. Remember. Yah is still in control.
It was the Spring of 2013.
Spring of 2013 is when I first came to know Yahuah. I spent 3 months working on an organic farm with a group of people I didn’t know. They weren’t religious or spiritual at all. The farmer was just some random, regular guy. The group of young people who were working there were all just random people too. Regardless, I believe Yah led me there – away from all the people I knew, away from all the busyness, and the noise of city life; to a quiet place where I was essentially alone, surrounded by nothing but sheep, cows, vegetables, and a great big beautiful sky. Being in that environment allowed me to slow down and be still enough for Yahuah to reveal Himself to me. I learned His name and started to understand more about who I was in Him. Creation always reveals His handiwork. (Psalms 19:1) That’s how I know Yah is still in control.

Pics above are from the Spring/Summer of 2013 on a farm just outside of Ottawa, Ontario, in Canada. Loved it so much.
Ten Years Later
It’s been 10 years since the day I came to know Yahuah on that farm. There is still no doubt in my mind that Yah is in control. Over the years, Yahuah has always been my peace of mind, but in the last year or so, I’ve been feeling a special kind of peace. I feel rooted now. Like a tree. (Psalm 1:3) Now that I’m living out in the countryside with my husband, and we’ve planted our own garden, watching the garden grow constantly reminds me that Yah is love, and that He’s still in control. Spending time alone with Him, especially in nature, brings a peace and sense of balance that I have yet to experience in the same way anywhere else.
It’s not just a bed of roses

There are a million and one things that could go wrong. Attacks on every side.
If you’ve ever tried to grow some of your own food, you already know this. There are a million and one things that could go wrong. Attacks on every side. Literally, It’s not just a bed of roses. A gopher could start munching on your beets and potatoes – burrowing unsightly holes in your garden and stealing from your crops from below the surface. A deer could stroll by and decide your lettuce looks delicious. Snack snack snack. Another attack. That same deer might tell his friends, and then sneak in at 3am to munch on your peaches. (Yes, we actually waited up one night to scare them away lol). Wild turkeys could waddle into your strawberry patch and peck at your juicy little fruits. Squash bugs, tomato horn worms, cabbage moths, and grasshoppers are just a few of the pests that might start to snack on your stuff. And what are you supposed to do when all these things happen? Pause. Remember this – Yah is still in control. By His mercy and His love, Yah provides the harvest.
What do YOU do?

Our belief in Yahuah is what brings true peace of mind.
What do you do in your everyday life when attacks or challenges come your way? Trials may come at home. Stress levels may rise, pushing your family to the edge. Trouble may start at work. You could be forced into making a choice that could cause you to loose your job. Spiritual attacks may test your belief. You may feel depressed or get really anxious. So how do you handle it all? Pray? Fast? Meditate on Yah’s word? All of these practices are simply designed to remind you that Yah is in control. So if you ever feel helpless, it’s okay. Pause. Remember this. Yah is still in control.
You’ve been there before. Or maybe you’re going through some trials and tribulations right now. If you can identify with what I’m saying today, leave a comment and say, “Yah is still in control!” Our belief in Yahuah is what brings true peace of mind. I pray the video I made for you below brings you the same. By His power, and His love, you’ll see the sunshine, the hummingbirds, and some of the first Summer fruits from our garden. Yah gives us all we have! He’s still in control. I’m just here to remind you of this, and give Him praise.
Look at the birds of the heaven, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father does feed them. Are you not worth more than they?
Matt 6:26
The song featured in the video is above is called “Yah is Love” from my album, Yahuah Acoustics Vol.2 I hope the song and the video above brought you a little more peace of mind today. Always remember, Yah is in control. His promises never fail. And yes, I am still working on the next album 🙂 Song by song, I’m recording here at home. Really happy with how it’s going so far. Hope you can be patient with me until it’s done. If you’re already subscribed, you’ll be the first to hear about it when it’s ready.
Leave a comment below if you enjoyed today’s post. I really love sharing little moments in the garden with you, and I hope you enjoy them too. Thanks for spending time here with me at Set Apart Heart.
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