Are you ready to receive it? Yah sends the rain.
Rain. A blessing from Yahuah. Too little can lead to death and drought, too much can lead to utter destruction. Without any rain at all, where would we be?

“Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow upon the mountains…” Psalms 147:8
Throughout history our people always relied on Yah to send rain. Today is no different, Yahuah is the one in control. Just like a typical Mediterranean climate, here in California, we go through about 6 months of extremely hot, dry weather, and about 6 months of cool, cloudy weather with rains. For the last several years, California has been in a state of drought. The rainy season hasn’t been so rainy. This year, it rained so much that the drought seems to be coming to an end. Praise Yah! Yahuah is the one who sends the rain in its season. It’s a blessing to all those who are ready to receive it.

The question is, when it rains, will you be ready to receive it?
Many parts of California are actually flooding right now. In many places, the soil was left uncovered for so long that now it’s no longer porous and is unable to receive the rain. In our garden, we use wood chips as a covering layer. You may have heard of “The Back to Eden Method” made popular by Paul Gautschi. The wood chip mulch helps to soak up and absorb the rains when they fall, and slowly release the water and improve the soil underneath it. All praise to Yahuah, we haven’t seen any flooding here. The wood chips as a covering layer really works. We also use berms and trenches like you see in permaculture gardening. This helps the rain to sink deep into the garden, and be stored underground down near the roots of trees and other plants where water is needed the most.

Just like my husband had to work hard to build those trenches, we have to let Yah do His work in us.
My husband dug the trenches in our garden when we first moved into our home last year. Before we moved in, the ground was hard and compacted. You could visibly see lines of erosion where the rains were running away from the property down into the main road. This year is our first year seeing the berms and the trenches we dug in action. For us, the rain is a beautiful thing! As it rains, the trenches fill up, then the water sinks down into the ground where it’s needed. It makes me think of how much Yahuah wants to rain down blessings on us all.
Yah wants to pour out His Ruach, His Spirit in us! But first, just like my husband had to work hard to build trenches so that we would be ready to receive the rains, we have to let Yah do His work in our hearts so that we will be ready to receive His blessings. The Word of Yah can form our hearts into the shape of an open vessel, so that we can be filled by The Ruach Ha Chodesh, and bear much fruit.

“My Word that goes forth from My mouth – it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for.” Isaiah 5:11
If you’re going through a dry season in life, don’t just let your heart wither up and become barren. Don’t let the distractions of this world pull you so far from Yah that your heart is unable to receive the rain or even hear His Word. The Spirit of Yah, The Ruach Ha Chodesh, wants to fall on you just like rain. And when it does, you will bare much fruit. So let’s keep our minds fixed on Yah; stayed on heavenly things.
‘“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares יהוה. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
Read Isaiah 55:8-13
The song featured in the video above is called, “Heavenly Things.” It’s from my album called, Peace of Mind. I hope you enjoyed it! If the music and the message on today’s blog post was meaningful for you, leave a comment down below and share your thoughts. It’s always good to hear from you, Mishpacha.
And thank you all so much for your support. Especially with the release of my latest single, Living Water Flow. Every download and every stream, on every platform, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and even on YouTube, it all makes a huge difference, and I’m truly grateful for your support. Let’s continue to keep our minds on heavenly things. See you down in the comments!
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