The Truth is…

Shalom shalom! It’s been a VERY long time since I’ve reached out! How are you doing? I sincerely hope this message finds you well. The truth is, I haven’t been sharing music here because I haven’t been feeling very passionate about music for quite some time now. I do still have it on my heart to finish the next recording. But I always want to be honest with you.
The truth is I’ve fallen in love with gardening – in a whole new way. Yah keeps pulling me into the garden every day, and so I go! I LOVE IT OUT THERE. And it’s hard for me to go against that pull, and to sit down to focus on music. Anyone who knows me in real life can testify to this. I’ve loved growing plants for years now, but ever since we moved to our own property, my Husband and I have become SUPER passionate about all things related to growing our own fruits and veggies. It’s been SO MUCH FUN!
Brings me so much peace and joy. And the truth is I actually love gardening more than I love making music. I hate to admit this to you, because I know you’re mostly here for music, but it’s true!! I love gardening more than I love making music. This doesn’t mean I’m going to stop making music, but the truth is, I do enjoy gardening more.
I find myself feeling so much more peace and connection to Yahuah while gardening. There’s nothing like it! I think it’s because when Yah created this world, He placed us in The Garden of Eden, and at the end of time as we know it, when Isreal is fully restored, we’ll be growing gardens again! So when I’m in the garden, it just feels right – like everything is the way it’s supposed to be. Even when there are challenges with deer or ground hogs or other pests, it just feels right being in the garden and taking care of it. I’m sure those of you who are gardeners know exactly what I mean. It’s just so hard to explain the peace that being close to Yah’s creation brings. So I haven’t said much online, I’ve just been experiencing it all. I hope that today I’m able to share a tiny bit of that experience with you, and that our little family garden brings you at least a portion of the peace that it brings to me.
And יהוה Elohim took the man and put him in the garden of Ěḏen to work it and to guard it.”
Berĕshith (Genesis) 2:15 TS2009
And I shall turn back the captivity of My people Yisra’ĕl. And they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them. And they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them, and shall make gardens and eat their fruit.”
Amos 9:14 TS2009
The pictures and the videos, and background music I shared in the post today, are all coming from my heart to yours. May Yah give you peace and may you feel His love and joy today! Leave a comment below if you enjoy seeing moments like the ones in today’s video. If you do, maybe I’ll share some more. Would love to know your thoughts! Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha 🙂
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